
The adventures of MLAR

A group of best friends love to go on advetures. They call themselves MLAR, which is a mix of their names first letter. Pretty smart right? But this adventure doesn't go as planned. And as ushall where ever they go trouble always seems to find them. Instead of exploring they get themselves stuck in sticky situation.

JazminMurillo03 · Horreur
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3 Chs

Pt 3 the great escape

"We are going to play it safe for now." He said as the elevator comes to a complete stop and the four tired people fall to the ground exhausted.

"Is everyone okay?" Axel asked looking at the others, Luke nodded as he ran his hand through his blonde hair. Rose had her head resting on Lukes shoulder. He noticed that Miles was currently watching back footage that Luke recorded from the beginning of their trip. He was trying to find a way to get off the elevator without anyone getting attacked.

"Man if I knew that the email you got was a complete lie I would've stayed home in bed and cuddled my dog," Axel said sliding down the wall to sit next to Miles. Earlier that day before they were chased Miles had received an email from someone at Murkoff that they needed someone to help them record proof of patients being abused. Miles thought that it'd be a good start for his career in journalism and asked the others if they wanted to tag along. All of them thought it would be a fun and interesting trip but boy was they wrong.  

"Luke I am so glad that you recorded the entrance of the building when you did," Axel said while watching the video with Miles.

"Guys, how are we going to leave this place of doom?" Rose asked in a soft voice.

"I honestly have no idea Rose, and who knows how long we can stay like this in the elevator," Miles responded back in a soft tone watching his sister play with her thumbs.

"Okay so in the video it shows the whole first floor. From the looks of it, the elevator will open on the right side of the room." Axel claimed as he replayed the video again.  

"It seems like all we have to do is run down the hallway and go through the left door and it should lead us to the receptionist desk. After that, the front doors should be right there and boom baby we're free." Axel said clasping his hands together and leaning back.

"Man I could use a nap right now." He said causing the others to look at him like he had two heads.

"Really Axe, we were just chased by a crazy saw man and now you wanna nap," Luke said in disbelief. All he wanted to do was get out of here and go home.

"Hey, maybe Seddrick wanted some friends? Haha, who am I kidding we are stuck in an Asylum with a man that wants us for dinner wait till that ones in the books." Axel said facing Luke, while Miles was deep in thought.

"I'm just saying if he wasn't trying to eat us I would say he's a chill dude," Axel said.

"Whatever dude, you are so weird." Luke responded which caused Axel to throw a shoe at him. Luke ducked his head and placed a hand over his heart with a hurt expression. Axel stuck his tongue out towards the male while also ducking from a shoe attack. Wow, what a bad boy Rose though while she was quietly listening and watching to the two boys bicker back and forth about

"Seddrick The Crazy Saw Man." Rose looked around the elevator now that she had the chance to. It had a mirror that went around the walls but stopped in the middle separating the last half with long wooden handlebars. The walls were a oak brown color and the carpet was a checkered green and white color. The elevator itself was a medium size it was small like some but not big like hospitals. Rose continued observing more until Miles spoke up.

"Guys I think I have a idea," Miles said after what to him seemed like an hour in the elevator. Rose and Luke's heads perked up from the ground and Miles threw a shoe at Axel to wake him up. Once the blacked haired boy did Miles began to tell them the plan. After twenty minutes of explaining the plan, they all stood up and prepared themselves for the journey ahead of them. Rose pushes the emergency button in and they are jolted towards the walls when it began to move once again. The thoughts were running crazy through each of their minds. Not knowing if they were going to make it back safely, but they all had one thing in mind and that was bring it on Asylum.

"Okay, guys we are almost to the floor remember what to do," Miles said as they all watched the elevator countdown the seconds. The elevator came to a stop the group of four looked at each other and nodded their heads. Rose was leading the way with the camera in her hands. Luke following her making sure that the coast was clear. Their job was for them to run out to the car bring it to the others if the crazy man showed up. Miles and Axel would be responsible to distract the man as much as they could. And of course, things can never be as simple as it is in games here came that very well known whirr sound.

"Luke! Get Rose out of here and bring the car up! Quickly go we'll hold him off!" Axel yelled as him and Miles prepared to face the man. The other two made it out the front door and ran to the car as quick as possible.

"Hurry luke start the car!" She yelled rushing to the other side of the car.

Back with the two boys, they were currently running around the first floor with the man following them.

"Man he's like a grandpa! How does he have this much energy?" Axel yelled and he jumped over a desk Miles following right after.

"I don't know honestly! But what if we can trap him?" Miles replies

"And how do we do that?" Axel asked the male while taking a quick breath. The man seemed to have lost them for a second.

"Back in the room, we walked by there was a bookshelf perfectly lined up to push it on him," Miles said getting ready to run once again.

"I will get his attention and you push it down," Miles told the other and ran out yelling for the crazy man. Axel ran to the other room and prepared himself behind the shelf. Not even seconds later Miles ran in yelling to push it down. With that, Axel did and there and behold the plan worked. The man was stuck under it and didn't seem to happy about it. But the boys didn't wait to see if it'd hold him, so they jumped over the shelf and ran out of the building. They saw that Luke and Rose had just arrived with the car and was now waiting for them. Both the boys sighed in relief as they slowed down their pace in a slow jog towards the car.

"No! Dinner Bells! You were supposed to be mine!"  They heard the man yell causing them to look at each other with wide eyes.

"Run!" They said simultaneously picking up their pace once again. It was now a race between the three. Luke and Rose opened the passenger doors so the two can jump in, in which the two did.

"Step on it, Luke!" Miles yelled once the car doors shut. Once they were a good mile away from the place Luke slowed down.

"Man I will never step in a place like that again without doing my research, " Miles said causing the others to glare at him.

"You think? I know I won't take elevators for granted now. I will always be thankful for them." Rose said sighing as she leaned back in her seat.

"Hey yall gotta admit Seddrick had a nice beard tho," Axel said causing the others to shake their heads and laugh as if they weren't in a life crisis hours before. Miles told the boy to shut up and go to sleep, causing the boy to pout.

"Yea, yea, whatever you say Axe. I'm just going to not go on trips with Miles ever again." Luke said glancing at Miles through the mirror with a smirk on his face.

"Agreed." The other two said laughing now making it Miles turn