The plane landed and we got off the train then entered the building to get out luggage. We exited the airport and I noticed there weren't any cars or anything in Inohara. I noticed people got around in either trains, bikes, or carriages. I looked at Summer and she led us towards a train station. I saw a stack of newspapers and picked one up.
"Shokyo...? Who's this?" I asked.
"Hm? Oh, Shokyo is a huge serial killer who still isn't known till this day. Nobody knows who this Shokyo person is." Summer answered.
"No one knows who's behind this mask..?" I asked.
"It is a mystery that couldn't be solved even if you wanted to attempt it. The Shokyo person is smarter than any detective and is always a few steps ahead of you." Summer sat down and waited for the train.
"Where is Shokyo?" I asked.
"Location is unknown." Summer shrugged. "People speculate Shokyo is in Asia, near Japan since we get news about Japan and China...but the Shokyo mystery started in Japan so Shokyo could be in Japan. Unfortunately that case isn't something we can get into...Shokyo has been known to kill don't want to get caught up in the case." Summer crossed her arms.
"I-I see.." I set the paper down and sat down quickly then looked around. "So...uhm..."
"Yes this country is kinda old fashioned, no we aren't still in the industrial age, we are in the technology age. Our trains are fully electrical, I have a place for us to stay." Summer said.
"You read my mind.." I looked at her.
"No it's just pretty obvious about what you're gonna ask. You're not the first person to come here confused." Summer stated.
"Huh...Hey, where's Winter?" I looked around.
"Hm?" Summer leaned forwards and looked around quickly. "WINTER?!"
"Hey! Who's this girl?! Get her away from the Princess!" A guard yelled.
"H-Hey it's my....friend." A soft spoken girl tried to calm the guard down, but she was so soft spoken that her voice was barely audible.
"Hey you little brat! Don't you know what it means to not step around royal territory?!" Another woman said in an annoyed tone.
"I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to see Miu!" Winter whined.
"'s okay...Winter is my...friend." Miu said quietly.
Summer facepalmed and wanted to act like she didn't know Winter. I gave a nervous smile and closed my eyes. Summer stood up and walked towards Winter.
"Hey uh...Yukari...mind going easy on my little annoyance a bit..?" Summer grabbed Winter's head like it was a basketball. I noticed some veins popping from her hand.
"Oh the Starr Sisters...Your sister needs to know her manners. I swear...if you weren't our personal Defense Attorney, I would've banned you and your sister a long time ago.." Yukari said.
I looked at Miu and Yukari. They were polar opposites. Miu, who was soft spoken, was a Princess and I'm guessing that Yukari, who was more hotheaded than Erika, is a Princess as well. They both wore light blue formal kimonos and had their hair in a Princess like hairstyle. The only differences they had physically was Miu was 159 cm tall and Yukari was 168 cm tall, Miu had emerald eyes and Yukari had light blue eyes, Miu's hair was light brown color and Yukari's hair was black. Miu was more petite than Yukari was more developed and mature.
"I deeply apologize..." Summer bowed and forced Winter to bow as well.
"You're hurting me..!" Winter whined.
"I-I swear it's alright...Winter is a friend..!" Miu spoke up.
"Friend..? You've only seen her twice in your entire life. Once at her parents funeral and then again at a park. You barely talked to her." Yukari crossed her arms.
"We talked over phone...She's a wonderful person and very intelligent." Miu smiled a bit. "She even helped me with my homework one time. I cherish our friendship..."
" lame. What's the use of friends." Yukari stuck her nose up.
"Well screw you too.." Summer stood up straight. "See if I be your attorney again, Ms. I Got Caught Beating Up A Man Down The Street. You're lucky I got evidence that it was self defense...You literally was beating that man to an inch of his life!"
"Shouldn't have touched me inappropriately. I hate being touched in any manner frankly. Besides you're the only one who can handle my shit. Being a Princess ain't easy!" Yukari said.
Now I'm regretting coming to Inohara...I should've declined that offer immediately. I saw the train coming and got up to get Summer and Winter.
"Sorry to break-"
"Wait a second. You're Alice correct?" Yukari noticed me.
"Uh...Yeah?" I rose an eyebrow.
"Guards! Prepare the carriage! She's the one we've been looking for!" Yukari ordered.
I was even more confused now. Today is just one crazy day. I scratched the back of my head and looked at the large carriage being driven by one of the guards.
"Put your things in the back and hop in! Chop! Chop!" Yukari entered the carriage.
'Could be less demanding geez..' I thought to myself.
We put our bags in the back of the carriage and entered the carriage. Miu sat beside her sister and Winter, Summer, and I sat on the other side. It was more roomy than I thought.
"So anyone want to explain why I'm so popular in Inohara? Why the princess of Inohara is looking for me?" I asked.
"You're famous because you're one of the 5 greatest Detectives ranked right now. You've solves two greatest cases that's been broadcasted across the world." Yukari crossed one leg over the other and crossed her arms.
'5..? Surely one of them isn't much as I love her and she's intelligent, she's been more of a victim and a suspect than an actual detective..' I thought to myself.
"My favorite was the Mask-Or-Raid Case. Your ability to crack cases and find the real criminal is outstanding. Obviously you're ranked as a Junior Detective, but still your feats are worth mentioning." Yukari nodded. "Compared to my friend Summer, you're absolute dogshit...but I see your potential."
"Wow...thanks..." I said dully.
"Anyway, I'm Yukari Yabūchi. This is my sister Miu Yabūchi." Yukari said.
"Ahh ni- Wait...Yabūchi..?" I looked at Yukari. "Oh that's why you have me..? Your mother is Master Yabūchi and she is a Defense all makes sense now.."
"Well you know your stuff, pretty bright female you have with you Summer." Yukari closed her eyes.
"Let's get one thing clear, I got stuck with them." I said.
" true." Summer nodded.
"Either way, the reason mother wants to meet you is that she has a test for you. She heard about Gray's plan and game. The game is more than a game of intelligence. It is also a game of betrayal. This game is called Catch The Witch. There was a murder here in Kiuuka, Inohara two days ago. The murderer is in Kiuuka...The murderer is amongst the many detectives who are here to play the game. My mother knows you're one of the smartest, but she wants to see if you're fully prepared for this battle." Yukari said.
~{New Information Gathered}~
"So that's his game...Knowing Erika and the others...they are joining this game...especially Ash.." I said.
"Ash?" Yukari asked.
"Y-Yeah." I blushed a bit. "He's my friend since we were in kindergarten. He's a bit mysterious and soft spoken on his plans, but he means well."
"Hm..silver hair, icey blue eyes, mostly wears a ponytail on his off days?" Yukari asked.
"Eh..? Yeah you know him?" I asked.
"Oh he's at our home right now. He's sometimes an assistant for Mom. Like a butler in some aspects. He held take care of the garden and even prosecuted here. He's an amazing person all around." Yukari said.
["Nothing that you should stick your nose in. Just know I'm more of a Private Detective. I am in no liberty to disclose any information to anyone."]
"Huh...Just more than a Private Detective huh.." I said to myself.
"Anyways we are here. You can stay with us while you're in this little game Gray has prepared." Yukari said as the carriage stopped.
I stepped out the carriage and looked at the huge shrine and beside it was a large house. I got my bag and saw Miu walking ahead. I followed her and we entered the shrine.
"M-Mother...we are home.." Miu smiled shyly.
Yabūchi looked at Miu and smiled. She noticed me and I looked at her then noticed Ash. He finished pouring tea in Yabūchi's tea cup.
"Welcome home dear. Ash it seems we have a familiar face." Yabūchi smiled.
"Familiar...? Wha-" Ash looked at what Yabūchi was looking at. "Alice..? What are you doing here? Weren't you gonna join the game Gray set up?"
"I am...but I was summoned here." I said and looked at Ash. He honestly looked amazing in that butler outfit he was wearing.
Ash began blushing a bit and cleared his throat and stood up straight. He looked away a bit embarrassed and I snapped back into reality and noticed I was staring.
"Well since you're here we can start the test!" Yabūchi smiled.
"Test?" I asked.
"This test is simple. The game Gray has is a game that requires you to see the hidden truths and use more brain power than intended. I want you to play this game I've set up with Yukari and Miu. It's called Who's The Killer. Similar to the game Catch The Witch, this test we shall generate a scenario and both girls will give their statements and you have to use that information to find out who the killer was. Yukari or Miu?" Yabūchi smiled.
'This is simple to you all..?' I thought to myself.
'It's easier than you think.' Yabūchi said via telepathy.
'And you can hear my thoughts as well..' I sighed. "I may be smart but I can't read minds to see who's lying."
"That's the thing. In the Catch The Witch, you have zero evidence...just information. That's why this battle will be difficult and you have to use said information to see who's lying. Being a detective isn't only about finding evidence but it revolves extreme amounts of thinking and the ability to use information as evidence in itself. Everyone has a different story, but even then those different stories could be connected and lead to the final truth. You know why?" Yabūchi asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because some information may be more specific than others. They give out more than intended and you can use that to find the hidden truth." Yabūchi said. "Every testimony may have a lie, but every testimony without evidence is the truth and you will have to use all the testimonies to connect the timeline and find the hidden truth. The real truth."
"That's easier said than done.." I scratched my head. "My intelligence only goes so far."
"That's why I will help you increased it! The game starts in a week so you will have a week to complete my test." Yabūchi said.
A week to complete a test that's nearly impossible. How can she expect me to do that? Have I really set the bar that high? I honestly have no choice but to do the test because she won't let me do Gray's game until I completely her test. I set down my bags and submitted to her.
"Fine I'll do your little test.." I said and held the watch that was around my neck.
"Great..." Yabūchi giggled and crossed one leg over the other.