
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

The Akatsuki

In the grand chamber of the Hokage mansion, Naruto's determination burned like a fierce flame. He leaned forward, his voice fervent as he pleaded with Tsunade, "Old lady, we can't just sit back and let this 'ability theft' guy roam free! I'll track him down and bring him to justice!"

Tsunade's gaze remained resolute, her expression a blend of caution and wisdom. "Naruto, I understand your concern, but we can't allocate our limited resources to chase a shadow. We have no substantial leads on this person, and there are more pressing matters that demand our attention."

Frustration tightened Naruto's features, his resolve unyielding. "But he took out Sai, one of our own! He's a threat!"

Tsunade's eyes held a mixture of sympathy and firmness. "Naruto, we need to be strategic. Right now, there are critical missions that require our skilled shinobi. We can't divert their focus unless we have solid intel on this 'ability theft'."

Just as their debate reached its peak, a sudden interruption came in the form of a monk, his face marked by urgency and fatigue. ""Help us, we're invaded by a group named Akatsuki..." Immediately after delivering his message, he collapsed. the weight of his message hanging heavily in the air. The room filled with a sense of impending danger, momentarily shifting their focus from the elusive 'ability theft' to a new, ominous threat that now loomed over the village.



Just slightly before this, In a distant forest, Kai ventured onward. He trod cautiously, making his way toward a makeshift cave shelter he had fashioned for himself. It was his temporary home, a place where he could rest and strategize in the midst of his solitary journey.

Weeks had passed by since Sai's death, Kai was continuously pursued by Anbus from Konoha. Slowly, Kai grew annoyed at the relentless pursuit by Konoha. Often time as he hunted down bandits, he had experienced several pursuits by the hidden leaf Shinobis. Although Lady Tsunade decided against sending people to pursue Kai, it was different for the Anbus of root. They relentlessly pursue him as though he was a top-class priority mission. Many times, Kai was on the brink of death, just barely scraping by through his Chameleon ability. Dislike for Konoha slowly grew within Kai's heart.

At this day, he intended to rest in his shelter, but fate had other plans for him. As he neared his shelter, a distant glimmer caught his eye. Smoke curled into the sky, an ominous sign that drew his curiosity like a magnet. He adjusted his course, his movements fluid and silent as he approached a temple that had once stood tall and proud.

Now, the temple lay in ruins, a stark contrast to its former grandeur. The destruction was plenty, a somber reminder of the chaos that had befallen this sacred place. Rubble and debris scattered the ground, remnants of a once-vibrant history now reduced to fragments.

Amidst the devastation, Kai's gaze fixed upon a chilling scene. Two figures, draped in the ominous Akatsuki attire, stood at the heart of the temple's remains. Their presence was unsettling, sending a shiver down Kai's spine. One of them knelt by a blood-stained circle, an eerie ritual that hinted at dark intentions. The other, burdened by the weight of a lifeless body, moved with a haunting determination.

Kai's heart raced, his instincts screaming danger. As if in response to his unease, the gaze of Kakuzu, a formidable member of the Akatsuki, pierced through the distance. Panic surged within Kai, and he swiftly invoked his chameleon-like ability, blending seamlessly into his surroundings. He knew better than to engage with these fellows.

With silent steps, Kai retreated, putting as much distance as he could between himself and the dangerous duo, the temple's ruins now faded into the background.

Kai's breaths gradually steadied as he found a concealed nook within the forest. Seated upon a bed of fallen leaves, he replayed the unsettling encounter in his mind. The two figures had left an impression on him, their presence a peculiar blend of danger and uncertainty.

His eyes fixated on the headbands adorning their foreheads, each one bearing symbols of allegiance or village that was now marred by a definitive break. It was a detail not lost on Kai, a telltale sign that these were shinobi who were different than what he had met throughout.

A pensive frown creased Kai's brow as he pondered their identities. "Exiled or renegade?" he mused quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for Kai's realization to solidify.

With a thoughtful exhale, Kai's mind danced along the edges of speculation. "Perhaps they've turned against their own villages," he considered. The notion of shinobi who had forsaken their allegiances to chart their own course resonated deeply with him. It was a concept tinged with both danger and allure, one that Kai found himself drawn to.




Meanwhile, within the rubbles of ruins, Kakuzu's keen eyes studied the newly updated Bingo Book, his fingers tracing the words that spelled out "The Ability Theft." A flicker of interest burned within his gaze, a spark ignited by the lucrative reward. With a thoughtful nod, he cast a glance back toward the distance he had observed earlier, his mind working through the possibilities.

"I smell money," Kakuzu's voice rumbled, carrying the weight of his ambitions. Beside him, Hidan, a man of fervent beliefs, regarded Kakuzu with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. The bond between these two Akatsuki members was a unique one, their motivations diverging yet intertwining in pursuit of their goals.

Hidan's gaze met Kakuzu's, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "You know, money's great and all, but I'm really in it for the sacrifices," he quipped, his voice dripping with a dark sense of humor.

Kakuzu's response was a low, rumbling chuckle that resonated through the forest. "Well, Hidan, sacrifices or not, this 'Ability Theft' could prove to be quite the lucrative venture."

In swift tandem, Kakuzu and Hidan delved into the depths of the forest where Kai had sought refuge. Their footsteps resonated with purpose as they scoured the surroundings, eyes scanning for any hint of the elusive figure they had caught a glimpse of. Yet, their search bore no fruit, the moments slipping through their grasp like sand.

In the middle of the search, Kakuzu's observant gaze fell upon the fallen monk he was carrying, life extinguished. A calculated gleam glinted in his eyes. "We'll proceed to the bank," Kakuzu's voice carried the weight of certainty, a directive that Hidan readily acknowledged. .But as they departed the forest's edge, a lingering sense of frustration gnawed at Kakuzu. His chance for more money had eluded him. 'We'll be looking for you once we're done' Kakuzu vowed.

With purposeful strides, Kakuzu and Hidan embarked on their chosen path.