
The Plan

After Justinian took the heads up from Doctor Fate to stop by Universe 49, the Injustice Universe, he got away with the greatest prize for someone like him. As a transmigrator, he obviously had made it his long-term goal to find a way to leave the DC universe. 

Not entirely as this was his base of operations and where he had created his Empire. At the moment, his main goal was to completely conquer the Milky Way Galaxy of the Prime Universe of DC as a starting point. 

Eventually, he would have to expand his empire past the borders of the Milky Way, and eventually, the entire Prime Universe would be controlled by his Imperium. Once that occurred he would have to begin plundering other Universe in the DC multiverse to feed his growing Imperium. 

That was out of necessity, but his long-term goal was access to not just the Multiverse of DC, but to other realities such as Marvel as the resources could increase his strength. 

That was all that mattered as being strong was not enough as there was always someone stronger. He had to always increase his strength higher and higher to not stagnant and to achieve true dominance. 

The issue was that leaving DC was beyond difficult as crossing the Source Wall was perilous even for the strongest beings. Sure, Superman had crossed it before, and so had others, but he had no interest in risking his freedom for a chance at escape. 

That was why he had placed his hopes on the capture of Angstrom Levy, one being who could freely access not just the DC Universe, but the Marvel Universe, The Invincible Universe, Walking Dead, and hopefully access to Anime Verse with powerful artifacts and bloodlines he could use. 

That was why after returning to the Prime Universe, he had returned not to Terra, but back to Mars. He had pulled back his Honor Guard leaving the integration of the planet to the Planetary Governor under the instruction of Erda. 


Now, back in the Imperial Palace on Mars, Justinian and his Honor Guard gathered in his laboratory. Here, Justinian placed the still-dominated Angstrom onto a table where he was instantly restrained by Soundwave. 

Ddraig and Albion manifested their Avatars next to Justinian who currently thinking of all the benefits of the capture of Angstrom Levy. Rather than continue to dream, he decided to begin to work. 

"I finally have captured him. You see my Companions, this man will be our path to a new frontier. Not just the conquest of a Universe, or a Multiverse, but access to the limitless realities that exist outside of this one. It will also be our path to the next stage of power."

Remnosh glanced at Angstrom before looking at Justinian. 

"Are you saying that when you, me, and Sigismund went through that Green Portal to get this guy we stepped into another Reality?" 

Justinian nodded. 

"We were. That reality is what I consider a lower danger level compared to this one. I can safely say there is no foe in that Universe that can match Darkseid, much less me. However, there is one Universe I know that can match this Universe for danger, the Marvel Universe. 

It is equally dangerous and vast with beings that can match the strongest of this universes power houses. Of course, getting out of this reality is beyond difficult the normal way. That is why I went to great lengths to capture this man. Now, let's see if I can't see what makes him tick."

Justinian reached down with his right hand and he placed it on top of Angstrom's malformed head. He drew on the Concepts of Domination and Supremecy in tandem and combined them with his Psychic and Divine Energy. 

This caused him to not just begin combing through Angstrom's mind, but his very soul. This was extremely painful of course, which caused Angstrom to shoot awake, but with his very soul under Justinain's full focus, he couldn't use his powers at all. 

'Show me your secrets, all of them.' 

Justinian began to comb through thousands of lives after the explosion that disfigured him and drove in insane. However, he didn't care about these memories other than the locations and dimensional coordinates of other Realities. 

After a few tense moments, Angstrom screams as his body begins to liquefy starting with his limbs. Justinian smiled as he pulled out the soul of Angstrom which is a bright green glowing orb of opportunity. 

As for Angstrom's corpse, it turns to dust as the process that led to this had been intense. With a smile, Justinian absorbs Angstrom's soul which is instantly assimilated into his Perpetual Soul. 

He didn't gain a massive influx of memories as he had taken care to purge those before he absorbed Angstrom's soul. The only memories he did gain were Dimensional Coordinates and Angstrom's Dimensional Traveling abilities. 

When he opened his eyes, Justinian sighed as he held his hand out. After sifting through the thousands of Dimensions Angstrom could travel to, he felt beyond happy. 

"It worked." 

With a flex of his power, a portal opened up to another Dimension. Unlike Angstrom's Green Portals, this portal was dark purple. Seeing the portal open up, Ddraig began to rub his hands. 

"Justinian, where are we going first?" 

Justinian closed the portal as he wasn't just going to jump into another reality unprepared. 

"Of course, Marvel. As long as I can get my hands on the Stones, I will be able to enhance myself beyond my current abillities. I will have to prepare for a long-term trip into the Marvel Universe with the full backing of my Empire. For now, we should return to my Throne Room." 

With the tap of his spear onto the ground, all of them teleported to his Throne Room. Once they returned, Justinian walked toward his Crystal Throne before sitting himself down. When he did so, his Throne surged with power as he began to think of when would be a good chance to begin his mission in Marvel. 

As he was thinking Sigismund walked toward him. 

"Can I ask you something, my Emperor?" 

Justinian snapped out of his thoughts before he looked at his Champion. 

"Of course. What is on your mind?" 

"I understand that we are in a state of War and our efforts should be on that, but don't you think getting stronger should be more important? The stronger you are, the stronger The Imperium. If you believe that taking a trip to this other reality will make your power swell, you should take it. 

Take half of us with you and achieve your goal. The rest of us can hold down the fort so to say while you are away. How long do you think it will take you to achieve your goal?" 

Justinian began to think about this as his plan was to enter Earth-199999, the MCU. The reason was that the Stones were easier to collect in the MCU than Earth 616 the main Earth of the Marvel Universe. 

As long as he could get the MCU stones he could use their great power to completely push his power to a new level. He didn't need to hold them forever, only until his goal was complete. 

While he was in the MCU with the power of all six stones, he could invade Asgard, plunder their vault, and take their weapons as he had wanted to do. 

"A month or two would be enough for my aims." 

Sigismund glanced around at the rest of his fellow Burning Martians. 

"In that case, you should do it. Pick who you will take with you and complete your goal. Once you have transcended your current abillities, you can return to stand a better chance against the dangers of our reality." 

After hearing what Sigismund said, he had to agree. He was without a question, a very powerful being, his potential had still not dried up and he was continuing to grow stronger. However, to break his current limit, he would need a massive amp so to speak. 

As he was thinking, Lauralina walked to his side before placing her hand on his shoulder. 

"We should go, not just for our sake, but for The Imperium. If you can push for more power, you should take it. You are the soul of your Empire and if you fall, it will tear itself apart." 

Justinian nodded as this was true. 

"It is true, then again, with this power I am never going to risk getting stranded in another reality. We can escape at any time so it is crucial to take it. Erda." 

In a flash of gold, Erda materialized with her signature smile. 


"I will soon be leaving this reality for a while. The time distortion should not be too grand so we should be gone about a month maybe two. While we are gone, you are the standing Regent of The Imperium. Have, Leginstrasse help you and look after Eldora. 

I will be taking the Invincible Reason, Vengeful Spirit, and The Conqueror. I won't be leaving without an army." 

Erda nodded. 

"I understand, have fun." 

Justinian wasn't going to call what he was going to do fun for everyone else, but for him, it would be. 

"It will. Gather my Predakons and my armies. The assault on Apocalypse will come, but after my return." 

Erda nodded. 

"Got it, be right back." 

When Erda vanished, she wouldn't be long. As for Justinian, he sent out the order for his Flagship and its brother ships to be prepared for war. Entire armies of Psian Jackels, Krorks, Eldar, Tyranids, Space Marines, Tempestus Scions, and his Predakons. 

He would fully militarize his invasion into the Marvel Universe. This process took a matter of hours and by the time his forces were fully mobilized Justinian decided to take his entire Honor Guard. 

They were his Companions and some of the most powerful forces in his entire Empire. Plus, he would be taking his wives and his Predakons along with Ddraig and Albion. 

After his three gigantic vessels were fully mobilized, Justinian along with his 50 Honor Guard and his five Predakons, it was time to go. Justinian was currently seated on the command throne of the Invincible Reason. 

At his flagship side were its brothers, the Conqueror and the Vengeful Spirit just waiting to move forward. Soundwave linked the systems of the three ships together to Justinian's armor. 

Sitting around the floor were Predaking, Grendel, Grimlock, Ravage, and Devastator-like pet dogs. Ddraig and Albion returned to the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing waiting for Justinian to open the Dimensional Portal. 

"Everyone ready to plunge into another reality?" 

Remnosh, Lauralina, Magna, Leona, Sanguinia, Sigismund, Helbretch, Dorn, Titus, Corvus, Perturabo, Titus, Guilliman, and the rest of his Honor Guard all nodded. With that, Justinian stood up and walked toward the viewing deck of The Invincible Reason. 

He held his hand out and he sifted through the memories of Angstrom of the Marvel Universe. He specifically searched for Earth-199999 and when he found it he focused. 

He then began to open the portal to the Marvel Universe starting as a small purple tear in reality. The portal eventually opened up wide enough for his three ships to pass and when it happened, Soundwave activated the thrusters of the three 100-mile ships. 

<Commencing Dimensional Jump.>

With the portals open, Justinian watched as the prow of his ship began to move through the purple portal. He smiled as he walked back to his Throne before sitting himself down. 

Eventually, his three ships crossed the portal which closed behind them. When his vessels breached into the Marvel Universe, they did so above Earth. Three 100-mile ships were massive and they were full of Apocalyptic weapons and troops. 

Leona walked toward the viewing deck and looked down. 

"I take we have entered the other reality?" 

Justinian nodded. 

"Welcome to the Marvel Universe, our garden to plunder." 

Justinian looked down onto the Earth of the MCU, after a quick Psychic Scan he found out the year was 2006. 2 years until the first Iron Man movie meaning he had to acquire his first Infinity Stone, the Space Stone of the Terraract. 

With that scan, he found it in the vaults of S.H.I.E.L.D, which they would hold until 2012. That was when Loki took it to innitiate the battle of New York. He looked at his left hand, the Boosted Gear before he began to focus on it. Six slots formed on the gauntlet the places he would slot the stones.

With that modification done, Justinian flexed his will and teleported the Terreract into his open right hand. With that, he had acquired his first stone within minutes. He clenched down just like Thanos and he crushed the cube to reveal the stone inside. 

He opened his hand dropping the glass of the Tessaract and he held his first stone. The Space Stone, the shimmering blue stone which contained all the Spatial Power of this Universe. 

"First one of six." 

Justinian moved the stone to his left hand to one of the open slots. Much like the Infinity Gauntlets, the stone was drawn into the open slot which caused a massive surge of Spatial Energy to surge into Justinian's body and soul. 

With a smile, he clenched his left hand showing the first of the Infinity Stones. 

"Commence the Invasion. There is one more on this planet and I need it." 

Justinian would show no mercy, limitless power was at hand after all. 

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