
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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65 Chs

The Old Woman

Due to me staying up pretty all night, after eating, I fell asleep and only got about 5 hours' worth of sleep. Stepping out, I went outside down to the village down below. I was an outcast, although when I arrived in this village I had everything, from my strength to talent, I still had a small amount of strength from when I was a cultivator, making me far stronger than the normal humans.

On top of my strength, my former strength was depressed after falling from the heavens down to hell. everything he had was gone, he was too depressed to live amongst the other mortals, so he moved to the hill. it had its danger as wild beast could attack him, but he had nothing else to lose.

Entering the village, through the village gates, I calmly made my way toward the Village Hunting Guild, it was something most villages had, these guilds took in villagers, allowing for those stronger members within the village to work by hunting wild beasts, and so on. this was a good-paying job, as those few alchemists in the village needed some resources, and were willing to pay good money.

To say the least, a white-haired man, wearing a blindfold caught the eyes of everyone. the fact that I could see where I was going was even more eye-catching. I could of course see through things, with everything my eyes could do, was seeing through objects shocking?

but there were some limitations, my senses were sharp, and using a blindfold alone wouldn't be enough. Soon I would need something that could seal or suppress my eyes, right now my eyes were suppressed as they were closed, and the blindfold did have some effect. but even so, I could see through the blindfold and my closed eyes,

My other senses were suppressed as well, but I could still make out the world around me through the shift in the Qi in the air. One should also know that the Qi in this village were little, so spread out that they were hard to notice with my eyes closed. if I were to be sneak-attacked, then I would be hit at this moment.

Entering the guild, I quickly gave the worker there my name, shocking a few people. of course, the former host of this body had joined this guild to make a living. 

Anyway, I went on to get a list of things those alarmists wanted. after going through the list for some time, I took a few papers which listed the wild animals needed, or herbs. after which I left, while I was leaving, I stopped by a small shop to buy something.

"Yo, you're not out of those horney bread of yours right?" I asked while looking towards the old man who looked towards me with a raised eyebrow. she seemed to be in her late 60s, she was old, with long white hair, and wrinkling skin. 

"Ling Han?" She asked in shock, to which I laughed slightly, which only shocked her even more. what happened to that cold, quiet, kid? She honestly couldn't believe how someone could disappear for 2 weeks and pop up completely different,

"Supriced? I had my talent stolen, yet look at me, reawakening new talent." I said with a laugh, which shocked her even more. Why would I say this? well, around a few days after entering this village, the former owner of this body ran into this old lady when she was closing this shop. There she mumbled something while looking at him, 'Stolen Talent'.

It was that the former host knew this old lady was some hidden expert, she tried to hide it, but he was sure of what he heard. In the end, she just nodded and explained she was just in this village to live out her final years.

"I see... so, would you be joining the sect then?" She asked, confusing me, not understanding what she meant. 

"in 3 days, an elder from the Fleeting Cloud Sect will be coming to seek talent here. My Granddaughter is leaving." She said with a smile, making me think for some time with a hand on my chin, before taking a step forward. the old woman's pupils shrank as I instantly appeared before the table, resting my arm on it, with my head resting on my palm.

"No one, not even my parents knew I was a cripple. I have reason to believe you are an expert with strength above even the king of this kingdom. So, do you by chance want to use me as a shield to hide your granddaughter's talent?" I asked with a smirk, She frowned slightly at my words.

" I don't mind, all I want in return is knowledge on this path I'm walking," I said calmly, making her frown slightly before she realized something

"You mastered law all by yourself?" She asked in shock, to which I nodded slightly. She took a deep breath for a moment before she studied the blindfold, She wanted to ask why I had that on, but she didn't. she thought for a moment, before shaking

"There are 3 paths, the Qi cultivation path is focused on absorbing heave and earth energy, refining it, purifying it, and compressing it to make it dangerous. this path is the simplest," She said calmly to which I nodded as I already knew this

the second path is the body-tempering path, this path focuses on cultivating the body. some could make their body harder than metal, some could make their body as flexible as rubber, and the list of possibilities was endless. to cultivate this path, one needs unique type resources that could improve the body,

The third path is the soul cultivation path, this path focuses on strengthening the soul and mind. this was a rarer path, little is known about this path due to how rare the resources are needed to affect the soul. but those on this path would have the power to move things with their minds, read minds, and the list went on.

"but those 3 are the most common paths, there is the 4th path. the path of enlightenment." She said calmly, making my eyebrow raise slightly as I never heard of this path.

The path of enlightenment was rare because this path was a path where a person uses purely their understanding of the universe to reach greater heights. of course, there were those who one day suddenly gained enlightenment into law, and gained the power to rival someone the strongest cultivator overnight, but the amount of power that did was not over 100

"At this path, one could use their understanding of the universe to temper their body, enhancing their overall physical ability, and soul, and even help them cultivate faster if they have trash talent. You have comprehended the law of space to its first level, Space Distortion." She said calmly, to which I nodded slightly. I had called the first level Distance, but its name seemed to be called Space Distortion.

"This level is the most basic, this gave a person the ability to distort space, bending it to one's will. It split into a few stages, in which you shockingly reached Perfection. the stages go, Basic Stage, Advanced Stage, Expert Stage, Master Stage, And Perfections." She said calmly

"With this, your body and mind would slowly grow and adapt to this power, increasing your physical capability, mental capability, and so on. With your current understanding, your body and mind would grow until they reach the power of someone at Houtian Realm, around level 1 to level 3" She said calmly, to which I sighed in amazement,

"Be careful with quick comprehension of the laws, understanding something in a wrong way might lead to you never reaching higher levels." She said to which I nodded slightly while looking back at my comprehension of the law of space, but she snapped me out of it as she told me a few more things

"Now, my granddaughter should have talent around yours. I already know the reason you have no worry facing me is because you are sure you can flee... that you are right. the way you took that step, forget those at the Houtian, Xiantian, Martial Lord, or even Martial Lord, your speed is unmatched." She said calmly, to which a smile awkwardly

"But that doesn't mean that you are untouchable. You do not have absolute power over space." She said as space was suddenly locked, she looked at me with a cold glare, before she shot towards me, wishing to rip my eyeballs out.

"My apologies... I can't allow the enemy to have such a talent." She said softly, but her hands suddenly stopped inches from my face mask, unable to get closer. She was shocked, but taking this moment of shock, I shattered the space lock, causing her a backlash. She coughed up a mouthful of blood, and with a flash, I took a step forward. the world instantly slowed down, and I shot a fist towards her.

Seeing the fist coming towards her and how fast it was, she was shocked, but quickly moved to dodge, but she was hit hard in the chest, causing her to cough up mouth mouthfuls of blood.

"I sensed you creating the seal the moment you realized my eyes were a treasure," I said calmly, while stepping forward, the distance between me and her shrunk, and I appeared, punching her hard in the stomach, she coughed up another mouthful of blood, and fainted.

My instincts were sharp, they needed to be in my past life. So, seeing through this woman's act of being kind, distracting me from the truth, it was all clear with a simple look. As for what she told me, I guessed it was all true, why make up a lie if you could just tell the truth, and still get your way?

'It seems my attack and defensive capability increase thanks to the speed I enter when I take that one step.' I thought calmly, I ended up calling my ability to cross long-distance with a simple step, Infinity Step.

While using the Infinity Step, the world around me seems to remain the same. It does not distort, yet for some reason it doesn't feel long for me when cross 1 mile with that simple step. I process time differently, so when I'm in that state of crossing distance, it seems like I get stronger.

this reminds me of something I saw the Flash from DC do in my past life. while entering Flash Time, he was able to shatter glass by simply pocking it. he was moving so fast, that to that glass, his finger might as well be a bullet fired from a gun. yet his finger wasn't damaged at all, that was what happened to me.

I flattened her stomach, if her body wasn't so hard, I would have pierced through her with that punch. but she used Qi to enhance her body, and at the same time, her body seemed to be naturally strong. Maybe she was also a body cultivator.

Walking up to her, I went through her body and took everything useful off her body, that being the storage ring, and the scroll which was hidden in between her old breast. I looked at the scroll for a moment, before putting it away. there was a seal on the thing, and I needed her to remove it.

"if this was a game, she would be considered a secret boss," I said calmly while picking her up, and with a flash, I disappeared, leaving a hole in the wall of me and her. when I saw this while walking away, I stopped and returned, destroying the whole shop, and disappearing. like how anyone could change their direction when walking, I could do the same while using Infinity Step, although not as freely while walking. 

Returning to my small house on top of a hill, II threw the old woman to the side. I went to take a knife and went on to cut the old woman's body open, and began to study her body closely. In the end, she woke up and was horrified to see what I was doing. She quickly tried to use her energy, but this only ended up in her coughing up blood.

"Shocked? The organs within a person's body are layered within a unique pattern. fun fact, if you remove an organ from a person, and just put it back randomly, it will always make its way back to where it should be. what you just did was try to use Qi after or your paths ways are not where they should be. so of course, you suffered a backlash." I said with a smile, shocking her.

what was the backlash? rarely ever seen in anime, but in the cultivation world, it's common. when this old woman placed the seal, she wasn't that skilled in the path of space, so she needed a lot of time, plus she needed to put a lot of work into making the seal. with all that suddenly shattered, she got a backlash.

Cutlivtors absorbed Qi and turned it into their own. a person's Qi was deeply connected to other spirits and body, with it suddenly shaken, or something of the kind, you would suffer a backlash. that seal was linked to her, it was shattering like shattering a part of her. now, she used Qi with her the Qi pathways not being where they should be. so of course she suffered a backlash.

"Stop, if you look at me with such a look, I might fall in love." I couldn't help but blush seeing the look the old woman was giving me. such a heated look, how could a young boy like him not be embarrassed

the old woman almost died in anger. if only she could kill with a simple look, then Ling Han would have died millions of times over. She was enraged, she was boiling in rage at the moment, yet she could do nothing more but throw a look of hatred towards him.