
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

The Leader

He had his reservations about joining the Akatsuki. However, he took a moment to ponder before continuing, " I'd like to first meet your leader."

Hidan and Kakuzu exchanged a knowing glance. Regardless of Kai's decision, it seemed logical to arrange a meeting between him and Pain. It was a way to gauge Kai's intentions and potentially find a middle ground.

Hidan smirked, "You're in for an interesting encounter, kid."

Kakuzu added with a nod, "Very well, we'll arrange a meeting with Pain. But remember, this isn't an opportunity many get."

Kai's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, contemplating the potential risks and rewards. He knew that this meeting with Pain could be a very risky move. Yet, there was one thing he had been wondering, was there any way for him to go home? Kai had accepted that this was not his world. Everything was too different. However, he wants to head back to his world. He still had people he care about, and most of all, he wanted revenge against the people in his old world.

Kai thought that if there was anyone that may know it, the likely fastest method would be to go to a leader of a large organisation which seems to have a somewhat favorable impression of him. Konoha is no longer in question, and even if the organisation was shady, Kai hoped that perhaps there could be a mutual benefit for the two parties.

As they prepared to depart, Hidan's grin never faded, and Kakuzu's eyes seemed to hide a depth of calculation. The forest once again enveloped them, as they moved forward to the rendezvous with Pain, a man whose ideology and power had the potential to reshape their world.




Their journey brought them to the city of Amegakure, a place shrouded in both mystery and an aura of melancholy. The city's buildings rose like forgotten relics, adorned with signs of wear and tear that told tales of a turbulent history. Rain fell persistently, giving the city a sombre atmosphere.

The city was heavily affiliatied with the Akatsuki, it is where the leader lives, and its gloomy ambience seemed to complement this reputation. The Akatsuki members, Hidan and Kakuzu, guided Kai through the maze-like streets until they reached the base of the tallest tower.

The tower loomed above them, its architecture both ancient and imposing. Each stone seemed to hold secrets of times. As they entered the tower's depths, Kai felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. He knew he was about to encounter someone of great significance.

At the bottom of the tower, they finally encountered a figure draped in blue origami-like robes: Konan. Her gaze was penetrating, as if she could read Kai's very thoughts. She addressed him directly, "Is this the ability theft?"

Hidan and Kakuzu exchanged a glance before nodding in unison, confirming Kai's identity.

Conan's response was direct and to the point, "You may now leave," she said to Kakuzu and Hidan. Their compliance was swift, and they departed with little more than a nod.

Turning her attention to Kai, Konan's demeanour shifted. "Come now. Pain is waiting for you," she informed him. They began to ascend the tower's stairs, each step a moment of anticipation.

With every step, an overwhelming presence began to envelop Kai. It was as if the very air carried the weight of the impending encounter. Finally, they reached the top of the tower, and there he was – Pain.

Pain was a figure shrouded in both power and mystery. His youthful appearance contrasted with the gravity of his presence. His eyes, however, were the most striking feature – a pair of spiral eyes that seemed to hold within them the secrets of the world.

As he turned to face them, Kai's gaze met Pain's. The intensity of their eye contact sent shivers down Kai's spine as if Pain could see into the depths of his being.

Pain's gaze bore into Kai's, his intensity unyielding. "You requested to meet with me?" Pain's question hung in the air, loaded with curiosity and a sense of scrutiny.

Kai felt a mixture of fear and determination. He swallowed his trepidation and mustered his words. "Yes, I heard you might want to recruit me. Why would you consider me?"

Pain's response was calculated, "Your ability is unique and valuable..." he said simply, "Yet, it's clear you don't align with anyone's interests, not even Konoha's. So, why seek me out?"

Kai didn't flinch. "Because this world is not mine. They say to find evil if you wish to quickly achieve your individual goals. My vendetta is my own and yours, yours. I want to return to my world and settle scores with those who betrayed me. I believe you are the fastest way for me to return to my world and in return, perhaps I can help you."

Pain studied Kai's answer, and added one more reason to it. "And you're cornered, pursued by Konoha. You seek shelter in our organization."

Kai hesitated, then conceded with a nod. In truth, his options were few. Konoha's relentless pursuit had left him no choice. He was already hostile to Konoha. It would be near impossible to defeat Konoha alone.

After seconds of silence, Pain's response held a tinge of regret. "I'm afraid I don't possess the knowledge to navigate between worlds and dimensions."

Kai's hope wavered. He had placed his expectations on this meeting, but reality was always against hope.

"But," Pain continued, "I can offer you safety within our ranks. You are still weak. I can give you power"

Kai's disappointment was palpable. He had believed this could be his way out. "So, you can't help me return?"

Pain's eyes softened, reflecting a hint of sympathy. "I cannot make promises beyond my means. However, should I come across a way, I'll ensure you're informed, provided you're a part of our organization."

Kai grappled with his options, realizing the harsh reality. From the conversations of Hidan and Kakuzu, many would believe Pain is currently the closest to a God. If he could not help, then who can help Kai?