
To the Commander

Damon walked to the command tent, ensuring the camp ran smoothly after the Mountain Men attack.

 Luckily, no one seemed to have gotten too injured, and Bellamy's shoulder wound was only a graze. He would be fine after a few days of recovery.

For the next week, Damon doubled the camp's perimeter security while waiting for Anya to return with any word on the Commander.

 Octavia moved between camps, maintaining relations with the Grounder villagers after a few of their people had died.

Fortunately, Tris had convinced them that it was the Mountain Men they should hate and that Skaikru was trying to protect her. 

This was good for Damon and the rest of them, as they were allowed to open a trade route to the village. With the furs they had collected, they managed to buy a few horses and new clothing that was warmer and more similar to the Grounders' attire.

The new clothing was more warrior-like, and all of the 100 wore black and grey Grounder garments to blend in if needed. 

They still wore their clothes from the Ark, but those had to be hand-washed, and not many people had time to wash their clothes every day.

Damon slowly started finalizing the details of the attack on Mount Weather, and it was coming together fast. 

It almost scared him how easy it was to plan the mountain's destruction. The Mountain Men had grown too relaxed, eating cake and holding dinner parties as if nothing in the world could touch them. 

Too bad it would be their doom.

He was holding a meeting with Monty when Octavia walked into the tent, followed by Anya with her usual stoic look. Anya walked over to the table and looked at him.

"Well, how did it go with the Commander?" Damon asked with his fingers crossed.

"It went better than I thought it would. The Commander trusts my word about the Reaper cure you have made and has agreed to let your people land here safely, but she still wishes to meet you and see things for herself," Anya said with a slight smirk, happy to see that the Reapers might all be cured soon.

"The Commander has brought an army of 200 Grounders and will set camp in the fields three miles from here. Meet her there tomorrow at sunrise, and don't be late," Anya said before walking toward the tent exit. Before she left, she paused.

"Thank you for protecting Tris," Anya said somewhat quietly, leaving a wide-eyed Octavia behind.

"We have a meeting with the Commander," Octavia said, astonished that the leader of the entire Grounder coalition was coming to meet with Damon.

"Indeed," Damon replied.

"This means that our people can land safely now," Octavia said with a smile. She didn't particularly care about the people on the ark but seeing the progress she had made while following Damon on the ground made her realize how fast things were coming along.

"First we have to get rid of the jammers on Mount Weather and everyone inside along with it," Damon said.

"Like you said we already have the plans in motion and ready to go, what are we waiting for." Monty who had been listening from the side asked.

Monty had been a little hesitant at first to kill everyone in the mountain, but he understood that for one side to win, the other side had to lose.

Only the strongest survive.

"We can't just destroy the mountain without getting the commander's permission. They set an off-limits zone on the land near the mountain and if we destroy the mountain and just move people inside without giving the commander a warning first, she'll probably see it as an attack against her." Damon said while laying back on his chair and sighing.

"Yeah, you're right. Is that why you wanted to see the commander?" Monty asked

"That's one of the reasons. The other you will soon find out." Damon said with a small smirk making Octavia and Monty look at each other with confusion.

Damon was always pulling off something from the dark.

Damon said goodbye to Monty and Octavia before walking to his tent to get ready for bed and saw Clarke lying down waiting for him.

Damon pulled off all of his clothes before going and getting under a huge spotted leopard fur with Clarke who had also decided to get naked allowing him to feel and look at her pale creamy skin.

He and Clarke faced each other while Damon put a hand on her curly blonde hair and brushed through it.

"Clarke there is something I need to tell you," Damon said while looking at Clarke with a bit of guilt in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Clarke said while looking at him confused.

"I think, I like Raven Clarke, and I know you're probably mad that I'm saying this but I don't think I can live without her. I'm sorry Clarke." Damon said while looking into Clarke's beautiful green eyes which didn't seem very surprised at his words.

"Haha, did you think I never noticed the way you look at her and the way she looks at you, Damon? I already knew long ago that something like this would happen." Clarke put her hand on Damon's chest and looked at him with love in her eyes.

"I always knew I wouldn't be able to have you to myself Damon, but I can't live without you either, so I accepted long ago that I would have to share you," Clarke said making Damon smile.

"Thank you, for making a sacrifice for me Clarke."

"As long as you don't forget about me, I'm willing." Clarke put her lips near Damon's

"I will love you for as long as I breathe," Damon said before they took each other's lips, and their bodies connected throughout the night forcing the surrounding people trying to sleep to have to listen to their lovemaking all night.


The next morning while it was still dark outside all of the 100 were up and moving already. 

The commander of the twelve clans was about to meet with Damon the leader of Skaikru and they would have to put on a strong appearance.

Appearing strong on the ground meant everything. 

Damon wore his new bear fur coat that he had made with the help of a grounder in the Trikru village who was experienced.

He also wore black grounder pants with his bear claw necklace hanging on his neck. His black sword hung on his back with his dagger on his waist.

Behind him stood his three generals.

Clarke was wearing a black leather trench coat with a black long-sleeve shirt underneath. She wore black denim jeans with her black combat boots.

The trench coat left the top part of the chest area open allowing you to see the top of her boobs and the bear claw necklace around her neck.

On her back, she wore the bow with a quiver of arrows, and on her side a black dagger could be found.

With her loose curly blonde hair swaying in the morning breeze she gave off the authority of one of his generals. 

Bellamy was wearing a black jacket over a dark blue button-up shirt with black jeans and combat boots.

On his back was his sword and on his waist a holstered pistol could be seen. If gave off a strict powerful look.

Then Octavia wore a fitted leather top, fitted leather pants, and a long dark cloak which gave her a fierce look.

Her long dark braided hair ran down the sides of her head and dark war paint could be seen under her eyes.

She also wore a few pieces of leather armor on one shoulder and elbow giving her a grounder warrior look.

Behind the three of them stood fifty of the 100 all in black and grey grounder clothing they had traded for.

Each of them wore unique accessories and armor pieces and all carried different weapons but they gave off a fierce and disciplined look as they stood in neat rows.

In the surrounding forest, the ones guarding them were a few of Miller's scouts with rifles in case anything happened during this meeting.

"March," Bellamy yelled and they began marching to the open green fields three miles from their camp.

It took an hour of marching before they came upon the open field and spotted dozens of grounder tents with a huge command tent in the middle of the field.

Grounders could be seen everywhere with lit torches surrounding the area for light.

Around the commander's tent, he saw a dozen fierce-looking grounders standing guard, not moving an inch.

As they walked out of the forest the grounders spotted them and made them stop a few hundred yards away from the commander's tent.

Damon was about to speak when he saw Anya walk through the surrounding grounders and come toward him.

"Damon." Anya walked close to Damon and looked him up and down. 

He looked quite good with the fur bear coat on and his people behind him. It gave him a commanding presence.

"Anya." Damon nodded at her.

"Leave your weapons and come with me. Be careful what you say." Anya whispered to him and he did as she said.

Leaving his weapons behind he nodded at his people before following her through the surrounding grounders who were staring at him and the sky people.

Despite his hundred years of combat and killing his heart still beat faster as the eyes of hundreds of grounder warriors burned into his skin like a hot knife.

But he did his best to breathe and forget everything around him turning everything into a fog except for the tent in front of him.

The huge tent flaps were opened up allowing Damon to see past the grounder guards at the entrance and catch a glimpse of…