
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs


For Kai, the choice remained uncomplicated. Amidst this complex web of plans, his own objective stood resolute. The moon eye plan presented a new means to journey back to his world. That, in itself, became his new path.

As days continued to flow, Kai gradually loosened his grip on his thirst for revenge. Don't get Kai wrong, he still wants to avenge against his so called allies that betrayed him. Yet, a fiercer fire ignited within him—a determination to shield his loved one. Kai was but an orphan, however, he has a childhood love that had supported him through hard times; all the way until he unlocked his power, until he was the best of the best. He couldn't let her fall victim to the same danger he had.




One day, an unexpected encounter disrupted Kai's routine. Zetsu, a mysterious figure, materialized before him, telling him Madara sent him. Their sudden appearance was baffling, yet their message was clear: they were here to deliver crucial information.

With an air of secrecy, Zetsu divulged a vital intelligence to Kai: The Eight-Tails was confined within a hidden compound near the Lightning Village.

Kai nodded. He knew in order to gain Madara's trust, he have to do this task. Each step he took brought him closer to the elusive compound. Zetsu's guidance proved invaluable during the journey, shedding light on the nature of Killer Bee's abilities.

However, a sudden silence hung in the air, and Zetsu's usual discourse was suddenly stifled. It was as if a deeper, more personal thought was surrounding him. And then, unexpectedly, the words emerged from Zetsu's presence.

"I've learned of your yearning to return home," Zetsu spoke. It was then, an unexpected offer hung in the air, an unexpectedly stronger hope for Kai. "Perhaps," Zetsu continued, "we hold the means to aid you on that path."

Kai's curiosity was piqued, and he posed the question, "What do you have to offer?"

Zetsu's response was measured, his voice carrying an air of mystique. "I am an emissary of a higher power, a divine entity with the ability to traverse dimensions."

Kai's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and intrigue. "A higher power? Are you saying this being can help me return home?"

Zetsu nodded, his dual nature reflecting the complexity of the situation. "Indeed, her resurrection could be the key to your salvation. She possesses the knowledge and power to navigate between dimensions."

Kai's mind whirred with possibilities. This offer held immense promise, an increased chance to reunite with his world.

"Who is this deity, and why would she need my help?" Kai inquired, his tone a blend of skepticism and hope.

Zetsu's lips curled into a faint smile as he continued, eager to share the hidden truths. "This divine being is Kaguya Otsutsuki, the progenitor of chakra and the mother of Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki. Long ago, she sought to care for the world, to unite all as one through the use of chakra, However, her kids betrayed her. Each wants their own methodology and idealism to be the way, and rule humanity. This leads Kaguya into a conflict with her own offspring. Unfortunately, at the end of it all, She died. In her last effort, she used her own chakra to bring me to life, and hope that one day, she can be resurrected in order to stop all war once more."

Kai's brows furrowed as he processed Zetsu's revelation. "So, this Kaguya is a powerful being who can help me get back home. But how can I contribute to her resurrection?"

Zetsu's eyes gleamed with a mixture of intrigue and cunning. "To aid in Kaguya's revival, you must assist me in a critical task. After the execution of the Moon Eye Plan, there remains one last crucial step – the destruction of the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails, the mightiest of all tailed beasts."

Kai's mind whirred with understanding. He realized that the gravity of this task was immense, a deed that would forever alter the course of history. "You want me to help you kill the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails? But why?"

Zetsu's tone remained cool and calculated. "Kaguya requires an infusion of vast chakra to complete her revival. The Ten-Tails is the ultimate source of chakra, and its Jinchuriki's demise will release an extraordinary amount. By contributing to this pivotal event, you will solidify your allegiance to our cause and earn Kaguya's favour."

Kai's determination flickered in his eyes as he absorbed Zetsu's words. "To take down the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails, Does this mean killing Madara? Isn't he very strong?"

Zetsu's dual presence seemed to resonate with a sense of assurance. "You're right to recognize the challenge, but you're not alone. As you aid in the execution of the Moon Eye Plan and contribute to Kaguya's revival, I will help you in ensuring everything go smoothly, I'll assist you in your endeavours."

Kai thought about it for a moment, before his resolve solidified. "I'll do whatever it takes to get back home. If helping Kaguya's revival and taking down Obito is the way, then I'll take it."

However, deep down, doubts gnawed at Kai's thoughts as he absorbed Zetsu's proposal. He couldn't help but feel wary of Kaguya's intentions. Sacrificing countless lives for her revival seemed incomprehensible, and her mysterious nature only heightened his skepticism.

In his heart, Kai held just slightly more trust for Obito, a real figure he had interacted with. Yet, Zetsu's claim about the power of dimension travel tugged at him. It was undeniable that such an ability could be his ticket back home.

Resolute, Kai's expression grew determined. 'I'll proceed, for now. I may not fully believe in Kaguya's motives, but the prospect of returning home is too significant to ignore. I believe that she really does have that ability... Worst comes to Worst, I'll have to kill her to gain the ability...' he thought to himself