
The Adventures of Nothing

Life is an adventure, life is a specimen of someone's imagination, life begins when you have it, and ends when you lose it, infact life is the only possession you can never afford to loose. I am that which can't be seen in the dark, that which is there when you hallucinate, that which could cross the borders of the sun and still exist healthily, that which knows all, that which hears all, and that which sees all, I am not yet created but I still exist in different minds, hoping for an existence. But what exactly am I? I know you may be wondering, but I am quite simple to understand. Some think I do not exist, but if you could think of my non existence, it means you may have heard of me, so that means that I do exist, but the only true factor here is that, you just can't see me. I am a puzzle in ones mind, a puzzle that you can't put together unless you create me, lastly I am exquisitely, "NOTHING". You are the only one that could make me possible, you are the only one who could turn me into "SOMETHING" It's quite simple, because I exist in your thoughts. The same way I existed in the thoughts of the man who created a light bulb, the same way I existed in the thoughts of the Wright brothers, who made me possible. I travel through the minds of everyone on earth, ready to create a possibility, including the mind of the person writing this, Including you who is reading this, and including you who is ready to take me to the next level. Unlike you, I have more than a million purpose in life, and that purpose begins with you "TURNING NOTHING INTO SOMETHING". My adventure began at the beginning of time, I was there before the world was created, I even created who you believe created the world, and that was the exact point where my cycle started, I created who created the world, and who created the world made me a possibility. Don't get confused, just remember that I am nothing. Now let me take you on a little tour, it might get a little bit bumpy, but always remember that, " I am NOTHING"

Godswill_Patrick · Livres et littérature
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2 Chs

Earth 1/2086

<<Universe 1>>

Life is an adventure, life is a specimen of someone's imagination, life begins when you have it, and ends when you lose it, infact life is the only possession you can never afford to loose.

I am that which can't be seen in the dark, that which is there when you hallucinate, that which could cross the borders of the sun and still exist healthily, that which knows all, that which hears all, and that which sees all, I am not yet created but I still exist in different minds, hoping for an existence. But what exactly am I? I know you may be wondering, but I am quite simple to understand.

Some think I do not exist, but if you could think of my non existence, it means you may have heard of me, so that means that I do exist, but the only true factor here is that, you just can't see me.

I am a puzzle in ones mind, a puzzle that you can't put together unless you create me, lastly I am exquisitely, "NOTHING". You are the only one that could make me possible, you are the only one who could turn me into "SOMETHING" It's quite simple, because I exist in your thoughts.

The same way I existed in the thoughts of the man who created a light bulb, the same way I existed in the thoughts of the Wright brothers, who made me possible. I travel through the minds of everyone on earth, ready to create a possibility, including the mind of the person writing this, Including you who is reading this, and including you who is ready to take me to the next level. Unlike you, I have more than a million purpose in life, and that purpose begins with you "TURNING NOTHING INTO SOMETHING".

My adventure began at the beginning of time, I was there before the world was created, I even created who you believe created the world, and that was the exact point where my cycle started, I created who created the world, and who created the world made me a possibility. Don't get confused, just remember that I am nothing.

Now let me take you on a little tour, it might get a little bit bumpy, but always remember that, " I am NOTHING"

___________________ ___________________

<<Centuries Ago>>

" It's a beautiful day Azra isn't it" Scaly looked beyond the plains, watching Azra as he thought of building space bit by bit. Azra was a thinker, one of the beings who had the mindset of creating the world, He was the only one who saw creation before it began. He had time on his hands, which means that he controls it. His attributes cannot be imagined, including his looks, he was not exactly there, but was in the mind of Scaly.

Azra was the brother to Scaly, but the only difference was that Scaly was the only one who could be seen. Azra remains in the imagination while Scaly comes out of the imagination.

This two had been working together for years, even before mortals, and gods where created. They had the whole world under them until it all happened. We could say, "Scaly happened".

This two had different abilities, one of them had the ability to think but now be thought of, but the other had ability to create but now be created. The two can't be separated from each other, but you could create Scaly just by thinking of Azra. Azra was the oldest form, while Scaly was younger, because Scaly was thought of.

" Brother, why do you think of building me in your own image" Scaly said after picking from what Azra was thinking about.

" I need the world to be owned by He, He who would think of us and He who would create us. He who would multiply you and I. I need us to be subject to He and He alone" Azra thought.

" And you think that I am possible " Scaly said.

" Yes Scaly, I believe that you would be possible." Azra thought.

" Then let's create He, but what would He look like". Scaly said.

" He won't be known to any, but known to who believes in him, He would be imagined as a bright light, brighter than even what he would create, He would create us again and will call me Nothing and call you something, when He exist, we won't exist anymore until he thinks and creates us, whereby becoming his subjects and obeying everything he commands. He would be wiser than us, creating more things than we have thought of and created, he would become a fusion of both of us, which is Existence. His words will be created according to what he speaks, He would be worshipped and called GOD by all he creates." Azra thought.

" But that sounds like us," Scaly said after picking a wild thought of what Azra was thinking of.

" So we shall fusion to create Existence " Azra thought.

Immediately, Something and Nothing merged, and became existence. Creating everything that was thought of.

" Let there be Light" and immediately, a great light existed......

(The above is captioned as a bed time story being read by a mother to her son)

Present year 2086

(Phone rings)

" Hello, Seraph....." The person on the phone spoke, with a slight tone, seemingly performing the attributes of an unwell person. Her voice was horsey, you could almost feel the crack in it.

" Diana I'm listening". Seraph answered.

" I'm just calling to notify you that, I won't be available at the office tomorrow, I'm taking the day off to see the doctor, I've been feeling unwell for a while now." Diana said as her voice was almost not heard on the phone due to how horsey it was.

" Alright dear, take the day off, when would you be resuming office." Seraph replied with a concerned tone.

" On the day after tomorrow ma'am" Diana replied.

" Alright see you then, take care of yourself" Seraph said, while she hanged up.

Seraph is a pretty young lady, in her early thirties. She is the mother of Raphael, and a scientist. Her husband died at a young age, after he was killed by cancer. Since then, she has been taking care of her son alone. She is a feminist, motivated by her husband's death, that motivation which led her to creating a multi million dollar lab. A lab built for the creations of things people thought was impossible.

That same lab, was used to build the world's first teleportation device, which was used to convey heavy duty goods easily. It was never tried on a human, due to the possibilities of death. But her company is trying to make that possible.

She also plans on building one of the impossible, "A TIME MACHINE" which could transport people to different minutes, hours, days, months, and years, either in the past or in the future. She also has an urge of ending death.

Her company was named after her husband Valintoon, who also had the same urge of creating the impossible. He created a device that was destroyed by the government due to the risk it brought to earth, it was the only device that could pause time. It all seemed good at first until the government discovered that it had killed alot of people in just a second being lost. The device was used to stop something really bad from happening before it even happened, making only the dead to pass through time with ease. It was proven to kill over two million people in just a second, so the government had to stop it from being used until the error had been corrected. Val never stopped there, he wanted to achieve " perfect time pause" by all means, but what he never knew was that it was impossible. So he didn't listen to the government until the day time pause couldn't be replayed, the sun kept burning until it became unbearable to humans, no water was found on earth, people stopped aging but kept dying. Time was restored after the machine got destroyed by the government.

Val was a villain, but was seen as a villain only because he didn't want a machine that was killing people to be destroyed. After time was restored, Val was arrested, and left in jail to die of cancer without medical response.

I Know you may be wondering,how could people still be moving when time is paused. It was because, only time was paused and not the people living under time, which means that existence was never paused.

After the death if Val, seraph continued the trail of her husband, but as a hero, trying everything possible to make sure that his works were completed. She created things that couldn't be imagined, Such as android robots, houses that floated in mid air, teleportation machines, and many more.

The government gave her a contract, a contract that made her one of the richest women in the world. But she wasn't contented yet, she believed that she could see her husband again