In the mystical underwater realm of Coralopolis, a world pulsating with the vibrant essence of the Dao, young Liam and his sister Hayley, heirs to the royal lineage, set off on their first gather-hunt, a tradition of the royal family for the past millennia, to save them from a creature that has been bothering them for centuries, the Leviathan. . The hunt takes an unforeseen turn when Liam is ensnared and his mind besieged by a malevolent spirit of a long-forgotten cultivator. In her desperate attempt to rescue him, Hayley is struck by a deadly poison. As despair looms, a dormant power within Liam awakens. His hundred water spirit body, hundred different creatures arose within Liam's mind. From mythical to ordinary and some no one has ever seen or heard before, but one thing was for sure, they all possess an incredible power. What will Liam choose, his only chance to save his dying sister, by abandoning his home in search for the world above. Or will he submit to the uncertainty and stay in Coralopolis. As Liam stands at the crossroads between his underwater haven and the vast, tumultuous world of cultivation, one wonders: Will he rise to unite the forces against a lurking greater evil, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the battles that rage above and below the sea? Will he ever find out about the enormous cultivation world above the water and the political battles that go on between the top powers
Liam ate his own pill and now his vision got even clearer than what it was before, something Liam did not think was possible. He felt as if he could see the slightest of details on everything if he so chooses to put his focus on it.
He decided to try and do what he was doing in the water torpedo ability. Before he started to swing his hand, he first gathered up a lot of water qi at the tips of his fingers. Then when he began to swing his hand, and tried to release a small amount, everything burst out as he lost control. A big part of his qi was consumed and there was a pond bigger than him on the ground.
"I lost control, something like that is not acceptable to happen in a fight." Liam said before he prepared to do it yet again.
this time, he had a lot less water qi gathered at the tip of his fingers, as he swung his hand only a slight spray of water came out, something similar to a water gun.
"Now I had to little water qi." Liam was getting a bit annoyed, but the pill definitely helped to calm his nerves and put his focus where it should be.
Liam went on to try a few more times until he got the perfect amount of water qi. Well, probably not perfect, but it was good enough.
"Now I need to practice when to release the right amount of water qi." Liam said to himself. The problem he was currently having, was that most of the water qi came out in the start of his attack, and then a lower amount. This resulted in the attack being heavy at the bottom and hitting the ground in front of him, instead of flying forwards.
Liam thought what he should do, but nothing came to his mind.
"Don't treat it like the water torpedo, remember, you said it yourself. You don't need pressure in this attack." The hooded man said a few words before he went quiet again.
"What does he mean, if I gather all the water qi at the tip of my fingers, of course there would be pressure. And if I don't gather my qi there, then. Wait. I don't have to gather it all in the tip of my fingers. Maybe if I distribute the qi along my fingers, palm or even my whole arm, I would have a better result." Liam was excited to try if his theory worked.
He first gathered the qi in his whole fingers, not just the tips. When he performed the attack, a small and thick arch of water came out, though it did not go in the direction Liam wanted it to. Controlling it was very hard.
Just like birds with bigger wings had better stability, so did Liam's water arch.
"That's it, maybe my whole hand?" Liam now included his palm as a way to store his qi.
When he distribute it in his whole hand, Liam felt something click. It was perfect. There was no pressure, and the amount of qi was just right. As he performed the attack, a smaller amount of qi came at the start, from his fingers and then a larger amount from his palm. It really was perfect. A beautiful arch flew out of Liam's hand, but just five meters forward it broke down.
"Kyle's lava arch could fly for 200 meters or more, mine are pathetic in comparison to his, but that doesn't matter. I succeeded." Liam was very happy and he instantly called over Ralph to show him.
"let's see this new move that you have learned." Ralph said to Liam when he came over.
Liam prepared himself, he took a deep breath and envisioned the whole movement yet again. He gathered just the right amount of qi in his fingers and in the palm connecting to them, he relaxed his whole arm and he envisioned the arch flying ten meters forward and cutting down the tree in front of him.
Liam slowly began to swing his hand forward in front of him, as it was gaining speed in its circular motion. Small drops of water began to leak from his fingers and as he sped up, more and more came out. The drops all connected to form a pristine blade that was yet unfinished. When his hand reached the same height as his neck, his hand pulled away from the arch, finishing the formation of the blade. It now looked polished and firm, one would not guess it was simple water flowing freely.
The beautiful arch of water flew forward with incredible speed and 6 meters later, it disappeared.
"Yes!" Liam shouted. He was improving even on his second shot of the skill.
"Wow, that's quite impressive. You managed to do all that from trying to imitate Kyle's fighting on that day?" Ralph asked surprised.
"Yes, why do you ask?" Liam said with a huge smile on his face.
"It's quite impressive, are you sure no one helped you. I mean, there's a reason skill books exist. If everyone could just copy other's skills just from seeing them a few times, there would be no market for them." Ralph said.
Liam thought of the hooded man, who had helped him in a breakthrough that allowed him to achieve the water arch. "Well, no one taught me directly." Liam decided to say.
"I knew it." Ralph laughed as he thought someone had helped Liam greatly, if he knew that it was mostly his own accomplishment, he would be quite surprised.
For the rest of the night, Liam practiced his new water arch on the crystal dummy, the best score he could get was dark blue after a whole day of practicing. Tomorrow was the beginning of the weekend, he would have a lot freer time and he wanted to learn a defensive skill.
"I have two attack skills; I need something to defend myself and my friends if something were to come our way. The water torpedo, a piercing attack and the water arch, a slashing attack." Liam was looking at his arsenal of abilities.
"Then I'll also need something for movement and mobility." Liam said as he remembered how strong Kyle became after he employed his lava skates. From losing the fight, because Owen got close to him, he went on to put Owen in a bad spot where he could only defend. The usefulness of such a skill was apparent.
"Wait, I just remembered something now. That Albert! He tricked me!" Liam almost shouted out loud. He was promised by Albert, to explain to him how he was able to pick and control his poison, but Liam got too caught up in how he was taking advantage of Owen's offer that he forgot.
When Liam and Ralph we're heading back, Liam began to vent to Ralph about his frustration.
"That Albert tricked me. You remember, he made a deal." Liam said angrily.
"He didn't trick you, you're at fault for forgetting." Ralph said.
"That's not fair, you're supposed to take my side." Liam said as he laughed a bit. "I'm going to find him tomorrow and get what he owes me." He said with determination.
"No, you cannot go. No one should know you have contact with the cursed, especially someone high ranking like Albert." Ralph was quick to dismiss his idea.
"I don't care, I'm going." Liam was stubborn about getting what he was owed.
"The golden eagles' faction can't find out you're in good terms with him. Him teaching you his abilities, that's something unheard of between enemies that we're supposed to be." Ralph continued as he was also adamant about Liam not seeing Albert.
"Then I'll go see him as an enemy, there won't be any problem then. I'll go up to his house and start a quarrel, I have to use this anger in me somehow." Liam laughed as he explained his plan. "Then when he gets out, we're going to pretend it got heated and I'll go inside his villa, inside no one can see what we're doing. They will all assume our argument got so big that we had to take it inside." Liam said with a smug look on his face.
"That's." Ralph was at a loss for words. "That might actually work." He said excitedly, as he also wanted his friend to get what he was owed.
"Tomorrow, we'll put our plan into action. After work, everyone is home to rest and gather back their cultivation. That's when we'll strike." Liam said.
"Amazing, that way, there's no chance of him not being home." Ralph smiled as he was starting to think, his friend was a bit better than the average folk. Not only in his intellect but in his cultivation talent and his comprehension ability. He was wondering what was Liam doing for the first part of his life, that he was so inexperienced in fighting.
No matter what status you had in the cultivation world, fighting was always a part of it, no one could be so shielded as Liam was apparently.