
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs


the guards stationed at the entrance presented an obstacle. He watched as they diligently inspected permits, their vigilance a testament to the city's security.

His mind whirred with thoughts, a plan taking shape amidst the labyrinth of his contemplations. He remembered the documents he had glimpsed in the pockets of fallen shinobi – permits that bore names and faces. A realization settled upon him like a cloak of uncertainty – using those permits was not an option.

However, he needed to reach konoha to secure the supplies he needed. He surveyed the city from his hidden vantage point, his eyes tracing the walls and the pathways. A quiet spark of ingenuity ignited within him – a plan was forming.

Kai's mind raced, a plan taking shape amidst the canopy of his thoughts. He knew what he needed, and he turned his gaze back to the forest, his eyes scanning the landscape with intent. He needed a chameleon – a creature whose innate abilities had saved him countless times in his previous life. Its camouflage and adaptability had been his shield, his ally in the face of danger.

His search was focused, thorough, determined to pursuit this chameleon. His footsteps were purposeful, each rustle of leaves beneath his feet a note of anticipation. Time stretched on, moments blending into one another as he scoured the forest's depths.

And then, there it was – a chameleon perched upon a leaf, its form blending seamlessly with the foliage. A rush of familiarity washed over Kai, memories of his past experiences flooding his mind. This creature held the key to his plan, the potential to grant him an advantage he sorely needed.

His heart quickened as he approached the chameleon, his movements slow and deliberate. With gentle precision, he extended his hand, allowing the chameleon to crawl onto his palm. He marveled at the creature's intricate design, its ability to meld with its surroundings a testament to nature's ingenuity.

Kai's thoughts raced ahead, his plan forming like a mosaic taking shape. He was ready to put its abilities to the test, to harness its power for his own survival.

Yet, before he could fully embrace his plan, a surge of instinct jolted him into action. Without conscious thought, he swayed to the side, his body moving of its own accord. His senses were finely tuned, honed by a lifetime of battles and challenges. It was a shinobi – an unexpected presence that was a big threat to Kai.

The shinobi's words hung in the air, "Who are you?" he asked. Kai's lips remained sealed, his mind racing as he assessed the situation. He recognized the emblem on the shinobi's headband – the symbol of Konoha that he had seen from the guards blocking Konoha, from some of the dead shinobis. This encounter contained potential consequences, and Kai's battle-honed instincts urged him to act swiftly.

He understood the stakes. If the shinobi lived, the city's reinforcements could quickly arrive, complicating his journey even further. With resolve hardening his gaze, Kai's decision was made. Without hesitation, he quickly crushed the Chameleon on his hand, and he engaged the shinobi in combat.

The forest came alive with clashes of power and technique, wind and steel reverberated through the air. The shinobi's mastery over wind techniques was evident as their movements conjured invisible blades that sliced through the very fabric of the forest around them. Trees swayed and trembled, their trunks bearing the scars of the onslaught.

Kai's instincts were finely honed, each gust of wind and subtle shift in the atmosphere a clue for his next move. His body moved with fluid grace, no hesitation could be seen in Kai's movement due to past battle experience. The shinobi's technique was formidable, yet Kai was also blocking it as well.

The exchange of blows was relentless, a back-and-forth battle that played out amidst the labyrinth of trees. Amidst the flurry of movement, Kai seized a fleeting opportunity. In an attempt to surprise his opponent, blades materialized with a shimmering glow on his arms. With a burst of speed, he lunged forward, the blades streaking toward the shinobi in a surprise attack.

The shinobi, however, evaded Kai's sudden attack too. His body moved with an incomprehensible swiftness. The shinobi narrowly evaded the blades, his form a blur of agility as he dodged through the assault. The clash of metal against wind echoed through the forest, the blades and techniques a testament to the battle prowess of both combatants.

A lull settled over the battlefield, a momentary pause punctuated by a few exchanged words. The shinobi's voice cut through the tension, curiosity mingling with caution, "You, what is that ability? A Kekkai Genkai?" Kai's lips remained sealed, his gaze unyielding as he prepared for the next round of combat.

As the battle raged on, the shinobi's resolve solidified. With a surge of power, they unleashed another wind technique – a cyclone of cutting force that surged toward Kai. His response was immediate, his body moving with uncanny grace as he evaded the attack. The wind's fury swept past him, rustling leaves and sending debris spiralling through the air.

Using the terrain to his advantage, Kai sought refuge behind a sturdy tree. The forest's hushed embrace provided an eery tension, the towering trunks shielding Kai from the shinobi's assault. Time seemed to hang in the balance, the air tense with anticipation as the shinobi approached, his gaze fixed on the tree that hid their opponent.

And then, with a swift motion, the shinobi turned to strike – "I got you!"... only to find an empty space. A rush of air brushed against the shinobi's back, a sensation that was swiftly followed by a jolt of searing pain. Confusion flickered in his eyes as a blade materialized from his chest, an intrusion that spelled defeat.

Kai's form reappeared behind the fallen shinobi, his eyes locked onto their defeated opponent. The forest's silence was a stark contrast to the battle that had raged mere moments before. The fallen leaves bore witness to the clash, their rustling a whisper of acknowledgment.

With a breath of exhaustion, Kai withdrew the blade, the weight of the battle settling upon his shoulders.

"Phew.. Thank God for the Chameleon's ability"