
the 01

The constant struggle for the inheritance that Duke Lombardi would leave behind when he died had pushed his youngest daughter to make a dangerous decision. In an attempt to ease the fear of being killed by her adoptive siblings and ward off the unbearable loneliness that afflicted her, Priscilla Lombardi makes a deal with a strange vagrant who had been imprisoned by her family’s soldiers. However, this vagrant turns out to be more than he appeared to the naked eye and she is forced to prevent a calamity from occurring. At the end of the day, the only question that really matters is: Will Priscilla get the tramp back on track? Or will the tramp make Priscilla an evil person? Whatever the case, only time will answer that question.

Ighor13 · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

A deal with the villain

The doubt, that indescribable feeling where a yes or a no can change the general panorama of what we know in its entirety. How to choose between two such opposite options? Priscilla certainly didn't know.

In front of her was an extremely suspicious hooded man who clearly wanted something; which only left the fateful question What does he want? Acceding to his demands could very well spell doom and squandering the opportunity would mean the same.

- "Tell me, what do you want?" she asked the hooded man hesitantly, trying desperately not to show his anxiety.

- "I want only one thing, but it is something extremely difficult to achieve." The answer was so vague that hi very well could not say anything and it would have been the same.

- "I understand, but what do you want?"

-"A home." Priscilla's eyes widened. Was that all? Did she really just want a home?

- "If that's all, I could host you on our property as a servant."

- "I'm afraid it's not that simple, besides this property is very small."

-"Little?" In Priscilla's eyes, her family's property was anything but small. Just how vast was the territory that the tramp in front of her needed to live?

- "Even if you say that a property that exceeds ours in size is simply something impossible to grant to someone like you and even less for information that I don't even know."

- "Well, I can offer you my services. How about that?"

- "It could enslave you and it would be the same. After all, you are accused of attacking the daughter of a Duke, no one would complain even if I decided to enslave a condemned man. "

- "Certainly you can try, but I inform you that the only thing that keeps me on this site is simple curiosity."

- "Oh, what a presumptuous statement ... And I suppose you can go through that fence and cut my neck whenever you want." Priscilla was being sarcastic she really didn't think the man in front of her could do something like that.

- "Wow, I see that you are a very insightful person." Priscilla's eyes widened, then doubt and curiosity replaced her surprise.

- "Prove it."

In response to her provocation, the hooded man's hand literally began to penetrate the bars without damaging it, it was as if it had become completely intangible. Then with a delicate and gentle gesture, he lightly caressed Priscilla's neck using the tips of the sharp claws that decorated the tips of his fingers.

For a few seconds, his bright blue eyes were visible inside his hood, he had a cold and penetrating look that chilled the blood of whoever observed his eyes.

-"Do you believe Me Now?" She asked her as he gently removed his claw from the girl's neck.

- "If that's the case, why are you still here?"

- "I already told you, didn't I? Plain and simple curiosity. The power you released when you tried to stop me is familiar to me and I would like to hear your story. "

- "Why do you want to know something like that?"

- "Well, depending on your answer I could try to kill you or join you. Either way, until I get an answer to that question, I will remain neutral. Which reminds me, don't bother threatening me, because if you try to kill me or enslave me in this moment, this container will simply disappear and I will return to my original body. "

- "Tell me something, if I agree to make a deal with you ... What exactly would it benefit me?"

-"I do not know, you tell me. After all, I would essentially become a convenient tool to your use. "

- "In that case I accept, now tell me what I want to know and help me with my problem."

- "I'll ignore the fact that you haven't told me your problem. Now ask everyone to leave this room so we can talk alone. "


- "Even if I keep my voice low, there is no guarantee that they will not listen to what I will ask to you, Priscilla. Believe me when I say that right now there is no safer place in this gigantic mansion than next to me. "

Priscilla couldn't believe those words, but she couldn't deny them either; the man in her cell had already shown that if she wanted her dead she could do it at any time. However, regarding it is impossible to kill him, she was not entirely sure.

The truth was that she needed to know who was attacking her and also a person she could trust. That said, there was also the possibility that the man in front of her was a hero of some kind and she certainly couldn't trust heroes no matter how hard she tried.

Priscilla made the decision, even if she did not discover who was trying to kill her, the man in front of her represented a valuable ally in fulfilling her true goal.

It was evident that the hooded man was not a good person, it did not take a genius to realize that he was evil, manipulative, and despicable. However, his goal was to assassinate a hero and what better partner to fulfill that purpose than an evil villain.

She made her decision and with a commanding voice that surprised even her, ordered everyone to leave the room. Of course, in the face of an order given with such certainty, the Lombardi family servants could not refuse and they were all reluctantly forced to leave the place.

- "My lady, reconsider her decision."

- "Get out of here, right now I need to talk to this man." For the first time in her life, Priscilla acted with the arrogance that characterizes the nobility. She didn't like that, she didn't make her happy either, but it was necessary.

After confirming that the doors of the jail had been closed, Priscilla allowed herself to turn to the hooded man, who emitted a hiss of surprise at his masterful display of authority.

- "Wow, I have to admit that I didn't expect it. Really impressive, my lady. " She bowed deeply to accentuate her point.

- "Stop making fun of me and tell me about that deal of yours."

-"I get it."

A mauve-toned barrier surrounded Priscilla and the hooded man, the puzzled girl felt uneasy when she realized that the sound of the place had completely disappeared, in a silence like that even her breathing felt uncomfortable.

- "Now that no one else can hear us, I'll tell you my name and what I want." The hooded man paused. "To begin with, my name is Krom and I am a creature that was sealed in some ancient ruins and as for what I want; I want a territory to found a town in that place. If you guarantee that you will grant me that territory, I will help you achieve your goals no matter what they are. "

- "What happens if I say I want to be Queen?"

- "Well, that would be even more convenient for me. As I said before, no matter what they are and if my life is necessary to meet those goals, I will not hesitate to give it to you. However, you must promise to protect and not harm the town I plan to found. What does it say? You accept?"

- "Why do you go so far for something like that?"

- "Because a girl made me a request that I can't ignore... And also because I made a promise a long time ago. If slavery is the price to pay to fulfill that promise, I will gladly do so."

- "Initially you seemed like a villain to me, but now you sound like a ..."

- "Hero, don't compare me with such despicable creatures, please. This reminds me that I must warn you, I am not a person who takes into account an empty and worthless justice when acting, I will simply take into account the best result for the majority and I will act accordingly. The whining of the idealists and good-natured do not care, this will probably lead you to make decisions that do not let you sleep or give you nightmares, if you still want to make a deal with me, go to the ruins of Izgra, there you will find my real body when you release me officially you will be my Master. "

- "Where are those ruins?"

-"Who knows? They are probably somewhere nearby or maybe not. At the end of the day, you will only find what you are looking for if you really need it since those who look for what they do not need will only find what hurts you. "