
The Acknowledgement - Volume One

The Broken And Abused Boy Picks Himself Up Out of The Mud And Took Off Running to Become The Strongest. Completed Story - Uploading Every Sunday Inspired By The Legendary Solo Leveling Webtoon And Light Novel: 나 혼자만 레벨업 - 추공 | Solo Leveling | Only I Level Up - Chu-GongNavigation and Actions. Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/316289056-the-acknowledgment

Alexzander_Greats · Action
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56 Chs

The Ant Problem

 "War? What kind?" Winter asks, "War against a powerful enemy that required the joint forces of the entire demon race-" Ez explained- "I have said more than I am allowed to say. This conversation will be terminated," she repeated robotically. "This happened to Baruka too, the System is getting involved with this conversation," Winter thought, "There must have been some kind of clue to that game from it," he added. "All of these things have a gamelike environment, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that these monsters are just another element," Winter thought. "What kind of powerful enemy were you preparing to fight?" He asks, "Well-" she tried to speak, but only garbled sounds and intense sounds came from her attempt to explain what was happening- "Ez!" Winter watched as she fainted, melting down into a shadow before receding into his own. "This System is otherworldly. Is the System influencing me or the world at large?" he thought.

 Deep Within Flore, many men were sitting in a board meeting. Agent River stood in front of the government officials, and heads of agencies. He clicked on a remote at a screen to move through a picture catalog of the well roasted ant witnessed to tip over in the desert sun. "These are the only images of the Ant we have, the others are from the autopsy and cataloged information from the forensics team. This mutant ant appeared recently in the rural community of Wido, and died on the spot from the extreme heat," River explained. "Thanks to the harsh environment of the deserts of Wido, no one was harmed by this powerful monster," he added. An official sighed, and leaned forward over the desk, "You're saying that it's going to take at least one A-rank to kill one of these things?" They ask, "Yes, according to the blood work and autopsy, this monster was capable of prolonged flight and capable of sensing danger from several miles or even kilometers away," River replied. The officials mumbled and whisper to each other, "We estimate there could have been over two hundred civilian casualties. That's if these ants made it anywhere else-" River added- "These ants traveled over four thousand kilometers from Hawaii to this rural town. The Fact that the ant flew that far means they're more than capable of flying to the mainland," Sears explained. "If they are truly that kind of threat, we should gather a strike team!" An official suggested, just as someone came into the room.

 "Another strike team?" They ask, "Mr. President?" Mr. Sears asked, standing up. "Leonardo! Good to see you, my old friend. What is is about gathering a strike squad?" He asks, "A pleasure to see you again sir-" Mr. Sears smiled, but it quickly faded- "There has been an ant monster that has flown to the mainland from Hawaii. This one in particular was around A-rank," he explained. "That is serious, do you think you have enough S-ranks to finally clear the S-rank dungeon in Kauai?" The President asked, "I think we do," Mr. Sears nods. "Good, and you must know we are spread thin with our S-ranks. There have been high ranking Dungeons that opened up across the country this month. We don't have a lot of manpower to go around," he explained. "Yes, I am aware. I've come up with a list of whom I'll request personally to join in the raid," Mr. Sears explained. "Wonderful news. I knew that I could entrust you as the chairmen of the MDA," the President placed a hand on his old friend's shoulder briefly. He turned and left the boardroom, "I only have one person in mind, but at least it's a start of a list," Mr. Sears thought. He sighed as everyone stood up and prepared to leave. "Which of the regional heads of the MDA would come to our aid? Which Guilds?" Mr. Sears added though, "They have their own people to protect, and not to mention the increasing Dungeon rates are making this even harder," he sighed again, "What a headache," Mr. Sears mumbled. "Mr. Sears," River intruded his thought, stepping forward. "Yes, River?" He asks, "I didn't mention this in the meeting, but we've been contacted by two Mythics," River explained, leaning in to whisper the news. "Who called?" Mr. Sears asked, "First by Billy Bob, and the second by two National rank Mythics," River explained. They stepped out of the boardroom, and they together walked down the hallway. "To begin with, Mr. Bob's intentions are clear," Mr. Sears commented, "Yes, his target is Winter Greats, sir. Because of this, I've put in a request to deny his entry into Klato using the conflict with Mr. Finely as an excuse," River explained. "Good, now who are these National rank Mythics?" Mr. Sears asked, "The first was threatened by the ant's arrival in his hometown, and wants to show them what for," River replied. He steps towards the waiting room, where a handsome middle-aged man with shaggy black hair and a neatly trimmed black beard stood. Mr. Sears followed, "The second?" He asks, "The Scavenger's Guild master, they wish to speak under the matter of Billy Bob," River explained before they greeted the first National rank Mythic.

 Winter sat himself down on some rubble, "How boring," he sighs. "I have something you could do if you're so bored," Ultima offered, "Yeah?" Winter asks, "You're old and skilled enough to understand what I've been wanting to teach you," it explained. "What do you want to teach me?" He asks, "The true essence of fighting," Ultima replied. "I'm listening," Winter sits up. "Conversation is the goal of all battles-" it began- "The in-depth analysis of worthy opponents, from anything a shift in gaze to the position of the feet, means something!" Ultima continues, "The enemy tells on themselves, cues of specific meanings. The more you observe, the more meaning you can extract-" it explained- "These cues show you the truth about your opponent. The Ultimate Eyes you inherited from me give you vast information, but without the skill to pick it apart, it is useless," Ultima added. "Where do I begin?" Winter asks, "I can induce a trance where we can interact in a seemingly physical state. It's like lucid dreaming," it responded. He nods, and summons Baruka, "Protect me while I rest," he commanded. Baruka nods, and Winter lies on his back, on the large concrete debris he was sitting on. Quickly, he fell into a trance, before he knew it he stood in a vast field of wheat and barley. A windmill's sails and bearings creaked in the distance, and beyond that a small farm house sat upon a hill. "Where's this?" Winter asks, looking around to see trees of pine on the edges of the farmland. "This was my home in my second life," Ultima replied, standing behind him. "Woah," he gasped, a very tall man with a muscular build and pale, ghostly white complexion. It possesses long, spiky black hair with red tips that it keeps in a ponytail. Its most notable feature is the three sets of eyes on its face with blood-red, vertical-slit irises and red flesh sclera with black straight lines diverging from each iris. Two massive forward-pointing horns extended out towards the tips, coming from the side of the head. Its appearance is profoundly uncanny, majestic, dignified, and intimidating. Adorned in a long, flowing robe crafted from the finest materials, adorned with intricate embroidery and regal patterns that shimmer in the light. The robe drapes around him with almost ethereal grace, giving him an otherworldly appearance. "Oh, right. You never have seen another of our kind," Ultima sighed, "Now I have-" Winter replied- "I suppose that I count, but we are a unique case," it responded. He nods, "How do you want me to begin?" Ultima opens his hands, a side-sword appears in his palms. He grasped on them both and spun the right side-sword grip through his fingers. Pointing the butt of the side-sword at Winter, "Mm," he took a step and grabbed the grip, taking the sword. "I'm going to give you a series of examples of what I explained previously," it explained. Winter nods, and their training begins. Together, they explore the fundamentals of Ultima's principles through the conversation with the side-swords.

 After hours of training, Winter wakes, and Ez is looking down at him. "You're back?" She asks, "Yeah, what's going on?" Winter sits up and sees a pile of demon corpses with Baruka sitting atop them. "I am sorry for cutting our conversation short," she apologizes. "It's fine, I kept myself busy," he replied, standing up. "How long will it take to get the entry permit?" Winter asks, "We're not far at all. We may have to travel through hordes of demons on the way, but they are nothing compared to you, my Liege!" Easel explained as she bowed. "Wait, demons aren't friendly to each other?" He asks, "Yes, those are demons without intelligence. They consider us with intelligence not one of their own," She responded. "Very well," Winter gestured to Ez to show the way. Within thirty minutes, they reached a castle on top of several other builds that were consumed by billowing fire. Stepping inside, Winter couldn't help but chuckle to himself, "A castle inside a castle," he thought. "Where's my father?" Ez asked, stepping forward to a guard. "The throne room like always, Lady Ez. Who is behind you?" The demon knight asked, "He's an important guest, please show respect," Ez replied. Given safe passage through the halls, Ez guided Winter to the throne room. Stepping forward towards the throne, "Father-" Ez begins- "My daughter! What happened to you?!" He asks, standing up from the throne. The man had long black hair, a beard, and a large handled must ash. Pointed ears, and red eyes. Wearing a cloak with gold highlights, with shoulder pads with red highlights. "Who is that man beside you?!" He adds, "My guest fath-" she tried to explain- "What kind of guest brings along an army with him?! There is a throng of soldiers hiding in that man's shadow!" He continued, "I guess he's got sharp senses," Winter thought. "How dare you bring soldiers into my home! In addition, making my daughter one of them!" The Radiru clan head exclaimed, "Father!" Ez screamed. The Demon Knights quickly pointed all of their weapons at Winter. "I was promised the entry permit, and if you're going to stand in my way-" he began- "I'll just have to cut you down too," Winter threatened. The knights were trembling, and Ez's father could only gulp. "He must be the one killing off demons from the lower levels at an insane rate! Defeating Vulcan and Metus-" her father thought- "He defeated my daughter and her knights without sustaining notable damage. This man is a monster!" Ez's father added in thought, "I simply cannot forgive you. Killing my daughter and raising her as one of your own puppets-" he explained- "It will end with your death!" Ez's father roared, drawing a weapon and charging Winter. Flames and shrieks erupted from the castle, and within minutes it fell in battle. Crushed with brutal efficiency, and newly learned skill.

 "I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, Mr. Sears-" a huge, muscular man with long blonde hair, red eyes, a toothy smile, an overgrown blonde goatee, and black tattoos explained- "Do you really have no idea where Klato's 10th S-rank is?" He asked, "He's been working with us, but he recently disappeared despite clearing the low ranking dungeons we requested of him to clear. He's a hard man to pin down, and even our surveillance team are unable to locate him," Mr. Sears explained. The massive man laughed, "How am I supposed to trust what you're telling me?" he asked, "As the chairman of the MDA, I have no reason to lie to a man like you," Mr. Sears replied. "I see," he grinned. "That reminds me! I heard that my man Billy Bob caused a scene here with another Guild master," he began. He continued, "I'd like to apologize, I thought he was only here to visit his brother's tombstone-" the massive man explained- "He talks as if Billy Bob was always from Flore," Mr. Sears thought. "Mr. Greats is one thing, but I came here to ask you to deny Billy Bob entry into the city-" the Goliath began- "I'm not sure if you did already or not," he explained, extending his hand out to shake. Mr. Sears nodded, "Yes, we have already denied entry because of his incident with Mr. Finlkey," he stood himself up, taking the Goliath's hand in a handshake. "Looks like we have nothing to talk about now. I'll give you another call if I ever need anything in the future," he smiled. "I'm not a short man by any means-" Mr. Sears began in thought- "But next to him, I'm like a small child," he thought. "Things have been chaotic lately because of the Kauai Island, right? I hope I didn't give you false hope by coming here," he mentioned, "No. I had an idea why you were here," Mr. Sears replied. The man nods, "I would've liked to help with a raid like Kauai Island, but I am a very busy person nowadays," he stepped away. "I'd better be going, I have a plane to catch," he stepped through the doorway. Leaning forward to get through, "Shall one of the Surveillance team members accompany you?" Mr. River asks, "by all means. By the way, make sure everything we talked about here today stays on the down low. It'd be a pain if the media found out," he added before closing the door behind him. "A National Rank Mythic," Mr. Sears sighed, "Mr. River, do you think Winter Greats will return in time to help us in the Kauai Island raid?" He asks, "His presence would only make the raid smoother, but you shouldn't worry-" Mr. River began- "Wido has agreed to work with us. The largest guild in Wido will be making a visit today," he explained just as a flew through the dark night sky.

 Winter went through floor after floor, defeating the clans on each. With the recent victory, they stood within the recently slaughtered clan castle's courtyard. From this battle, he gathered thousands of experience points, "I must be getting so many experience points because they're so strong," he concluded, "And even Igris has leveled up significantly," Winter turned to see Igris knelt down.

~>System<{" The [Shadow Soldier: Igris], [Level: MAX],"}>it displayed over his head<~< p>

~>System<{" [Alert]! The [Shadow Soldier: Igris] Has Reached Required [Level] For An [Advancement] to Next [Rank] if [Player] Allows!"}>It rang<~< p>

 "Oh, you guys too?" He turned to see Tank bowing his head, Iron, Tusk, and Baruka knelt down. "Looks like my Shadow Soldiers can advance beside me," he concluded.

~>System<{" The [Shadow Soldiers: Igris, Iron, Baruka, Tusk, And Tank] Have Requested [Permission] to [Advance] Next [Rank],"}>it rang<~< p>

 "Accept the request," Winter commanded. Just as he spoke, shadows began to condense around both Igris, Iron, Tusk, Baruka, and Tank. Consuming them with dense abyssal darkness and powerful mana. With an erupting wave of darkness rushed out. From them came a beam of dense mana that reached into the sky.

~>System<{" The [Shadow Soldiers: Igris, Iron, Baruka, Tusk, And Tank] Have Been [Promoted] From [Rank: Infantry] to Elite Infantry]!"}>It rang<~< p>

 Igris looked down at his increased form, clenching his fist before looking up at Winter, "They're all now S-ranks!" He smiled. "My Liege, starting with the 90th floor, the top ranking noble clans manage each floor. They'll be significantly stronger than the high-ranking nobles of these previous floors," Ez explained, "Ahh-" he began- "Then we'll be needing every edge we can get," Winter turned to the corpses that piled along the castle. He smirked, "Arise," Winter commanded.

~>System<{" The [Monarch of Shadow]'s Voice [Rouses] [Fighting Spirit] [Dead]!"}>It rang<~< p>

 Each of the corpses that held the required pure mana to be raised. They crawled up from their blood and shadows, gripping their new weapons as they roared. They all receded into Winter's shadow, and with the permit in hand, Winter took off to the Transportation Circle. And With each advancing floor, the difficulty of each monster grew exponentially, starting from the 90th floor. "Just as Ez warned, they're getting stronger now that I'm past the 90th floor," Winter thought. "There are more monsters guarding the castle on each floor, and they're ranked higher than the previous demons," he added, cutting through the throat of a powerful noble demon. Avoiding their spears, he twisted his body midair. Pushing the staff of the spear away and slamming his foot into their head, splattering purple blood across the floor. "I've increased my intelligence stat, but the battles have been a lot more even than I'd like-" he planted his hand on the ground. Twisting himself around again to avoid an attack from an approaching sword- "Fortunately, my soldiers are rapidly leveling up with these battles despite being repeatedly harmed and regenerated," he thought. Pushing himself off the ground before it was displaced by another noble's attack with the same sword. Winter steps on the sword, launching himself off it and through the noble. Sliding across the courtyard floor of the castle, he cuts through many other knights that surround him in an attempt to protect their noble. "He defeated the Ricado clan, the third most powerful clan, my liege is truly amazing," Ez thought, "My liege, who is stronger than you? You're truly a force to be praised," she complimented, "Enough of that, there are plenty of people stronger than me," Winter responded. "Mr. Sears may be old, but I can tell he is format table despite his age. Ms. Mears definitely felt different," he thought, "she's possibly stronger than the other S-ranks. Just based on her aura, it seemed like Ms. Mears was a few tiers higher than Mr. Whitfield," Winter added. "There are always differences, but among S-ranks the differences are even greater than the differences among other ranks because of the increasingly richer mana they possess at higher ranks," Ultima explained. "Yeah, hopefully now that I've climbed this far things are now different between me and the others," Winter added in thought. He grabs the permit from the corpse of a noble, and turns to the Transportation Circle. "How many clans are there left?" Winter asks, "we defeated the third most powerful, so there are two more, my liege," Ez explains. He smiled, "Good, I won't get bored for the last few floors," he began his journey to the Transportation Circle.