
Chapter 3 I Don't Deserve It!

"Slap yourself until I tell you to stop."

Old Mr. Nilson's face darkened. He was the head of the Nilson family. No one had ever dared to swear at him in front of him. He would not let Weldon off the hook.

Otherwise, anyone who had a problem with him would swear at him.

"Grandpa, I was wrong."


"Grandpa, I was wrong."


Weldon cursed Shelton inwardly as he slapped himself.

He wouldn't have cursed Old Mr. Nilson if the loser hadn't provoked him.


Vera, who had been very angry, saw Weldon slapping himself and couldn't help laughing.

She was so happy!

Weldon had been giving her trouble a lot since she became the president.

She couldn't help but give Shelton a thumbs up secretly.

This was the first time she had seen Weldon in such a mess. It was all thanks to Shelton.

"Good job!"

Seeing Vera give him the thumbs up, Shelton just felt so happy and couldn't help but grin.

He just wanted her to be happy.

He would do anything as long as she could be happy.

Because he knew he had intruded into her life and caused her too much harm!

"Stop," said Old Mr. Nilson at this point, "go back and think about what you've done wrong. If you don't figure it out in three days, I'll never make you the president even if I have to pay someone else a lot of money to do it."

Weldon was instantly surprised.

Is Grandpa going to remove Vera from her job?

"Thank your grandpa!"

Weldon's father, Gary Nilson, glared.

"Thanks, Grandpa! I'll be sure to think about it!"

Weldon stood up. His face was red and swollen, but he didn't feel any pain. He just turned around and gave Vera a smug look.

Then he gave Shelton a vicious glare and whispered as he brushed past him, "I'm not letting you off the hook!"

Then he strode away.

At this point, Old Mr. Nilson looked over at Shelton and said coldly, "You're leaving the Nilson family so I won't punish you. You're just a live-in son-in-law. I could have brought you to your knees and slapped you yourself since you meddled in the Nilson family's affairs!"

With that, he turned his head to look at Vera.

"Vera, come here."

"Grandpa, I'm not getting a divorce."

Vera didn't go over and said directly, "I know you want me to divorce Shelton, but I can't listen to you. If I divorce Shelton, I won't have anyone to take care of my dad."

Since Tommy was turned into a vegetable in a car accident, Shelton had been taking care of him at home. Jessie thought it was dirty and didn't take care of Tommy.

Only Shelton took care of him. Every time Vera saw her dad, she didn't smell any stench. If her husband had been any other man, her dad would probably be dead.

"You can hire a nurse!"

Old Mr. Nilson said seriously, "You must get a divorce. Mr. Black called me today. If you marry him, he will give you 10 million dollars as a bride price and lend Nilson Group 20 million dollars to get through the crisis."

Vera's uncles and aunts were jealous.

Why wasn't our daughter chosen by a rich man like Mr. Black?

It's so annoying!

Jessie was overjoyed. "Vera, 10 million dollars! We can spend 1 million dollars to hire a nurse to take care of your dad for the rest of his life. I can buy a villa with a garden and a pool and a top-of-the-line Paramela and use the rest of the money for the rest of my life. You don't have to give me money anymore. You can live happily ever after with Mr. Black."

"Mom, I'm a person, not a commodity. I don't want to be sold!"

Vera was helpless. She said to Old Mr. Nilson, "Grandpa, I don't like Haward. Please don't sell me!"


Old Mr. Nilson stood up angrily, "If you get a loan of 20 million dollars in three days and solve Nilson Group's problem, I won't interfere with your marriage. If you can't, you must get a divorce and marry Haward!"

After that, Old Mr. Nilson left on his crutch with the help of Gary.

"Vera, why don't you say yes? Are you trying to kill me?"

Jessie yelled angrily after everyone left.

"Come on! That's 10 million dollars!"

She stomped her feet and insulted Shelton. "It's all because of you loser. I'm going to kill you!"

She was completely crazy. She grabbed the coffee pot from the table and threw it at Shelton.

"Mom, I'll help you kill this loser!"

Vera's sister Kate Nilson came back from school and saw her mother losing her temper. Without hesitation, she also picked up the fruit and threw it at Shelton.

Vera couldn't stop them and yelled, "Stop it! Stop it!"

However, it didn't work.

Shelton just held his head and let them hit him. He had been living with the Nilson family for three years, and he was used to it.

"You can stay for three more days. If you don't get out then, I'll kill you with a kitchen knife!"

Jessie got tired and gave Shelton an indignant glare. She angrily returned to her room and slammed the door.

"I don't mind helping Mom."

Kate threatened and went upstairs.

Vera bit her lip and stared at Shelton, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry. I got you in trouble again."

Shelton wiped Vera's tears with a tissue.

"When is it going to end?"

Vera yelled at Shelton and rushed upstairs with her hands over her mouth.

Shelton stood still as Vera's yell rang in his ears.

Eventually, he could only sigh and clean up the floor. He still had to make dinner for the family.

After making dinner, Shelton left some food in the kitchen for himself and brought a bowl of scrambled eggs upstairs. He asked Vera to get her mom and sister to eat and he went to Tommy's room to feed him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Shelton saw the tears on Tommy's face.

He wiped his face with a tissue and carefully fed him. "Dad, don't feel sorry for me. If you hadn't saved me three years ago, I would have starved to death on the street, so I could have lived with whatever they did to me. If I do divorce Vera, I'll rent an apartment and take you in to take care of you. You're my dad."

Vera heard it from outside and went downstairs with her hands over her mouth.


It was almost 10:00 p.m. when Shelton finished his chores. He came back into the room and saw Vera sitting on the edge of the bed in her pajamas. Seeing him, she said, "Wash my feet."

Shelton froze and nodded. He went to get a basin of warm water and gently washed her feet.

"When I first joined the Nilson family, you were the business manager. You often went to the construction sites and the warehouses and your feet were constantly blistered, so I offered to wash your feet, but you refused. I insisted on it and you eventually agreed."

"Two years ago, you became the president. You no longer had to go to the construction sites and the warehouses and wouldn't let me wash your feet anymore."

"Now you suddenly let me wash your feet. I'm happy, so whatever choice you make, I'll support you and not regret pleasing you."

Vera wanted to cry as she listened to Shelton's words.

"Weldon's right. The group is in crisis because of me. I had no choice. You can blame me and hate me, but you can't look down on me. I can't get a loan of 20 million dollars in three days. Someone will stop me."

"I know." Shelton nodded.

"That's good. Let's make the time count. If you're upset, I'll give myself to you in the next three nights. At least I don't hate you anymore."

After that, she bit her lip. She'd rather give herself to Shelton than to Haward.

However, Shelton froze. Eventually, he dismissed the idea and said, "I don't deserve it. I just want you to be happy."

"You loser, you peeked while I was changing, but now you're rejecting me. You're the most cowardly man in the world!"

Vera withdrew her feet.

Shelton was speechless.

Since Vera was reluctant, how could he hurt her?

It was silent.

Soon Vera fell asleep, and Shelton stood on the balcony smoking.

When the moon rose, the lawn was covered with cigarette butts.

Finally, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number he hadn't dialed in three years.

He decided to give up everything for Vera, including hatred.

"Who is this?" An old voice asked on the other end of the line.

After a few seconds of silence, Shelton replied.

"It's me."

"Mr. Reed?" Larry was surprised. "Are you coming back with me?"

"No," Shelton said, "I want to talk to you."

"Okay, I'll meet you at Tripod Building."