
The 3 Lone Hunters

One plan girl gets pulled into the world of hunting. Belle has been pulled in by two boys, Matt and Travis. They both fight with her and for her. Trying to get stronger and navigate these emotional times. There isn’t a dull moment in this drama action full drama.

isabelle_wright · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The day it supposedly started

Laying down to start her workout she feels that something off. Belle goes to the same place to work out, at the same time, every week. She thinks someone watching her and so she continued with her workout but also utilizing the mirror in front to look for the eyes. Five seconds after starting to look she realizes it's just a boy around her age 16 or so. It doesn't bother her after that and she went on with what she was doing.

Belle was about to start doing squats when the boy from earlier walks over. Belle notices right away just how cute and tall he was. About 6' 2''(1.8meters) which is a good for Belle since she was on the taller side. She could tell he was nervous his blue eyes never held still and he kept playing with his messy bold hair. At closer look, the boy has the muscles of a top athlete and it was impressive.

Realizing this wasn't going to be easy conversation to start, "ummm, well then. Hi, my name is Belle. Haven't noticed you around hear before what's your name?"

He starts to talk with a nervous edge in his tone, "Yyya. Sorry. Hi. My name is Matthew. You can just call me Matt if you want you don't half to or anything." There was a pause because Belle understands how hard talking to a new person can be and gives an encouraging smile. He must of found some confidence because when he continues the edge to his voice is gone, "Ya I just moved here from New York. I miss it. My friends and stuff you know and your the first person I have seen that is my age so I wanted to introduce myself"

Matt gave a shy smile and Belle didn't know what to do such a good looking guy talking to her plan self. But she stopped herself from running away because of her lack of self confidence and took this chance to get to know him. She picks up her stuff although she isn't finished working out and says, "okay then let go get lunch!"

Belle unsure where to take him and doesn't want to make him wait she quickly changes, into the black sundress she brought with her. When she walked out Matt was leaning up against a wall wearing a nice black shirt and grey shorts. He was a sight to take in, he filled out his shirt perfectly, it hugged him in all right places. Once getting over that she walks up to him and smiles, "Ready to go?" Now that they are next to one another she notices their outfits match perfectly.

He stood upright and help up his keys, "of course! Do you mind if I drive? I brought my convertible and it is such a nice day out." He didn't say those words with a single hint of arrogance. He was being totally humble and seeing his new found confidence she said yes and they got into his nice BMW convertible.

On the way his phone never stops ringing he apologized multiple times and turned It off. Belle was feeling a bit off about the whole situation. Matt seemed so kind and well mannered. He was like the angle boy in everyone's dream hot, smart, an amazing personality, and seemingly not a player. He was just to perfect of a guy from the looks of it. They talked about music and things on their way to the sushi place they agreed on. Belle never taking her eyes off him noticed him looking at his phone every few seconds and how overwhelming obvious it was those phone calls where important.

They soon got to this sushi place and sit down to eat. Belle completely swept up in the conversation forgetting all about her worries in the car was having a great time. When the waiter walks over she notices Matt flinch. Their waiter is another boy around their age and he looks the completely opposite of Matt. He has black hair, black eyes, and everything about him was lean and fast. He was quite tall as well and had a very mysterious handsome face. The waiter leaned on the table next to Matt and said with a devilish smile, "Why, Matthew! I see you where dogging my calls earlier." He gave Matt 2 hard slaps on the back, that didn't seem enjoyable to receive, then looking at Belle. "why look at my poor manners. I'm Tavarious, but you can call me Travis." Instead of getting us drinks and taking our order Travis sits down. "From the looks of it I'm guessing you have gave her a rundown. About what to expect right?"

Right then Belle realized her big mistakes trusting a total stranger and forgetting about her worry in the car. She knew nothing about him just he was cute anyone could be "kind". Starting to get up hoping to be unnoticed Matt looked at her with defeat in his blue eyes, "please wait! I was hoping to have time to explain and not have Travis here trying to scare you off. Really he means no harm, you have nothing to worry about, you are completely safe. But we need your help."

She doesn't know what they need her help for but if it was important how could she say no. She slowly sits back down and sighs, her curiosity winning, "okay but you better not waist my time."

For the next 2 hours Belle listens to what she thinks is a bunch of cr*p. Matthew and Travis start to explain how the world we live isn't the only dimension. The US government learned of this and created a department called sector S. It's a secret and is controlled by the army but the issue is that only people born with the S factor gene can going into the dimensions. People with the S factor gene also have special abilities once activated. Only 1% of the worlds population has this gene and Belle is one of the people. They explain how they need her in the help to fight off the monsters from these dimensions to save the world.

Belle finishes listening to them and stands up, "I think our business here is done. It was very nice to meet the both of you." In reality she is not happy to meet them and irritated. She figures it's just a waist of time. Walking to the front door, with no idea how she was going to get home, she felt a pinch on her arm and everything went black.