
Chapter 6 Questions and answers:

Goten is extremely surprised that his tail had been regrown. He didn't really mind. It was just the fact he had never had one before. He realized he could pretty much move it like any other limb. Of course, it would take some practice, but it wasn't very difficult. He quickly pulled his armor back on, now realizing what the hole in his spandex was for.

Just as he had finished getting changed, Tomiko burst into the room. Goten had already gotten dressed, though, and she sighed. She then smiled at him and walked over to him. So looks like your all better. That's good to see."

Goten gave a grin placing his hand behind his head. "Haha, yeah, umm, sorry about that." Tomiko crossed her arms and laughed. "That's the first time I've heard of a Saiyan tripping over and knocking himself out before. Goten blushed a little but soon got over it.

"Well, I guess there is a first time for everything," Goten said with a small chuckle. Tomiko also laughed, "Oh and you might want to wrap your new tail around your waist; you'll have a nasty surprise if someone pulls it." Goten nodded and focused his mind on moving his new tail. It did as he told it, and it wrapped around his waist with no problems.

"Alright, well, let's get going. You can come back with me if you'd like?" Goten nodded and gave a smile. He knew he didn't have anywhere else to go, so he really didn't have much choice. They both flew back to Tomikos. She tells Goten to make himself at home, so he sits down on the sofa. It's quite late as the sun has already gone down. Tomiko walks in and asks if Goten would like to get a bath or shower. Of course, Goten decides it would be a good idea as he could smell whatever that liquid was he was in.

Goten takes a well-needed shower and try's to comprehend the situation he now finds himself in. He thinks about how the time machine was destroyed, how Tomiko wants to bear his child and how he almost slept with Leviauce the other night. He felt lost and alone, but he didn't let it get him down. He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, powering up instantly drying himself. He pulled on his spandex suit and left it at that, deciding he couldn't be bothered with the armor.

He walked out to find Tomiko in nothing but a loose tank top and some slim-fit shorts that were a little too small and didn't entirely cover her behind. Goten tried not to look, but he couldn't deny that she was hot.

Tomiko smiled, knowing that he was looking at her and that was exactly what she wanted. "How was the water Goten? Hot enough?" Goten blushed a little as he looked back up at her face. "Y-Yeah, it was fine." He said quickly, coving the fact he was staring at her.

Tomiko gave a small yawn and followed it with a stretch, lifting her arms above her head. Though this caused her boobs to really stick out in the loose fitted top, they were almost visible through the thin marital.

Goten quickly looked away, trying not to think about it too much. Tomiko, however, was just getting started. "So Goten, I'm pretty tired. I was thinking about going to bed. Care to join me?" Goten smiled and tried to act normal. "Narr, I'll sleep on the sofa it's ok," he said. Tomiko pulled a sad face and stared at him.

Goten was forced to look away and try and change the subject. Tomiko gave a cheeky grin and crossed her arms. "Wow, Goten your muscles look really buff in that spandex suit." She said. Goten had to admit living in the increased gravity for a few days now had really done a wonder for his body. Not only had his muscles increased in size, but they had toned up a lot too.

Goten sat on the sofa next to Tomiko, "I'm sorry, Tomiko, but tonight I'm sleeping on the sofa." Tomiko wasn't happy, but she knew she couldn't force him and would have to wait till he came around.


A few hours had passed, and Goten had managed to resist Tomiko's sex appeal and all of her attempts to seduce him. He was now led on the sofa thinking over the past events. The thought of his only way home having been destroyed was still dwelling in his mind. "There has to be another way. There just has to be." Goten said out loud. He couldn't think of any, though. It's not like he could just find another time machine, sure he could travel to earth, but that wouldn't do any good either.

Goten rolled onto his back and placed his hands behind his head. He stared at the roof, trying to let his brain think of another way home, but it was no use. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't come up with anything.

"Well, I guess I'm stuck here," Goten said to himself. He didn't really mind too much, it wasn't that bad after all. In fact, he was starting to enjoy his little adventure here, but did he really want to stay?

Suddenly a disturbing thought popped into his mind, he remembered that Frieza was the one who destroys this planet, and Goten didn't even know when. He could do it right now for all he knew. He had to find out; he had to know when so he could stop it; His only way of knowing would be to find his father. That way he could see just how much time he had. He knew that his dad had just been sent off planet before it exploded, if he could find his father's father then he would have an idea of when Frieza would attack.

"That's it; I have to find my grandfather!" Goten shouted suddenly sitting up excitedly. "What did Vegeta say his name was again…? That's it, it was Bardock. I have to find the saiyan Bardock and I think I know who can help me."

Goten got up and walked into Tomiko's room, of course knocking before he did. "Hey Tomiko you awake?" He said. of course he got no response. It was dark but his eyes had already started to adjust, he could make out the entire room now pretty much. He walked over to the bed where Tomiko was fast asleep. The blanket was only half covering her body, she wore a silk night gown that was almost thin enough to see through.

Goten blushed a little as he reached for her shoulder. Suddenly a hand grasped his wrist, "Having second thoughts are we?" Tomiko said as she slowly opened her eyes and rolled over. Goten blushed again as he realised what was happening.

But before he could say anything Tomiko pulled him onto the bed and mounted him. "Oh I knew you would come around." She said. Goten regained his composure and noticed how close her breasts were.

"N-No wait, I need to ask you something Tomiko." Goten quickly managed to blurt out. Tomiko stopped and looked at him. "Of course what is it?" She asked looking interested. Goten smiled. I need your help finding somebody.


Goten explained to Tomiko that he needed to find a saiyan man called Bardock. Tomiko had never herd the name before, but she was sure someone would know him; she also promised Goten that they would go and luck for him tomorrow. But only on one condition, that he spend the night with her in bed.

Goten gave in and ended up sleeping in the same bed. Of course nothing happened and the morning came faster than Goten would have liked. He awoke to the sun streaming in through the large window, sitting up he noticed Tomiko wasn't in the bed. "Hmm I wonder where she went?" Goten thought to himself.

He got up and stretched he pulled on his spandex and walked out of the room to a delightful smell. Tomiko had cooked breakfast and it smelt good. Goten licked his lips and sat down. "Oh hey, hope you like it, help yourself." Tomiko said.

After they had finished breakfast both saiyans got ready and set off. Goten had told Tomiko all he knew about Bardock and she decided the best place to look was back in sector 8. They both set off flying at quite a good pace, half an hour later they both arrive and touch down.

"Ok Goten leave it to me, I'll find this Bardock for you." She says. With that she walked up to the roughest looking pair she can find and asks the question. after a few quick punches and a desplay of strenght they give in and tell her what she wants to know.

"B-Bardock you say? yeah now the name rings a bell, he's the low class everybody has been talking about. they say he's mad, always taking on the hardest missions he can get his hands on. He lives close to the out skerts of this sector about 10 miles north of here."

Tomiko smiled. "Thankyou gentlemen, now wasn't that easy." She walks back over to Goten with a big smile. "That was easy enough, should we head off?" She said. Goten was quite surprised but nodded. He turned around and was about to blast off when he suddenly herd his name being called. "Goten!"

To his surprise he turned and saw non other than Leviauce. The female saiyan ran up to him and stopped, "Hey what are you doing here I thought you went off to sector 6?" Goten smiled. "Hey its good to see you too and I did but I have come back because I need to find someone."

Tomiko looked Leviauce up and down. "So... How do you know each other?" She said interrupting them. Goten gave his famous son grin. "Oh sorry Tomiko, this is Leviauce and we met a few days ago, she's the one who introduced me to the pits."

Tomiko smiled, "Well Leviauce it's nice to meet you, I'm Tomiko Gotens soon to be mate." Leviauce was shocked and looked at Goten who was just as surprised. Both girls looked at each other as a heated rage started building between them. Goten quickly defused the situation knowing it wasn't a good idea to let it go on.

Leviauce crossed her arms and turned to Goten, "So what brings you back here then?" Goten smiles. "Well I'm actually looking for a saiyan named Bardock and we came here to find out information about him."

Leviauce looked surprised. "Actually I've herd of him before. They say he's very strong and is always taking on hard missions even some of the elites cant handle." Tomiko smiled. "Sounds imprsive." Goten also smiled. "So my granfather was a great warrior to." He thought to himself.

"Right lets go and find him should we?" Goten said. Tomiko nodded and Leviauce jumped into the air. "Hey follow me I know where he lives." Goten nodded and they all took off heading towards the outer part of sector 8.

The group landed in a small rundown town looking. Leviauce walked over to a small house and pointed, "This is where he lives." She said with a small grin aimed at Tomiko. Goten nodded and walked over to the door. He knocked a few times and waited.

Tomiko and Leviauce both wondered why Goten was looking for this Saiyan but didn't bother to question him. Goten knocked again and waited; this time, he could hear shouting coming from inside. "Raditz, get the door!"