
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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65 Chs


Luo Yun and Nalan Yanran were teleported to Shi Long's side, with them gone, Cai Lin and I disappeared, appearing within a cave that was sealed off from the outside world. but before we both got undressed and gave each other our Primal Yin and Yang, we both made an oath to keep our promises.

In return for giving her my Primal Yang, she shall give me everything she offered up. that was pretty much all to it,

"Alright... lay down and cover your eyes." Cai Lin said softly, since she was doing this, she rather be the one in control. Not carrying much, I laid down after taking off my paints and closed my eyes. although she knew I could see her, she rather have my eyes closed.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at the thing in between my legs, before slowly standing over it. Slowly sitting down, she aimed it, before putting it in. She couldn't help but take another deep breath as she rested her palm on my chest for support. she gritted her teeth, wanting to endure the pain.

"you rushed, this is where some foreplay would be useful," I said calmly, 

"S-shut up. I know what I'm doing..." She said softly, to which I shrugged. Slowly the whole thing went inside, allowing Cai Lin to rest while breathing heavily. she rubbed her stomach slightly, before looking at me, and instantly she was annoyed.

How could see not be seeing how it looked at if I was half asleep? she was afforded above everything else, how could someone take her first time and dare not be blessed? using Qi, it gathered in the lower area causing my face to suddenly twitch, I couldn't help but open my eyes with her suddenly attacking me with this wave of pleasure... since when was sex this pleasure?

I smirked slightly, but did nothing, just letting her slowly move up and down. She bit her lips, trying her best to ensure that she didn't moan. she refused to let out a sound before me... but why was a human thing bring her such pleasure? it had quickly turned from pain to pleasure, leaving her mind blank with every movement.

I was of course using the same ability she was using, my six eyes allowed me to easily see through all techniques and abilities. I had seen through her unique bloodline ability and copied it. but I couldn't use it as I didn't have Qi, instead, I had to use the Qi in the air. Cai Lin couldn't even notice it due to what was happening.

As for me moaning? The 6 six eyes kept my mind clear at all times, even under the pleasure which was enough to turn a normal man into a fool in less than a second, I could endure as Cai Lin was too weak.

Cai Lin's moans of pleasure soon filled the cave, her body out of her control. being the respectful person I was, I respected Cai Lin's wishes and kept my eyes closed the whole time... until she suddenly removed her clothing, revealing her perfect figure. she took my hands, placing them on her breast. being the respectful person I was, I had no use but to play with them, making the moans grow louder and louder.

Cai Lin didn't know how long time went by, but when she came back to reality, it was when Ling Han had released a load inside her. Her eyes widened, before sensing Ling Han Primal Yang entering her body. after a moment, she closed her eyes to sense it. it was this moment where one could best sense Primal Yang while it was being absorbed by the body.

But while her body tried to refine it, Ling Han Primal Yang began to slowly disappear, returning to Ling Han using the power of space. her pupils shink seeing such a thing, her world shattered as she froze and looked at Ling Han, who was also looking back at her in confusion.

"No!" She shot up, my dragon popping out of her, and releasing a sea of white stuff which fell towards me, only stopping from touching me due to the wall of infinity. 

"What happened?" I asked calmly while getting up and getting dressed. but my shock increased seeing she was crying. not caring that she was naked, she sat against the cave wall and buried her head into her legs.

"Your Primal yang is unique, only those capable enough to take it..." She said while in tears, I nodded slightly while looking at the Primal Yin I took from her which was within my body,

"That was the only way I had to get revenge, my family they are all dead. I'm the only one who carries their blood, I don't have the power to get revenge for them... now you took my Primal Yin, I can't. I can't." She said looking at me, complex emotions filling her eyes which were filled with tears.

Sighing, I sat down next to her. I thought for a moment before asking her what she meant by She can't.

"The technique I was going to give you was a duel cultivation art once you have my primal Yin and I have your Primal Yang, I could better feed off your Primal Yang to break my limits to become as good as you. at the same time, you could do this, in your case you would have gained my tribe's heavy capability. but since I can't get your primal Yang, and you only have My primal Yin... thats impossible." She said softly, to which I rolled my eyes. this woman truly was greedy. even 0.0001% of my talent was more than enough for her to reach the peak...

"I see... well since I got your primal Yin, I have to repay you. how about I just slaughter everyone for you?" I asked calmly, to which Cai Lin shook her head.

"It is meaningless if it is by others' hands, it only means something if I do it." She said softly, to which I nodded in understanding. Her plan was simple, she saw just how talented I was. The technique she wanted to use needed the two parts to both have each other Primal Yin and Yang, but she lost her Primal Yin, how could she ever use this technique now?

"So, improve your talent. I'm no thief, so I will help you turn your dream into reality." I said calmly, making Cai Lin stunned for a moment. She looked into my eyes and went quiet seeing my serious look.

"y-you don't have to... you didn't know about your primal Yang." She said softly, to which I shrugged

"I don't care, since you're not capable of getting my primal Yang now, I will help you become capable enough to take it," I said with a smile, while holding my hand out, causing Cai Lin to blush slightly, but she nodded while taking my hand.

"So, you want to follow me?" I asked stunning Cai Lin slightly, but she shook her head. Xiao Yan was her friend, she couldn't just leave him all alone. He would need her help, and thanks to her sleeping with me, she had gotten stronger. sure she didn't gain my Pirmal yang, but my yang QI still filled her up, helping her grow stronger.

Xiao Yan gained the trust of her father, along with many others in her clan, poisoning them to protect her and get revenge for them. As impossible as the revenge part was, Xiao Yan helped her greatly in the past few years she had known him.

"Well, you can use this to call me," I said calmly while giving her a talisman, Cai Yan took it slightly, before she suddenly stepped forward, kissing me. She quickly stepped back, and with a slight blush, she spoke.

"... thank you." She said softly, to which I just nodded at her. I didn't stay for long and walked out of the wave, with her looking at my back with slight disappointment, before her bloodline boiled with rage.

"Where are you going?" She said, confusing me. looking back to look at her, I saw her glaring at me with rage. 

"I'm now your second wife, understand?" She said while trying her best to avoid me seeing she was embarrassed by my words. A question mark formed on my head, for a moment, My mind which was a supercomputer was unable to process the information given to her.

"Luo Qing is your first right... and we of the Hydra race normally marry the person who has our Primal Yin..." She said softly seeing my confusion, avoiding eye contact. I nodded slightly. In other words, she was attracted to me after our first time and was confusing it with love... or maybe it was love. it's not like she had any interest in marrying me before she realized she couldn't get my Primal Yang.

"You want to become my wife and go stay with another guy?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, causing her to freeze slightly. She didn't realize how it looked before I pointed it out, she thought for a moment before nodding.

"then I will follow you." She said softly, this was something she was slightly unwilling to do. the treasures Xiao Yan had were huge, sure they were hidden behind seals, but Xiao Yan would be able to get them as he grew stronger. plus, those treasures held her clan's most secret technique.

"Haha, Go ahead... as for being my second wife, you have to win my heart first," I said with a smile, causing Cai Lin to freeze slightly, lost in my charm. She looked at me for a moment, before she nodded,

"Then watch me." She said seriously, to which I just smiled and disappeared...

a few hours later, Cai Lin stood before Xiao Yan, who gave her a bitter smile. his body was pushed to its peak, and using his power to avoid being teleported away left him running out of juice. but it was because of him Cai Lin wasn't teleported, away. he launched a meant technique at Luo Yun, leading to her not having the power to sed Cai Lin away. He was sure that Cai Lin was more than capable of dealing with Luo Yun on her own with the status Luo Yun was within.

"I didn't kill them, Ling Han popped up. that last attack alerted him." She said calmly, stunning Xiao Yan. sighing softly, she went on to explain everything that happened... oddly enough, she left out the part of her and Ling Han doing it, which confused even her, but she made the reason that it was not that important to bring up...

"He really doesn't care..." Xiao Yan said softly, hearing how Ling Han didn't care to put him in his eyes. He sighed for a moment, he saw Ling Han as his goal to surpass, which was a hard mountain to climb.

meanwhile, the soul within the piece of a scale around Xiao Yan's necklace was found, his sharp senses know that Cai Lin no longer had her primal Yin, and with the changes to her body, she had most likely lost it to Ling Han... but should he tell this to his disciple? it would crush him.

Back to Ling Han, Ling Han passed through the wall of infinity, he was able to now have this wall of infinity appear pretty much anywhere. of course, it took up more energy the further away it was but it was still something useful to have.

"... Pig." Shi Long said with a sneer, she had heard what I was doing, she just never expected me to be the type of person to sell their body.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" I based it on a mocking smile, making Shi Long's face turn cold. she glared at me, before frowning sensing my primal Yang. Confusion filled her face as she watched me just sit under the tree, returning to comprehend the law of space,

'I guess I missed judged him...' She thought calmly before she sat under the tree to comprehend the tree. Nalan Yanran and Luo Yin also did the same, with Nalan Yanran having a complex look while looking at me from time to time. She wanted my primal Yang, and with Luo Yin telling her I still had it, she began trying to form a plan...

a few days later, Xiao Yan under his master's words, headed to the world core to take control of this whole space.

'This Xiao Yin... he has a unique aura of luck around him, he is almost like an MC... wait, did I take the MC opportunities? let's see, if I had never been there, Xiao Yan and Shi Long would have entered the sect at the same time, he is already being suppressed by the sect leader and many others. he had an air of misfortune, every move he made, leading to people wanting to do ill by him. and Now, It looks like I took the Primal Yin which should have been his.' I thought while sensing Xiao Yin's movement, before looking at the Primal Yin inside me, after breaking it down and gaining its secret, although the fire talent boost was rejected thanks to my eyes, the high recovery capability of the Hydra race was gained, although not as good as they healed through flames.

Xiao Yan is a blessed child of creations, rivaling the son of heaven. every universe has one. they are pretty much the MC of their universe... and yes, I built Xiao Yan based on Xiao Yan from BTTH

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