

this is a series of different stories containing different genres.

saher_khalid · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

INTRODUCTION (the contract)

Just to warn you all I am a new writer who is writing mini chapters of different depending genres for fun and to share my story so I hope you won't hate this too much and i would appreciate it if you like it even a little bit.So thank you for reading this.


1906, Vandella De Marquee Mansion ,hallway

Virginia forced by circumstances reached her hand out to the

door handle , but surprisingly the door opened without her touching it and , she fell back out of fright .but all this fright disappeared when she heard a pair of sandles coming towards her .

She quickly got up and ran inside the dark environment of the setting inside the door ,commanded by a sudden impulse.When she finally got in ,she acknowledged what she did and tried to open the door but even after a lot of aggressive tries the door did not budge.

Virginia slid her back down the door and as she sat, her asthma was triggered and her breathing turned rapid as tears flowed down her face .

Virginia remembered the the time she was 6 and

told her mother about the bright red door only

she could see. At that time her mother's lovely smile disappeared as her body went stiff and

her eyes full of fearful shock and she asked Virginia " Y-you see a red door?" Virginia nodded and her mother's breathing turned uneven as she clenched Virginia's shoulders and grimly commanded her "Virginia Vandella De Marquee ,promise me that you will never open that door!" Virginia's flashback ended as she realized that she was in a different setting than before.

She was in a well lit large room with a big window. Virginia walked to the middle after having her breathing turn a bit calmer ,and marvelled in awe at the gorgeous room.But when she came back to her senses she turned around and looked at the place the door previously had been. Virginia heard a large shattering sound beside her and when she turned back she saw that the humongous window had a big crash in the middle through which one could see that behind the glass was pitch dark although the intact gless beside it was shining brightly.

Black, boiling, thick, tar-like liquid started to cascade down from the crack at a rapid pace .Virginia started to shiver at the blood-curling sight and unconsciously started taking steps backwards and struggling, trying very hard to breathe while holding and scratching on her chest.

She was too in pain to realize that her back had hit the wall behind her.while struggling in agony her eyes were still focused on the black liquid oozing out from the cracks that was slowly turning to a scarlet colour gradually.The closer the liquid came to her the worse her asthma became and the more she tried to get closer to the wall.

when the horrifying, bubbling liquid was about 5 feet away from her she started to shriek and screamed like her life depended on it with tears flowing down her face like a river. But to her utter shock and fright suddenly she felt a burning clench on her shoulder and when she looked she was horrified to see that the wall she was just leaning on had spots turning to ashes and from one of those spots near her shoulder had come out a black hand that was seemingly covered with the same tar-like liquid that was near her feet and clenched her shoulder.