
Who's The Killer?

Yukari and Miu were in another room preparing their statements. I didn't feel so confident in this test Yabūchi prepared. Not only is it impossible to tell if one is lying based off a story alone, but I have no evidence to go off on. It's obviously a set up scenario they have been planning, and the only four here is Ash, Yukari, Miu, and Yabūchi. The only two suspects are Yukari and Miu in the scenario. How can I find the killer and prove the other's innocence..?

"If I can give you a hint, you have all the tools you need already." Yabūchi said.

"How what tools do I have that could possibly help me?" I asked.

"You'll notice soon. Don't worry." Yabūchi smiled.

Yukari and Miu walked into the room we were in and stood in front of Yabūchi. They looked at me and Yabūchi nodded. She sat up and looked at me.

"In this test, we have a made up victim by the name of Kira Noma. He was found dead in a back alley and the only two known to be with him last was Yukari and Miu. In this situation, you have to listen closely. Yukari you may give your testimony first then Miu." Yabūchi said.

[What I Was Doing At The Time]

"I was with Kira before he died. We were good friends so I had no reason to kill him. He was always a good friend to me also and I have no motive to kill him. At the time of his death I was already at home so it clearly could not have been me." Yukari said.

'The story is very believable especially when you have nothing to go off on. Alright...should I wait to hear Miu's side of the story..?' I thought to myself.

"Alright Alice do you want to wait until Miu says her side of the story or no?" Yabūchi asked.

"Hm..I'll wait." I said then looked at Miu.

"Alright, Miu you can start." Yabūchi nodded.

[What I Was Doing That Night]

"I-I was with him that night...but I went home with big sis- I mean Yukari after we parted ways. Besides I couldn't have killed him, I don't have enough strength nor will to even kill an ant..how could I murder a human?" Miu said.

'Come on their stories are exactly the same. This is going to be impossible there is no way I'm ever going to find out who the killer is..' I thought to myself then got in a thinking pose.

"So Alice, what do you have in mind. Who do you think is the killer?" Yabūchi asked.

'If they left at the same time then neither of them are the killer. By the time they left Kira was supposedly still alive meaning either there was a third person involved...or Kira committed suicide..' I thought to myself. 'Who could the third person be..?'

Ash looked at me and then watched as I looked up to look around the room. I got in my signature thinking pose then closed my eyes.

"I got it." I opened my eyes. "This case is similar to the one my father solved may years ago! Neither one of you are the killer and he isn't dead! He's just hiding!"

"Oh? What makes you say that?" Yabūchi asked.

"Hm...I actually don't know...I just assumed neither of them could be the killer because they were at home at the same time. Crap..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Let me give you a hint. Kira is in fact dead and there was a third person involved." Yabūchi said.

I got in my thinking pose again. Ash watched me then crossed his arms. I looked at him and he averted his eyes. I looked where he averted his eyes to then noticed a picture of Kira Noma on the wall. My eyes widened.

"He...isn't made up." I said in shock. "He is real?"

"Hm." Yabūchi smirked.

"I know this case...it's so weird that it made me cry as a kid. He was hanging out with his two friends. They were having a great time and everything. They went to various stores and arcades...once his two friends left, he committed suicide in the alley way, leaving a note behind..." I said. "Why-"

"Because...the game Gray has set up is just as devious as this test. In the actual game, you can't win unless you've unlocked so much of your potential. As a detective and a attorney, you're good..but in Witch Hunts it takes more than being good." Yabūchi said then the doors opened.

I looked back then saw a person in a cloak and rose an eyebrow. The person looked at me and walked forward.

"Alice. I can not let you take this game alone." The person said.

"Eh? Who are you..?" I asked.

The person pulled off their hood and I noticed it was Erika. My eyes widened then I ran to her and hugged her then smiled. She looked at me then smiled a bit. I let go of her and held her shoulders.

"I refuse to let Gray win...but I didn't come alone." Erika smiled and looked back.

"Number 1 Detective is here!" Liliana smiled and skipped inside the building. "I won't let Gray get away with what he's done! As the number 1 detective and a lot of convincing to let Ace allow me to come here, I will help stop Gray!"

"Are you sure you'll be fine doing this? I mean you have a record of being wrongfully accused because of you being a klutz." Ash rose an eyebrow.

"No need to worry Ashy!~ I can handle it!" Liliana smiled.

"Never...call me that again." Ash sighed.

I looked at everyone then Yabūchi nodded at me and smiled. I decided to stay here for a week longer to hone up on my skills by competing her tests.

A week passed and Yukari, Erika, Liliana, Summer, Ash, and I went to the location Gray's game was being held. We got out of the carriage and I looked around. Erika fixed her cloak and walked forward.

"Alice...I usually don't work with people, but would you mind helping me on this?" Erika looked at me.

"Of course!" I smiled and hurried to wall beside her.

We walked to where all the other detectives stood. We saw Gray amongst the crowd. He looked at us and smirked.

"Glad you two could make it and didn't chicken out." Gray chuckled. "Especially you...Erika."

Erika glared at Gray then scoffed. "You've had me cornered the first go around, but things are different Gray. I don't know what problem you have with me, but I will gladly fix the issue by destroying you in this game!"

"Oh...such strong conviction. We will see the results then." Gray said then noticed Liliana and Ash.

"Hey..Gray.." Liliana said. "I haven't seen you or..talked to you since our Senior Trials.."

"Hmph. The Clumsy Detective. It's a shocker on how you even made it this far. This game isn't for a klutz like you." Gray said.

"Tch! Gray.." I glared then grabbed my pendant.

Ash held my shoulder then slightly opened his eyes. His icey blue eyes slightly shined. He looked at Gray with a piercing glare. "Gray...you've gone too far. That attack on Erika was unforgivable...and you're still going. What do you want from her..?"

"Hmph. That is between me and her.." Gray walked away.

I watched him and looked at Erika, Liliana, and Ash. "Let's all work together to take Gray down!"

"Right." They all nodded.