
AetherWeaving, 3 Great Clans and the guardians

What is AetherWeaving? Simple, it is a practice that allows an individual to tap into their Aether energy. Aether is a flowing ethereal substance permeating the cosmos. Aether energy comes in various energetic types that are represented by threads of various colors which represents a fundamental aspect of existence. During the 1980's AetherWeaving was discontinued and labeled as a 'forbidden' practice and anyone caught using it would be sentenced to death by a team of AetherWeavers that enforced this law.

As the years went pass, AetherWeaving became a common practice as various clans were formed and the government system was disbanded, allowing the clans to roam free in the world and do as they wish. Conflict and war had raged the lands and feuds between clans sparked and fueled these wars to determine which clan was the strongest and one clan came out on top, known as the Yaka clan. The Yaka clan members were born with formidable Aether Threads and the most powerful one to date was known as 'The Thread of Time'. This allowed the user to essentially bend time to their will dependent on the weaving. The Yaka member that was blessed with this thread was the leader, Yamo Yaka and he was a fierce man who was strict and tolerated zero disrespect. He trained each and every Yaka clan member in their ability and lived for 200 years, making him the oldest being known to date. The clan is also full of diverse but strong Memebers who wield different threads, causing a Hierarchy to be established with the leader being the 'King'.

The clan that came close to the Yaka clan was the Iruku clan. They were known for their immense physical prowess that were related to their generational threads, 'The Thread Of Strength' or 'The Thread Of War'. Unlike the Yaka clan, this clan remained pure blooded and kept their threads from being tainted by other's, gaining more strength through the generations. The Iruku clan was divided into 3 parts for the 3 threads of strength. At the bottom of the clan was The First Generation, born with fearsome strength and precise weaving, using their threads as a weapon and form of fighting. The First Generation is the foundation of the Iruku clan that allowed the two other generations to build on top of that. The second generation was admittedly more powerful than the last, capable of wiping away islands with brute force and speed alone and when pushed like they were during The Great War of Weaving, they could level continents. The last generation was the strongest by far and was dubbed 'The Prime Generation'. In just their base they can move 10x the speed of sound, level islands in a leap and wreck havoc on entire states.

The Third strongest clan was known for their intelligence in the cosmic threads although could not utilize them without the help of advanced technology. The clan is shunned by most of the other clans for being unable to weave but this only caused the clan to create stronger technology to put them as the third strongest, which speaks volume. The clan is quite small as their isn't many people who are unable to AetherWeave but with their intellect they were able to survive the Great War Of Weaving and come out as the third strongest. They are typically kind to others unless treated unfair, then they can become ruthless and disregard any concern for lives besides their own or their clan members.

These were known as the most Powerfullest clans on the planet Earth. In the cosmic space, one clan ran dominate spanning across various galaxies which threatened the work of the C.W.F (Cosmic Weaving Federation) that maintained the stability of the cosmos and worked underneath the 'Gurdaians' which made sure that specific threads aren't touched or passed on as to not unbalance the stability of the cosmological structure which is why their is only one recorded Time thread user in the history of the cosmos and that was a mistake that the guardians knew to never make again as it ripped the power balance in the cosmos, creating new threads that preformed new fundamental actions.

The guardians were a group of 4 individuals of higher power in terms of AetherWeaving. They were capable of warping the fabrics of reality combined but separately they manipulated the four fundamental threads that governed the universe known as the four fundamental forces; The Strong Nuclear force, The Electromagnetic force, The Weak Nuclear Force, and lastly the Gravitational Force.

These Guardians were once formerly human and the first AetherWeavers that governed the cosmos. They were linked by the what was called 'The Thread Of Fate' and if one died the other gained the thread and so on until the last one held all 4 threads, capable of altering the very fabric of reality with but a weave of a thread. The first guardian was known as 'Ayami', a female who transcended in AetherWeaving and became an one of the ultimate fighters. She controlled the 'strong force thread' that allowed the interaction between subatomic particles. She was a resilient, confident and Spicy women who viewed the world as nothing but a canvas for her to paint on or rather weave on. She was quite cocky due to being the strongest AetherWeaver to live and mainly keeps to herself unless needed by her underlings aka the C.W.F.

The Second Guardian was known as 'Yami' and he controlled the 'Electromagnetic Thread' that governs the interaction between charged particles -Electrons and Protons- . This allows him to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum and govern the attraction and repulsion that keeps Atoms together in chemical reactions. He is a calm individual and rarely talks but rather listens. He is immensely intellectual and in terms of fighting prowess he is a defensive-range fighter. He sometimes interact with other individual weavers that he deem worthy to train which throughout history, have been called 'The Master Of Electromagnet'.

The Third guardian is known as 'Iyami' and by far is the worse of the 3. Iyami controls the 'Weak force Thread' that governs the decay of particles. Iyami is considered a hot-head and one of the best Hand to hand combatant. She loves to bask in attention and is always seen amongst other Weavers, fighting or talking down on them for fun. She is also the main reason for the First Great Weaver War.

The last guardian was known as 'Kiro' and was never really seen, even amongst the other guardians. He control the 'thread of Gravtiational interaction' and is rather unknown in fighting prowess and personality wise. It is said that he governs the interaction of gravitational forces and without him, the physical world as we know it would collapse without the gravitational interaction he governs, making him the most important and busiest guardian and quite possibly the wisest.