

The demon clan paid a painful price for their ambition and greed. Ninety percent of the major demon clans, such as the Canglong clan, the nine-headed lion clan, the golden feather clan, and the phoenix clan, were strong.

All because of the so-called immortal seed that merged with them at the beginning, and became a "tree man" in this catastrophe and became a sacrifice for the ceremony.

The major demon clans also instantly fell from the former altar to the abyss.

The strength of the ethnic group is inexistent, and even some ordinary monsters can't compare.

Of course, the Holy Land of the Human Race was also severely damaged. When the Holy Land fought against the Monster Race, almost all of them lost at least half of their combat power. As for the loss of property, it was even more huge.

Although the catastrophe is over, the scars left in this world need time to heal slowly.

Fortunately, life is like a weed. Even if it has been burned by a fire, it will one day be fragrant grass and flowers everywhere.

Moreover, the people who have experienced this catastrophe have passed through the gate of hell and seem to understand the meaning of life better. The cowardly people have learned to be brave, and the narrow-minded people have become calm.

The joy of the rest of the life has also temporarily dispelled the pain and haze in people's hearts, allowing more people to see the beauty of the sun and make more people believe in miracles.

"Qingyun, Caiwei, the old man was confused back then. Although I can't say anything now to make up for the mistakes I made, I still want to say sorry to the two of you!" The Holy Master Qingxiao said with great sincerity, and he felt deeply. bow.

The real Qingxiao felt ashamed of Li Qingyun and Gu Caiwei from the bottom of his heart.

And from the current situation, Gu Caiwei, the master of the flower world, had the ability and opportunity to destroy the entire Human Race Holy Land countless times.

But she didn't do that, even though the major sanctuaries used her as a flower demon and wanted to get rid of it quickly.

The real Taiqing looked complicated, and wanted to say something, but after all, he couldn't say it.

No one knew that he had also met Gu Caiwei back then, and he had also fallen in love with that beautiful, kind and lively woman.

It's a pity that he is not as brave as Li Qingyun and dares to express his love.

Not as lucky as Li Qingyun, he got Gu Caiwei's heart.

And he, who had just become the Holy Master at that time, cherished his identity more than Li Qingyun. He hid all his feelings, so no one knew his true feelings for Gu Caiwei.

Because of this, he was jealous that Li Qingyun dared to love and hate, jealous that he could experience a vigorous love with Gu Caiwei, jealous that he was braver and freer than himself.

So he was obsessed at the beginning and agreed to the request of the Holy Land, and planned to frame Gu Caiwei and get rid of her.

He nominally beheaded her, but because of his personal love, he chose to capture her and suppress her in the lock demon tower.

Everything is a cause and effect, maybe there is nothing like the past, maybe the Holy Land was more tolerant to Gu Caiwei, and it would not make her hostile and alert to the Holy Land.

I wouldn't let Aoba take advantage of it. By suppressing the name of the Holy Land, I actually wanted to destroy the entire Xianwu world.

All kinds of things today are karmic retribution, and everyone bears the fruit for the cause they planted in the first place.

Taiqing real people can only choose to keep all their emotions in their hearts forever, even now they know that Gu Caiwei is not a demon, but a flower god.

"Let's go!" Gu Caiwei said in a sad voice.

She didn't want to hear sorry, and she didn't need them to say sorry, she just wanted to stay here quietly and protect the home that Aoba had exchanged for her life.

"Let's leave!" said Tianhui Zhenren, he also knew that it was superfluous to say anything at this point, and they could only bear their own fruits and heal their own wounds.

"Caiwei!" Li Qingyun wanted to stay with Gu Caiwei, he knew that Qingye's death would definitely hit her hard.

"You too, leave me alone!" Gu Caiwei said.

Li Qingyun nodded and said nothing, but left the flower world with everyone.

After leaving the flower world, everyone also parted ways. There was a lot of mess waiting for them to deal with, and they didn't have time to sigh and sigh.

Dao Yanzi decided to return to Xianyu first and report the situation here to Daoyi Xianmen.

On the other hand, Li Yu took a group of juniors and disciples and flew towards Qingyun Gate with Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun was silent along the way, and everyone's mood seemed a little heavy.

"Dad, you are amazing!" Li Yu was the first to break the silence. He knew that Dad must be in a complicated mood, so he decided to comfort him.

"How amazing, if Dad had half of your strength back then, so many sad things would not have happened today!" Li Qingyun smiled bitterly.

"You want to help the flower world, right?" Li Yu asked again.

"That's natural. If the flower world perishes, your Aunt Caiwei will die. She has already died once in my life, and I can't see her die a second time!" Li Qingyun said with great melancholy.

"But if you have my strength, how are you going to help her?" Li Yu asked again.

"I heard her say that the Heaven Patching Stone and the power of the origin of the world can repair and reshape the flower world! If you want to get the origin of the world, you need to cultivate to the realm of the Holy Master, in order to absorb the origin of the world from the chaotic void and condense it into The real origin of the world, as for the Heaven Patching Stone, is something you can't find, and it is rumored that it once appeared in the Ten Realms rift in the Chaos Star Territory!" Li Qingyun said.

"The origin of the world? I have this!" Li Yu said with a smile, he had just obtained the origin of the world from the Lingtian secret realm.

"Really?" Li Qingyun's eyes lit up, and his dark face suddenly became brighter.

"Of course, but I don't have the Heaven Patching Stone, but Dad, you have to believe in miracles. I will bring you back a lot of treasures and opportunities this time. Although you may not have half of my strength, it should allow you to have a guardian flower. The strength of the world!" Li Yu hugged his father and said with a smile.

As a traveler, Li Yu actually knew that he was possessed by another abandoned baby after he first came to this world.

So he knew very early that he and Li Qingyun were not blood relatives, but this also made him have a more harmonious and intimate relationship with Li Qingyun.

On the contrary, the generation gap between Lao Tzu and his son and the estrangement between natural enemies are less, and there is a little more relationship between friends.

After Li Yu broke the silence, he also began to chat with Li Qingyun about his time in Lingtian's secret realm.

Although a lot of content has been exposed on the Fenghua List, it is only a small part of what Li Yu has experienced.

The atmosphere of chatting slowly eased a lot, Tang Chi also opened the chat box, and everyone started talking one after another.

During the chat, everyone has returned to Qingyunmen.

Seeing Li Yu and the others returning, the disciples in the sect were also quite pleasantly surprised, although they just saw that the terrifying giant tree disappeared and the world returned to normal.

I just guessed whether Li Yu would come back, turn the tide, and end all this.

Now that I see Li Yu's return, I am more certain of my guess, and I am naturally overjoyed.

Cheers suddenly resounded through the entire mountain top, and countless new disciples finally got to see Li Yu's true face, and they were so excited that they burst into tears.

In the crowd, Lu Li stared at Li Yu with fiery eyes. The moment he saw Li Yu, it seemed like a thunderbolt hit her heart, and the electric current rushed from her heart to her whole body in an instant, crisp and numb.

She has also seen all kinds of arrogant heroes and extraordinary people in Xianyu, although she has not seen those gods and arrogances from ancient families and top Taoist lineages.

But in her opinion, it is absolutely no match for Li Yu.

Even though she had never met Li Yu, even if no one told her who Li Yu was, she pinpointed Li Yu in the crowd at a glance, and determined that that was the person she wanted to know.

The owner of the human body.

"It's really worth it!" Lu Liqiao said with a sweet smile.

After returning to the sect, Li Yu and Li Qingyun came to the head hall together. Li Qingyun chose the treasure that he got to come to, and also asked for opinions on the distribution of various treasures.

Li Qingyun left behind the heaven and earth dao fruit, holy medicine elixir, as well as five supreme bones, the blood of Dapeng, the spirit of Zuwu Emperor Jiang, and the spirit of chaos.

"Give the dragon essence and blood to Zidian Jiaolong! Zhu Rong's essence and blood are for impermanence. As for the rest, you can freely distribute the magic weapon. I'll keep the Panhuang Spirit Sword and Primordial Gourd! You can keep the others first!" Li Qingyun said .

"By the way, Yu'er, there are two things Dad wants to tell you." Li Qingyun said again.

Li Yu looked at Li Qingyun with a look of listening intently.

"The first thing, I'm about to change the name of the sect recently. It's too tacky and doesn't fit the temperament of our grandfather. Dad still thinks the original name is better.

But I just thought about it again, and now our sect is worthy of being the holy land of Xianjia, and there are so many immortals of you, your strength is beyond imagination, even the Heavenly Dao Ranking cannot accurately describe.

So why don't we change the name: it is a sacred place of immortal family that is beyond imagination and indescribable! how? Isn't this name very stylish, and it also matches your temperament a lot!

Moreover, this name also has an advantage, in case you are on any list again, it also has the effect of confusing the public and hiding information. "

"Father, are you sure this name isn't trying to harass me? Also, can we name it with some cultural connotation, don't be so straightforward, make it seem like we don't have any culture, let people know the content just by looking at the name, I don't have the desire to watch it anymore!" Li Yu felt a bit of a headache, and just heard his father said that he was going to change his name, and knew that it was not a good thing.

"Hey, I think I am a sect master, and I don't even have the right to name the sect. It's a failure. I don't deserve to be this sect master..." Li Qingyun looked forty-five degrees and looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Father, I think the original name is not bad. It's a sect of the family. It's innovative, not conventional, straightforward enough, and easy to remember!"

"Okay, this is what you said, then our sect will be renamed that is the family sect!" Li Qingyun, who got his wish, showed a proud smile on his face.

"Okay, as long as you're happy!" Li Yu didn't bother to struggle anymore, he knew that Li Qingyun had been brooding over the fact that he had changed the name of the sect without authorization.

Feeling spared for a circle, is to force himself to choose the original name.

But Li Yu didn't care that much about the name.

The name was changed in order to adapt to this world and the style of writing of this era.

At that time, the sect was not famous, so I could only choose to follow the trend and choose a name.

It is also convenient to attract talents and recruit disciples.

Now that he is famous all over the world, it can be said that their sect has led this era and created a new era.

It doesn't matter what the sect's name is now.

Even if it is called Solomon, rolling shutter door, security door, beast beast door, Yanzhao door doesn't matter!

There are still a large group of people worshipping, and there are countless talents flocking to Chaoyang, wanting to worship Qingyunmen, and even everyone will feel ignorant and clapping their hands in amazement.

"Dad, what's the second thing?"

"The second thing is, I'm going to pass on the position of head to you. Dad is now surpassed by this group of disciples. You must hurry up and practice retreat. Besides, you group of young people have also grown up. It's time to leave. On the stage of history, I have shared some responsibilities for my father!" Li Qingyun said.

"This, this is a bit sudden! I..."

"It's time for Dad to pursue his own happiness!" Li Qingyun said with a smile.

"Okay!" Li Yu also knew that his father had found his true love again, and the second spring was about to begin, so he must fully support him.

After discussing the future of the sect, Li Yu and Li Qingyun together put the Asking Building on the mountain next to it, which will be used as a test place for the disciples of the sect in the future.

Li Yu also came down the mountain and gave Yinglong's blood essence and a few Longyuan Fruits to Zidian Jiaolong.

Zidian Jiaolong was excited with tears in his eyes. He never dreamed that he would have the opportunity to become a real dragon one day, and he never expected to obtain a trace of Yinglong's blood.

Just when Li Yu was busy, Tang Chi became the focus of everyone in the sect.

Like the stars holding the moon, surrounded by the disciples, he began to tell them what happened not long ago and the adventures in the Lingtian secret realm.

Satisfy everyone's curiosity.

"As expected of the senior brother, it's amazing!"

"What happened to the flower world?" Everyone asked curiously.

And the protagonist of the story, Li Yu, also returned to his courtyard again.

At this time, Shan Ruoshui was still busy in Lingzhi Garden.

In the yard, a group of cats are surrounding the ancient Daoyun tree, basking in the sun like a corpse, their faces are full of comfort and enjoyment, as if the catastrophe never happened not long ago.

Pushing open the door, Li Yu walked into the room, and the smell was pungent. He was stunned by the sight in front of him. He looked at the room that looked like a woman's boudoir, and thought he had gone wrong.

"It really is that the tiger is not at home, and the monkey is called the king. This goodness is like water. If I don't come back, I guess this yard doesn't belong to me!"

Li Yu smiled helplessly, and immediately walked into the room, he didn't bother to clean up those pink and tender decorations.

Anyway, the fragrance in the room smelled pretty good, and the bed was soft, and it was very comfortable to lie on.

After resting for a while in the room, Li Yu got busy again, and began to get countless swords from Jianzong and distribute them to the disciples of the sect.

After learning this news, the whole sect was boiling.

The disciples thought they heard it wrong, but when they saw the fairy sword, they were so excited that they almost cried.

Most of them have never even touched a spirit sword, let alone an immortal sword.

Just like a little boy who has never even touched a girl's hand, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly put a goddess-level stunner into his arms, and he was so excited that it was estimated that those with a bad heart could faint directly.

After all the immortal swords were distributed, night had already fallen.

Li Yu called Impermanence, Dad, Tang Chi, Ye Qiu, Gu Yuqi and others to barbecue in the yard and have a few drinks.

Until the crowd dispersed late at night, Li Yu also returned to the "boudoir" and fell asleep.

At night, several cats slipped into the room, jumped onto his bed, snuggled beside him and purred lazily.

Li Yu didn't care either. These cats would often come to sleep on the bed, and he was used to it.

And it's nice to have these little furry guys warming the bed.

Maybe it was the effect of alcohol, or the faint fragrance in the air, or maybe it was the relaxation of the mood after finally returning home, which made Li Yu sleep soundly and soundly.

The next day when the sun was rising, Li Yu turned over slightly, and suddenly felt that his palm was on something soft. He touched it, and it felt very good.

But after touching it for a long time, he suddenly felt a little hard touch in the soft part of his palm.

This feel is...

Li Yu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up in a hurry, and what he saw in front of him almost made him spit out three or two nosebleeds.

I saw that this fairly spacious bed was actually crowded with four graceful and charming girls.

Each skin is like a cream, which can be broken by blowing bombs, and the figure is delicate and charming.

What surprised Li Yu the most was that they had two furry, pointed cat ears on top of their black, brown, or blond hair.

"I'm going, catgirl?"

Let me go, Catgirl?" When

he woke up, he hugged from left to right, and there were four cute and hot kittens beside him out of thin air. Li Yu was completely stunned for a while, and even felt that he was dreaming.

After all, this kind of rotten (lucky) rotten (blessing) picture can only appear in dreams in the past life.

He stretched out and touched the curvaceous body beside him again, and the touch was very real.

And under his touch, that delicate body turned over.

It even caused a chain reaction, and the other three kittens also followed or turned over, or stretched their waists.

One of them even hugged Li Yu's thigh, curled up, and wrapped Li Yu's leg tightly in her gentle village.

Li Yu was completely awake now, he knew that he was not dreaming, these four catgirls were real both in terms of visual impact and tactile impact.

And after thinking about it, he also understood that these four catgirls might be the mother cats that he adopted before.

I'll go and say that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, no one is allowed to become a fine!

These four guys are really refined, and looking at their evil figures, they are not only refined, but also adults!

Li Yu also suddenly wanted to understand what was going on in his room, and his feelings were not made by kindness.

But these catgirls.

During their absence, this house is estimated to have become their boudoir.

Originally, when I woke up early in the morning, I was in a panic of masculinity, but now lying next to these four charming, beautiful and evil stunners.

It really made Li Yu's energy surge up, and the yang energy was so strong that he was about to have a nosebleed.

"Wake up, wake up, hey, all four of you wake up!" Li Yu pushed the four girls and woke them up.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, they haven't slept enough yet!" The four catgirls stretched lazily and yawned.

Soft waist, slender limbs, full body, twisting and swaying in front of Li Yu, all kinds of turbulent waves, colorful, charming and charming.

Suddenly there is a feeling of random flowers and charming eyes.

People can't help but sigh that Lele alone is not as good as Lele!

But after one of the catgirls stretched, she looked at Li Yu in a daze, then turned around and crawled to the end of the bed to continue sleeping.

"How come you guys have become elites?" Li Yu said, and he felt inexplicable after saying this.

"Ah? Oh, yes!" The brown-haired girl responded, holding her cheeks in her jade hands, her eyes still not fully open.

The other two also looked at Li Yu in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"Can I continue to sleep now?" said the black-haired sister paper.

"What are you sleeping for, you guys, you can't sleep in my room anymore!"

"Why?" The brown-haired cat girl scratched her hair and looked at Li Yu puzzled.

"Don't you know whether men and women are kissing or not?"

"Who is the recipient?"

"I don't understand!" Several catgirls looked confused and didn't know what Li Yu was talking about. They slept with Li Yu like this before.

What happened to Li Yu today?

"Anyway, without my permission, you are not allowed to enter my room at will, let alone go to my bed!"

"Oh!" The four catgirls responded obediently, and immediately changed their positions and continued to fall asleep.

Li Yu looked at their beautiful faces and charming figures, and immediately got up...with

one in each hand, he threw them out of the room.


Two days later, Li Qingyun officially announced that Qingyunmen would be renamed "That's the family's main sect", and also announced that he was about to abdicate.

The head will be held by Li Yu, and at the same time, Ji Qinglan, Ye Qiu, Gu Yuqi, Tang Chi, Wuchang and others will be appointed as the head of the law enforcement hall, the medicine hall, the refining hall and other halls, and assist Li Yu to jointly manage the sect.

The divine beasts, Qilin, Zidian Jiaolong, Longyue, and Xinba, will serve as the guardian beasts of the mountain, guarding the four directions of the sect, and under the unified management of General Guo Qilin.

Orange, Sanhua and several other catgirls were also handed over to Shan Ruoshui for management, responsible for Lingzhi Medicine Garden, Lingquan, and other spirit beasts in the sect.

At the same time, they will also be responsible for taking care of Li Yu's daily life.

"I'm waiting to meet the Sect Master!" All the disciples and junior brothers paid their respects in unison.

The sound was so powerful and powerful that Li Yu couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions. Power and status are always the desires of men engraved in their bones.

Li Qingyun, who abdicated, officially began to retreat and practice, while Nie Lao, who had previously retreated and merged with his physical body, officially left.

Today, he has regained his physical body, and this physical body is extremely extraordinary. Although he has no soul, the physical body seems to be able to cultivate on his own.

Therefore, after the fusion of the body, Old Nie actually possessed the cultivation of the real immortal realm, and he was only in the golden immortal realm in the previous life.

Moreover, this physical body is very powerful, and it also has many powerful innate magical powers, and its potential is not comparable to his previous life.

It can be said that if he had such a powerful physical body in his previous life, not only would he not fall, but it is estimated that he has already aspired to the supremacy now.

"That's great, Old Nie, you finally have a physical body!" It was Ji Qinglan who was the happiest when Old Nie got a physical body.

"Haha, Qing Lan, in the future on the swordsmanship, it's your turn to point me!" Elder Nie said with a smile.

The fate is very strange, but Elder Nie did not expect that Ji Qinglan, whom he had taught, was actually the reincarnation of a sword fairy.

Moreover, Li Canglan in his previous life was far ahead of himself in terms of kendo attainments.

"Old Nie is joking!" Ji Qinglan smiled, "In the future, we can learn about kendo together!"

"By the way, this sword should be returned to you!" Ji Qinglan laughed, and took the sword that old Nie had. Take it out and give it back to him.

Although this sword is only a fairy weapon, it is the magic weapon of Nie's life in his previous life, and it is also the sword that accompanied him all the way up.

"Well, then I'll take it back!" Old Nie didn't shirk, he knew that Ji Qinglan was not short of magic weapons.

"Let's go, let's go meet the Sect Master!" Old Nie said again.

"The Sect Leader has just been invited to the Daoyi Holy Land in the Daluo Sanctuary to participate in the Zhengdao Sect Conference! It seems that he is discussing the disposal of the demon cholera and the future development of the Human Race's Zhengdao Sect!" Ji Qinglan said.

"In that case, I'll go to see him again after the sect master returns!" Elder Nie said.

He was very grateful to Li Yu, without him, he would not have obtained such an extraordinary body this time.

The catastrophe caused by Qingye is gradually subsiding, but the monsters who participated in the catastrophe of Qingye have not only suffered a devastating blow.

Now he has to face the anger and crusade of the human race.

Long Tiancang didn't expect that he had just escaped from the virtual world secret realm, but his backyard was already on fire.

Almost all of the Dragon Clan's combat power has fallen, leaving only some old, weak, sick and disabled.

What is even more desperate is that they have offended the human race. In the face of the anger of the human race, the Canglong clan can only choose to compromise, take out almost all the wealth of the Canglong clan, and compensate the major holy places and sects of the human race.

And signed a contract that was almost humiliating, the Canglong family would never leave Qianlong Island, or they would be killed.

The nine-headed lion clan was also forever imprisoned within the Dead Eagle Mountain Range of the Great Wilderness Forest.

The two clans were forgiven because Long Yue and Xin Ba were Li Yu's mounts.

Such as the Golden Feather Clan, the Demon Fox Clan, the Hydra Clan, the Holy Ape Clan, the Demon Niu Clan and other clansmen, all of them are on the list of Tianjiao, such as the Demon Fox Clan Gu Yue, the Golden Feather Clan Qian Yu, the Snake Foot Bai Su, the Holy Ape Clan rushing around Erba and others were all planted with slave marks and became Li Yu's slaves.

The rest of the Tianjiao became slaves of the major holy places, and their other clansmen will also be exiled to the extreme west as sinners, and will never return.

It's a barren land, and exile there is equivalent to letting their tribe fend for themselves.

Seeing the demon clan being disposed of, the major demons shivered in their hearts.

They are not afraid of the major holy places, they are afraid of Li Yu.

It can be said that if there is no Li Yu, the vitality of the major holy places will be greatly damaged.

But it was different with Li Yu. His strength would easily destroy the whole world.

And he obviously stood on the side of the righteous sect, although their demon sect did not participate in this catastrophe.

But after all, it is the threat of the righteous sect, Li Yu is likely to directly destroy them in order to avoid future troubles.

Therefore, when Ye Shengong, Nether Sect, Bliss Sect and other demons saw Li Yu coming to the door, they were all terrified and chilled.

Fortunately, Li Yu did not come to destroy the family.

Li Yu also knew that the world needed checks and balances. If all the wolves were killed, the sheep would eat up the grass, so he would not get rid of all the demons.

He only needs to maximize his own interests.

So when Li Yu left the Demon Gate, he took away a lot of treasures. Although he doesn't lack them now, who would think that his treasures are hot.

Of course, his main purpose is to take back the authority to enter the virtual world secret realm from Momen, as well as many territories and resources they currently control.

This is why Li Yu chose to attend this conference held in the major holy places to discuss the future development of the Human Race's Righteous Path sect.

Because this time is a big reshuffle of the forces of the Xianwu world.

Originally, the major holy places, sects, dynasties, aristocratic families, demon clans, demons and other forces controlled the distribution of many resources in this world.

For example, in the Holy Land, there may be many ancient cities and dynasties under each Holy Land, and they consecrate various treasures to the Holy Land every year.

At the same time, they also possessed many such as spirit stone mines, precious jade veins, and various lucky places.

The same is true for the major demon clans and demons, so when the demon clan is cleaned up, a lot of territory and resources originally controlled by them will naturally be freed up, which involves the issue of distribution.

As the absolute hero this time, Li Yu will naturally not make selfless dedication, and their sect has to develop and dominate the world.

Naturally, he also has the upper hand in resource allocation, not to mention that now is the time when he has the most say.

That's why he came to participate in this conference, and of course he got everything he wanted.

Most of the resource lands controlled by the demon clan belonged to Qingyunmen. At the same time, in exchange for some resource areas belonging to the Great Wilderness Forest and the endless sea islands, the major holy places also handed over some of the ancient cities they once controlled to Qingyunmen.

Now Li Yu has looted from the Demon Sect again.

The current Qingyunmen is definitely the strongest and richest force in the Immortal Martial World.

And at Li Yu's request, Lingtian Secret Realm and Xutian Secret Realm will be closed forever, and no one is allowed to enter them.

Because Li Yu wants to fully integrate and control the origin of the world of Lingtian Immortal Territory.

When he takes full control of it, he may be able to turn it into his own private world, and all the opportunities and wealth hidden in it will belong to him alone.

Of course, Li Yu also has his plans.

If he can completely eliminate the hidden dangers of Lingtian Immortal Territory, maybe one day there will be a new home for everyone in the Immortal Martial World.

As the saying goes, one person can become a dog and a dog, and Li Yu feels that one day he may be able to bring the whole world together to become an immortal.

With the end of the shuffling of the top forces in the Xianwu world, the entire world temporarily returned to peace.

On this day, a rainbow light fell from nowhere and sank silently into the depths of the endless sea.


As the days go by, the Fenghua Ranking has begun to announce the first few people on the list.

Yao Xi, Chu Yunhe and other world-famous peerless talents also made the list one after another, allowing people all over the world to see their demeanor.

But what people are most looking forward to now is Li Yu, although Li Yu's fame and deeds have spread in the world of Xianwu.

But the vast majority of people and creatures in this world have never seen his true face of Mount Lu.

Inside the Tianyun Dynasty Palace, Guo Shengxiu looked at the two monks who had just retired with a melancholy face, and shook his head helplessly.

He had been searching for the Heavenly Fortune Dynasty for several days before, but could not find Lu Li. In desperation, he conquered the current emperor of the Heavenly Fortune Dynasty as his immortal, and wanted to use the power of the Heavenly Fortune Dynasty to help find Lu Li.

But it's been a few days, and still haven't found any news about Lu Li, and no one has even seen her.

"Junior sister, where are you?" Guo Shengxiu sighed in an extremely sad way.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the hall, and the power of heaven and earth also began to fluctuate. Guo Shengxiu has been familiar with this situation for a few days.

It should be that the Fenghua Ranking is about to announce a new entrant, and it is the first entrant today.

Guo Shengxiu didn't have to think about it to know that the first place must be Li Yu, which is also recognized by the world at present.

During this time, Guo Shengxiu had already figured out Li Yu's true identity. What shocked him was that Li Yu was not what he guessed.

But people born and raised in this world.

However, in Guo Shengxiu's view, even if Li Yu is not from the Immortal Realm, he should be the reincarnation of some great power.

Skyrim, the first place announced on the Fenghua list is indeed Li Yu.

With Li Yu on the list, an auspicious vision appeared again between heaven and earth, auspicious clouds filled the sky, and the rays of sunshine were shining.

Seeing this scene, everyone was not surprised. After all, when Li Yu was on the Tianjiao list, this kind of auspicious scene appeared.

"Finally, I can see Li Yu's true face of Mount Lu!"

"I'm looking forward to his display of elegance!"

Countless women who had never seen Li Yu's true face looked at the list of elegance in the sky with anticipation.

Li Yu's inclusion on the list also made Qingyunmen boil for a while, and the disciples were extremely excited.

"Finally wait until our Sect Leader is on the list!"

"The Sect Leader is really extraordinary. Every time we are on the list, there will be such a vision of heaven and earth!"

"Why haven't I seen the Sect Leader recently?"

"I heard from my brother that the Sect Leader is closed It 's gone!"

"Retreat, the leader is so strong and works so hard, what qualifications do we have to not work hard!"

"Yes, the leader is indeed a role model for our generation, and we have to learn from the leader!"

Just before the disciples At the time of the discussion, Li Yu's graceful display began to appear in the sky.

The first scene is the scene when Li Yu said the mantra of the Great Dao. The second scene of UU reading www.uukanshu.com

is the scene where Li Yu is in the immortal court, smashing the space channel opened by the demons with one sword, killing many demons and saving the holy masters.

The third admiration is that Li Yu swept away the gray fog in the sky with one sword, smashed the sky and the earth, and reshaped the void.

In the fourth act, Li Yu confronted Qingye, and Qingye agreed to end the spell...

Seeing this shocking scene, everyone in the whole world was quiet.

Li Yu's graceful display once again shocked the whole world, although the graceful display of other people on the list before has also allowed everyone to see Li Yu's tyranny sideways.

But now the impact of this scene is still very big.

In particular, Li Yu smashed the space channel that the Heavenly Demon invaded with one sword, and even killed the invading Heavenly Demon with one hand.

Although that sword didn't have any gorgeous special effects, it didn't even have a sword glow.

But it brings a visual impact that hits the soul directly to everyone.

After that, another sword swept away the weird gray fog that seemed to flow out of the gate of hell in an instant, shattering the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon changed color.

However, after the shock, everyone felt a burst of sigh in their hearts, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

"Sure enough, Li Yu saved us. If he hadn't come back in time, the Xianwu world would have been destroyed by that person named Qingye!"

"Yeah, just from these few scenes, Li Yu is not only He saved all the people of the world once!"

"I have imagined Li Yu's appearance countless times, but any fantasy seems to be inferior to Li Yu's real appearance and style, he is so extraordinary!"

"As expected, this first place is well deserved. , I'm afraid many people will never be able to achieve the legend created by this scene after scene!"

Countless people were discussing emotionally, and countless people were grateful, and countless women put Li Yu into their hearts and became that again. Also a lingering figure.

"This Li Yu is too perverted!" Guo Shengxiu twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at the picture in the sky.

He had only seen Li Yu beheading Qingye before. Although it was enough to prove his strength, it was also within the understandable range.

But in the scene just now, the power of the sword was completely beyond his comprehension.

Even in the barren fairyland, it is estimated that few people have the strength of Li Yu.

It was the ancestors and elders of their immortal sect

. In the lower realm where the spiritual energy was thin and the Dao luck was weak, such a strong person could appear. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have never imagined that he would be killed.

Low-key, must be low-key, this Jingxingjie is too simple, it's just hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

Inside the Qingyun Sect, all the disciples were very excited, and even Ye Qiu and Gu Yuqi couldn't help but say, "Our sect master is so handsome!"

"Yeah, we didn't see these scenes before, no wonder All the holy masters say that they owe their senior brothers several lives! It seems so true!"

"Who does not owe our senior brothers' lives in the entire Xianwu world


" Well, he is practicing in seclusion, sigh, senior brother is so strong and so hardworking, I am really ashamed!"

"Yes, to be able to cultivate an ordinary human body into a physique comparable to that of a god, senior brother must pay us ordinary people in private. Unimaginable pain..."

"Huh--it's really comfortable!" Li Yu's ecstasy voice suddenly came out on the Tiandao list, and at the same time, the Fenghua Show also started live broadcast.

In the picture, Li Yu, who is topless, is soaking in the hot spring, with a look of comfort and enjoyment on his face.

This scene instantly made countless girls wet.

Li Yu couldn't help but look unrivaled, and his figure was impeccable. If he had more flesh, he would have more, and if he had less flesh, he would have less. The proportions of his body and the lines of his muscles were perfect, as if he had been crafted with ingenious craftsmanship.

"Senior brother, is this retreating?" Ye Qiu twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling different from what he imagined.

"Perhaps I was too tired just after practicing, so take a break in the hot spring!" Gu Yuqi explained.

"Master eat grapes!" Along with a gentle voice, a graceful figure appeared by the pool beside Li Yu, holding a plate of grapes in his hand, took one and put it in Li Yu's mouth.

"Master, let me squeeze your shoulders for you!" Another figure appeared behind Li Yu, with a slender figure and a beautiful face, like a fairy.

She gently lifted her fairy robe, revealing her slender jade hand and crystal jade arm, and was about to rub her shoulders for Li Yu.

"No need, you all go down, let me be alone for a while!" Li Yu said with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, Master!" Several fairies responded in unison, and immediately retreated.

Li Yu let out a long sigh of relief: "Oh, it's finally clean!"

Every time he came to the hot spring, these fairies were very enthusiastic, showing great hospitality, rubbing their shoulders and rubbing their backs to feed grapes.

The most important thing is that they don't rub their shoulders well, they don't rub their backs well, their hands and feet are not honest, and they can't take a good bath in the hot spring.

Really annoying!

Li Yu closed his eyes and rested by the hot spring pool, enjoying the comfort of the hot spring bath.

Since he became the head, he has been really bothered by all kinds of things every day, and it is difficult to think about salted fish for a while.

Fortunately, most of the things have been settled recently, and all the juniors and juniors can perform their duties, so he used the excuse of retreat and hid in Wuxian Island to try to relax.

Leaning on the edge of the hot spring, Li Yu fell asleep unconsciously.

However, Li Yu never thought that at this moment, there are billions of creatures watching him soak in the hot spring until he fell asleep.

If Li Yu knew that he was taking a bath and was broadcast live by the Tiandao Bang, he would probably ask the sky with a sword!

"Go to sleep, you should have a good rest too!"

Seeing Li Yu falling asleep in the hot spring, many people were suddenly moved and distressed.

No one thinks that he is greedy for pleasure, but thinks that he is too tired because he has been working hard for the world during this time.

And at this time, Li Yu seemed to have removed all the halo of gods and returned to his truest side.

Let them suddenly realize that this hero who saved the world, this powerful person who is as powerful as a god.

Not born strong, like the sun, moon and stars.

It is a person like them who is also tired and needs a rest.

Maybe also afraid, nervous, fearful, and vague.

Thinking of when Li Yu was alone facing the terrifying invasion of the demons and the gray fog that seemed to come from Jiuyou alone.

He shoulders the expectations and hopes of everyone, and bears the lives of countless creatures in the world.

When faced with desperation time and time again alone, what a huge pressure in my heart.

That seemingly easy sword, with so much hardship and suffering hidden behind it, has sharpened such an extraordinary sword.

That seemingly powerful body like a god, I don't know how many hardships it has gone through before it has been trained to support the entire sky and the power of the world.

Today, UU reading www.uukanshu.com their hero is tired and needs to rest.

If there is no such a list, they may only see his strength, but not his pressure, only his strength. Extraordinary, but can't see his exhaustion.

If there is no Tiandao Ranking, who would know the truest appearance of such a strong man.

And this is true, so that they are moved!

In this way, countless people and creatures silently watched the picture of Li Yu soaking in the hot spring in the sky, with a solemn expression and breathless concentration.

Some people's eyes were wet, and some people's noses were sore.

There were also silent tears.

But no one spoke, and no one made a sound, as if they were afraid that they would disturb Li Yu's rest and disturb him.

...So that person is Li Yu!"

In a certain valley manor, a man with a lazy expression, casual clothes, and loose hair looked at the picture in the sky and frowned.

If Li Yu was here at this time, they could recognize this person as the person they saw when they encountered the transparent space barrier in the Lingtian secret realm that day.

"I didn't expect that there are such terrifying people in this Jingxingjie, Wu Yong, we have to leave Jingxingjie!" A hoarse voice sounded in the man's ear.

Wu Yong nodded, his eyes full of horror.

Seeing Li Yu smashing the void in front of him with a punch that day, he thought it was just a coincidence.

After all, the space in Lingtian Secret Realm that day was very strange.

But I didn't expect that Li Yu really had the ability to shatter space.

This guy is just perverted.

"Where are we going?" Wu Yong asked.

"Go to the Wild Heaven Immortal Realm first! The news about the flower world can help us exchange for something very important!" The hoarse voice said again.

"Desolate Heaven Immortal Territory? This junior doesn't know how to get there!" Wu Yong said.