
The 7th King

The King's organization, one of the most powerful entities of this universe, with higher than thousands of galaxies and billions of warriors under its command. The person who can control this behemoth, the next inheritor of King's organization, who will be crowned as the 7th King, just decimated an entire civilization and went into hiding. While the entire universe is seeking for him, he is on his course to carry a quiet life on an "uncivilized" planet at the rim of the universe called Earth, his home. But nothing progresses according to one's plans. This is the story of Paul. Whose only mottos are "I want to live a Carefree life," and "All will be fine until you provoke me" But there are a lot of "Coincidences" in this universe which forces him never to realize his mere dream to be a normal person. ********* If you are looking for an MC where he goes from weak to strong, this is not for you. Here the MC is Super OP from the beginning******** * There may be some grammatical errors. I'll update it soon. Thank you*

kpthe1 · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs



After the Rolls Royce drove off, there is silence left at the London City airport's runway.

The bodyguards were still dazed looking at Henry's body in front of them.

"HELP!!!!!!" Henry shouted out loud with pain.

This horrific scream brought them back to their senses.

Immediately a bulky person came forward and ordered a bodyguard standing near Henry, "You, call the ambulance". Then he looked at one more bodyguard and said "You both stay here and help butler Henry admit in the hospital".

"Remaining follow me, we are the security detail of young master. How can you guys stand their dazed while young master is leaving?" he yelled at the bodyguards.

Immediately he took out his tablet PC and checked the location of the Rolls which is travelling in the streets of London.

He hurriedly got into one of the cars and drove off, followed by the remaining guards in the other cars. Leaving injured Henry and other two bodyguards behind.

The bulky person in the front car is Aleksei Kuznetsov. He is one of the elite bodyguards, raised and trained by the Pendragon family.

As the young master of the Pendragon family is returning to London. The family appointed him as the Cheif Security Officer for Paul Pendragon.

At the airport when he tried to introduce himself to young master Paul, Henry blocked him and took the chance first. As Henry is a rank higher than him in the Pendragon family system, Aleksei didn't mind this intervention.

Buth when he saw the look of disdain in Henry's eyes towards young master's friend, Alexsei got angry.

Eventhough Henry is specially assigned as butler to young master, he can't look down upon his employer's friend.

But before he took a step to stop Henry, what happened before him shocked him to his core. The arrogant Henry, who always tries to push people's patience to the edge is lying on the pavement under the palm of young master Paul.

Hearing the cracking sound of breaking bones, Alexsei can't comprehend what's going on.

"What happened?" is the only thought going through his mind. All the actions of young master Paul happend within a second.

He took out his phone and called Butler Sam and explained the incident to him. But strangely there is no reaction from otherside of the phone. After a few seconds he heard "Okay" from butler Sam.

At the same time a Rolls Royce Wraith is cruising through the busy streets of London. Everyone on the streets gave a glance for a short moment at the car and continued with what they are doing.

Seeing a Rolls Royce is common in London, but still people can't ignore when one is in front of them.

Paul looked out of from his car at the London streets and said in a soft tone "It's been only 4 years since I left and everything here looks new to me"

"Bro, these primitive structures can't be compared to our kings city" said Leo while going through the internet.

"True but this is my home" said Paul.

"Whatever" retorted Leo.

When these two buddies are bickering, Amelia in the driver's seat is getting more and more frustrated.

"Primitive? that's a sky scrapper for God's sake and where the heck is this Kings city" thought Amelia but looking at what happened earlier to Henry, she didn't voiced it out.

Though she is curious about Paul's strength, she knows that asking him is useless. So she kept her curiosity within herself.

Meanwhile Aleksei is chasing after Paul's vehicle but because of traffic it is taking him lot more time.

"I'm I going to lose my job after the day I got a promotion?" Aleksei is speaking to himself out loud while driving.

Luckily he know a shortcut which will help him catch up with Paul before reaching the Kensington borough.

He quickly took a right a left turn into a small alley. After five minutes of driving in this cramped street, he can see the red dot on his tablet PC behind him.

He put a hard brake making his car stand still in front of the luxury Rolls Royce.

"Who the heck is driving that car?" cursed Amelia putting a sudden brake. She is already frustrated with the two guys behind her and now an idiot before her could have caused an accident.

When she wants to get out and beat the crap out that car driver, Aleksei came out of the car. Looking at Aleksei, Amelia remembered seeing him at the airport. So stopped her cursing and kept quite.

The pedestrians on the side of the street, took out their phones to take video of the upcoming fight.

When they saw, a huge man coming out of that SUV, they expected that this man will trash the driver of Rolls Royce, eventhough it's his fault.

But to their dismay Aleksei ran to the back passenger seat of the Wraith and bowed. The people are disappointed looking at this scene but still they are filming everything.

Paul rolled down his window a little bit looking at the familiar suit of this person.

"Who are you?" asked Paul

"I'm your new cheif security officer, young master" said Aleksei with a solemn look because the response from Paul will decide his employment status.

"Get in the car" Paul said.

Immediately, Aleksei ran to his SUV and parked it by the side of the roadway and got into the Rolls.

Seeing that it is over, people left one by one.

Amelia started to drive again after Aleksei sat in the seat beside her.

"What's your name? asked Paul

"Aleksei Kuznetsov, young master"

"Just call me Paul. I'm more comfortable with it" said Paul. Honestly he hate it when people call him young master. Once he even scolded Old man Armstrong, when he keeps calling him like that.

"How could I?" said Aleksei but thinking through. "if you don't mind I'll call you Mr.Paul" said Aleksei with perplexed look.

"That also works" said Paul with a smile.

Looking Paul's smile, Aleksei felt better.

"Mr. Paul, I'm really sorry about what happened before. I reported about butler Henry's behavior to Head Butler Sam" Aleksei said with an apologetic voice.

"Its not your fault. Looks like I have fix somethings in the family" said Paul coldly.

As Paul is an introvert most of his family members looked down upon him and Paul didn't care about this then and also now. But he can sense that there is something wrong going on in his family.

Amelia got goose bumps to what Paul said. She knew Paul since he is kid. So know his behavior very well but now everything she knew about from past is like a lie, when she looked at how he dealt with Henry.


This is the only word she can think looking at Paul. Before he used to be a coward but after four years of his trip he became strong and decisive. This new characteristics of Paul is making her nervous.

At last they can see the gates of Pendragon Manor. Looking at his home Paul felt nostalgic. He was here last time to convince his parents to go on a his "trip". Hr is back after four years.

"Leo, we are here. Remember what I said" said Paul to Leo.

Leonard who has been silence since the beginning, is looking forward to his meeting with Paul's parents.

While sitting in car, Leo went through all the information available on Paul's family in internet. So got familiarized with some details.

At the porch of the Pendragon manor there is an eager couple waiting, surrounded by lot of bodyguards and butlers.

The Rolls Royce entered into the mansion and came to a stop in front of Robert and Caroline.

Before the butler nearby opened the door, Paul jumped out of the car and hugged his parents.

"Welcome back home, Son" said Robert while hugging Paul. On the other hand Caroline is crying on the shoulders of Paul.

"Don't cry mom. I'm home"

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