
13. I’m thinking of quitting now.


While riding the bus back home, Ryumin looked at his bank account.

It was a newly created VIP account from Nonhyup Bank.

[Balance 15,052,102,983 won]15 billion.

There was an amount in my bank account that I would not be short of even if I spent my entire life.

Yet, rather than being surprised, Ryu Min looks calm.

'As expected, there's nothing better than the lottery to make money.'

I just think that the first button was sewn well.

'I can't be satisfied with this. I have to keep calling with this money.'

That's why I refused the financial products offered by the bank.

Because I had no intention of just staying in the bank.

'We save about 1 billion and invest the rest in Bitcoin.'

From the previous year until now, the cryptocurrency craze has continued.

In particular, Bitcoin will soar fourfold next month.

But the rapid rise in coins ends there.

'After that, as the population began to decline exponentially, the cryptocurrency market also fluctuated.'

Still, Bitcoin will safely increase until next month.

There is no reason not to invest when it quadruples.

'Now that I'm an adult, I can open a stock account.'

After it is called a coin, I plan to invest in stocks.

The fact that certain stocks will rise sharply in the future is not surprising information to Ryu Min, a regressor.

'Of course, I'll have to keep guessing the lottery numbers in the meantime.'

Lotto winners come out every week.

Ryumin remembered that number until the fifth week.

'There's no need to remember anything after that. Next month, the lotto market will also be ruined.'

In other words, you can raise money through the lottery four more times.

Then, just like now, I plan to go all in on one number and monopolize as much of the winnings as possible.

'Of course, if you keep winning first place, you'll be suspicious, but that's it. Well, what else can you do? I heard that I got lucky and won consecutively.'

As a bank, you have no choice but to pay the winnings once you have won.

Ryumin got off the bus and went into the house.

A house with only a narrow kitchen and a small room welcomed him.

'I don't have much time left to live here.'

It was the house I lived in with my parents, but I had no regrets because I planned to move to a much better place.


My younger brother, who had been waiting at home, came out to meet me with joy.

"Were you waiting quietly?"

"of course. What about your brother? "Did you get the winnings?"

Instead of answering, Ryumin held out a bankbook from his pocket.

"omg! How much is this? Eleven hundred thousand… … ."

Ryu Won, who was counting the digits, soon raised his head with wide eyes.

"150… … 100 million?"

When I found out I won 100 games, I expected to get quite a lot, but I never thought it would be this much.

"Originally it was 19.2 billion, but that's about it after taxes. "It's not much money."

"How are you so calm? Are you in the mood for a joke about this situation? It's a whopping 15 billion! "It's not 1.5 million won, it's 15 billion won!"

"Be quiet. I will listen from next door. Well, it doesn't matter because I'm moving now."

"move? Are we moving to a better house?"

As Ryu Min smiled and nodded, Ryu Won's face spread with joy.

"haha! I'm moving! move!"

"Do you like it that much?"

"Okay, then! There are bugs here and the house is small. Plus, it's expensive."

"but. "Monthly rent of 500,000 won is expensive."

Because it is Seoul, the monthly rent was high compared to the size of the house.

However, the reason I went to school in Seoul and became self-sufficient was no different.

'Because it's the house I lived in with my mom and dad.'

Three years ago, the brothers' parents died in a car accident.

It still breaks my heart when I think of my younger brother who was crying so sadly at that time.

'I suddenly felt like I was thrown into the woods alone with my younger brother.'

Originally, if a parent dies suddenly, relatives have a duty to protect them until they become adults... … .

'They all turned their backs on me and turned their backs on me.'

At the time, Ryu Min was a first-year high school student and Ryu Won was a sixth-year elementary school student.

Although it was too early for them to be on their own, the brothers had no choice but to live self-sufficiently.

'It's been since then. 'I started a part-time job.'

Since his younger brother, who was in elementary school, could not work part-time, Ryu Min had to earn living expenses on his own.

Fortunately, there was a restaurant owner who offered to hire a high school student... … .

'I can't say he's a good person.'

For Ryu Min, the tyranny of the boss who reduced his wages and abused him just because he was a high school student was another form of violence.

'Expensive monthly rent, abuse of power by the owner of a meat restaurant, harassment by local workers, etc. In the meantime, I endured everything and lived tenaciously... … .'

Not anymore.

Now that I'm an adult and have money, I don't have to endure it anymore.

'I tried not to move because it was the house I lived with my parents, but... … .'

Now I could let go of my parents.

Because so many years have passed that I have experienced countless regressions and no longer have any regrets.



"I'm going to go look for a house to move into now. Do you want to come with me?"

"huh! "Let's go together, bro!"

I had decided where to move, but there was a lot to do.

You need to tell the landlord that you are moving out and contact the real estate agent.

You have to stop by the local office, pick up some documents, and open a stock account.

"Should we find a place for lunch and eat something delicious for dinner?"

"Like what?"

Ryumin raised the corners of his mouth.


* * *

7:00 pm.

If it were an ordinary meat restaurant, it would have been full of customers.

"X-Bee, you should either close down this damn business or not. "What kind of damn store makes flies fly?"

The president's face was filled with dissatisfaction.

This is because even though it was peak time, not a single customer had come in yet.

"This is why I don't work part-time on weekdays. "Because there are no customers, tsk."

It was bittersweet not having any customers in the store, but that was the reality.

The world is too harsh for a small restaurant in a remote alley to survive.

"I wasn't biting hard just because the rent was cheap, but fuck. "I never thought it would fly like this."

What's the use of regretting it now?

If you don't operate like this, there is no way to make a living.

"shit. "After the business is over, I should eat grilled meat alone with soju, won."

There were a lot of complaints, but we still had a lot of customers on the weekends, so it was worth making a living.

Moreover, they hired weekend part-time workers at a low price.

'Hehe, it was a good idea to use the part-time job for high school students. 'You say it's perfect for catching a cool guy?'

According to the law, even high school students must be paid in accordance with the minimum hourly wage.

However, the boss only paid about 80% of the minimum hourly wage.

Their wages were reduced citing the reason that they were high school students.

'What kind of part-time job is a student supposed to study?'

I strongly told him to look elsewhere if he didn't like it, and he quickly took the bait.

Thanks to this, the president has been able to receive unearned income until now.

'No. If you think about it, that kid also agreed. 'You should be grateful that I wrote it.'

I heard that you don't have any parents, so shouldn't you be grateful just for giving them a job?

But this is the end of using him.

'I'll have to fire him soon and find another part-time worker.'

Since I became an adult this year, my head must have gotten bigger too.

If you ask for money you haven't received or protest for a raise, you'll be in trouble.

'Before that, I need to get rid of it quickly and find a pretty part-time job.'

Wouldn't sales go up more if we used pretty female students rather than short male students?

As I was smiling at that thought, I heard the door opening.

The boss, who was wiping the table, reflexively turned his head and smiled.

"Welcome to fifty… … !"

However, contrary to expectations, the person who came in was not a guest.


It was a part-time high school student who was chewing on his mind just a moment ago.

The president's expression changed in an instant.

The smile on my face was gone, and only an annoyed expression remained.

"What are you doing at this hour? "Who is next to you?"

"This is my younger brother."

"Oh, hello."

Why did I come here with my younger brother on a weekday when it wasn't even my part-time job?

The president asked with a shocked expression.

"What is your business? If we came here to work part-time together... … ."

"I'm thinking of quitting my part-time job now."


The president's face crumpled mercilessly at the unexpected notice.

I was planning on quitting anyway, but I felt bad when they told me I was quitting first.

"What are you going to do if I give you this sudden notice?"

"Suddenly. "Today is Monday, so there should be enough time to find a part-time job until the weekend, right?"

"Who can quit freely? "You don't want to make money?"

"Do I need permission from my boss to quit?"

'This bastard?'

The president opened his eyes and looked at Ryumin.

But even for a moment.

'What kind of guy's eyes... … .'

The president was the first to turn away when Ryu Min's gaze was as cold as ice.

"Quite, yes, I understand. If you want to quit, quit! Okay? "Go now!"

"Aren't you done with your business yet?"

"What is it again?"

"Just because I was a high school student, they only paid me 80% of my hourly wage, right? "Originally, it should be paid on an hourly basis."

"You agreed to that… … ."

"Do you have any proof? When did I agree? "This is something I had no idea about."

"… … ."

"Besides, you made me work until past 2 a.m., right? Did you know that was illegal? "I found out that teenagers cannot work past 10 p.m."

The president was shocked and closed his mouth.

It's a face that says that something you were worried about has ended up happening.

"Let alone meals, they don't even pay for food, they often swear at me, they tell me to eat alone, and they abuse me… … . "I only found out now, but you did a lot of trash."

"What, what man? There are things a child can't say to an adult... … !"

"I'm now a 19-year-old adult, right? "If you continue to verbally abuse me like before, I can't stand it anymore."

"… … ."

The boss came out surprisingly strong and there was nothing he could do about it.

"so? what do you want? "Do you want me to at least apologize for being wrong?"

"yes. "I would like to hear a sincere apology."

"This bastard… … . "Do you think I'm going to apologize to a brat who doesn't even have blood on his head?"

"If you don't do it, the only way is to report it to the Ministry of Labor. "We are also pursuing criminal charges against those who have committed illegal acts."

"Tsk… … ."

The boss knew what he was doing was illegal.

That's why I couldn't help but be scared of the thought of reporting it.

If you make a mistake, you could be fined heavily and have to close down the business.

"Ah, I understand. "All I have to do is apologize, right?"

"Not just an apology, but a sincere apology."

'Fuck you, that little bastard… … .'

My pride was hurt, but there was no other way.

If a single apology can prevent a report to the Ministry of Labor, it would be a cheap move.

The president's head turned down.

"Whoa… … . "I'm sorry for all this time."

"Is that the end?"

"Well, what about it?"

"It doesn't feel authentic at all. "Try again."

'What the fuck… … .'

The president, who swallowed his swear words, appealed once again with desperation.

"I'm sorry, Ryu Min. I took part-time wages to save a few pennies. I'm so sorry. "I am sincerely reflecting on this, so please do not report it to the Ministry of Labor."

"It feels like an excuse rather than an apology. Moreover, there is no sincerity."

"Fuck it, then what should we do… … !"

The president, unable to control his temper at the moment, tried to keep his mouth shut and express his anger.

"Look. "Seeing how angry you are, it looks like you have no intention of apologizing."

"Whoa… … . I said I was sorry. Then it's done, right? What are we going to do? "Would it make you feel better if I even gave you the wages you've earned?"

"That's not it. I just wanted to hear an apology... … . "I don't think that would be possible given the boss's personality."

"Then what should we do? what do you want?"

"I won't ask for the wages I've been wasting away. instead."

Ryumin sat down at the table with a grin.

"Please bring me something to eat. "Once you fill your stomach, the desire to report might disappear, right?"