
The “Crazy” Fengzi

Created by yours truly... pannss

PaNNong · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Day 1 - the most notorious prison currently in the county.

Going back in a few hours..

In an underground of someone's cell. A head is shining brightly in the darkness. That person was digging!

"Hmmm, I wonder what was that person looked like. I heard that he was the same age as me! Wonderful! I could not help but go and wanted to take a look. Luckily his cell is just beside mine. You must be wondering is talking? Who am I? Why am I bald? Why such a beautiful person like myself in prison?"

Hmmm, where do I start.

"Oh well. It happened a long, long time ago. In a far, far, away county, a baby was born! Her lips is red as rose. Her hair is black as ebony and her skin is white as snow!"

Right! That's me! Yep, you are not seeing things. The most beautiful child was born! Well that what my parents said!

And they named her, Chocnut!

"Yep! Such a befitting name for such a beautiful child like myself! Choc must be referring to my skin. While, nut must be referring to my boy like traits."

Unfortunately, my chemists parents died when I was 10 in an unfortunate explosion. Leaving me to fend off for myself. I think when I came back and saw such a devastating scene, I think I heard something snap inside me. The house was wrecked and burned down, leaving only ashes in place.

Luckily, before they died they hammered me with various weird knowledge. From basic to advance math, chemistry and mostly chemistry! Thankfully, I am smart and learned those subjects faster! Is this what they call a genius?? Hah! Maybe it is. "Hihihi"

But, studying is boring! Who else agree? Right? Study this, study that! Studying is boring! Repeated things are boring. As I keep doing things repeatedly like a robot, I lost my drive! My drive to study! Living like a robot is hard and boring! Life must be enjoyed!

So then, my awesome otaku father made me watched a cartoon, dr. Ston. Right a freaking cartoon! Yeah! It's a freaking cartoon! He said it's about a chemist. Also, he said that I'll like it and it will change my life. "Well it did change my life, but in a weird way!"

At first, I don't really wanted to watch it. Why?? Well, it's a cartoon for God sake! I am a big girl already! A big girl ("8 years old")! I hate to waste my time for such a stupid kiddy entertainment! I got a study to do!

But, My father insisted and forced me to watch it and said it would be beneficial to such a weird child like myself. "Well, I'm not weird. It's just I'm more mature than the kids of my age and find experimenting fascinating!" And he's right!

The cartoon is about a guy doing experiments and which give me a drive to learn more and dive deeper and deeper into chemistry! Well at the same time, loved anime! Right! It's anime and not a cartoon! Not a fucking cartoon! Remember that!! And when I finished all of dr. Ston episodes, I crave for more! Moreeeeee! And so it begins, my life as an otaku begun!

About the prison, the hair?

Well, such impressionable person I am, I got hooked into doing various kind of things, Because of anime! "Remember kids, anime is bad for you! Once you dive into the world of anime, you'll be drown! You will never ascent!"

I trained! And trained so hard that my hair started to fall off "Well, to make it fall off rapidly, I shave it! Hehe". I did a 100 push up. "My breast used to be soft and now it was ripped". I did a 100 crunches. "Now my abs are packed!" I did a 10 km run, "Now my already white as snow skin became charred!" And lastly, a 100 squats, "Which made my body ripped as a man! I did all of this everyday!" Luckily I begun training a year before my parents died. I was jogging early morning, when my house got caught in an explosion. Also, I am too tall for a kid! My height is 5'9. I ate phosphors and put some of it on my head to achieve the glistening lights like my "sensei" had. Luckily, I didn't die from eating it and only got a stomachache.

So, it just me, myself and I, I got no choice but to think the most easiest and possible way to live. Without money = without food. So, I went to prison!

Why prison you asked? I watched this prison anime where they enslave guys and the prisoners got to eat free meals everyday without doing nothing! Who won't be tempted to this amazing offer? Right? It's a win-win situation for me. I get to eat, train and sleep at the same time. No need to pay rent! No need to think about money! And best off all I could watch anime too!

But a problem occurred! Well I can't be detained, because I am underage. Then a plan was hatched. An amazing plan at that! I called it, "prison break" operantion!

So, I terrorize the bank! Right, you heard that right! I bombed the freaking bank! At first people where laughing when I started my incantation thinking that, the grand I was lunatic. Well, I bet they were wrong!

Slowly and in a solemn voice, "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark..... EXPLO-SION!" At the same time i shouted "explosion" I hurriedly throw my homemade bomb at the entrance of the bank!


And now I'm prison! Buahahaha! What an amazing plan it is. The jury sentenced me for a lifelong prison. In the shittiest prison currently in county! I heard from the judge that I killed at least five mortals and ten mortals was gravely injured. "Huehuehue! Tremble before me you mere mortals!"Thus, I was verdict as guilty!

Those mortals, must be those idiots who laugh at me at that time, served them right! "BuehahHah". Well who cares about them! People die anyway and they deserved it! Also it's an explosion so it's only natural for someone to die! What kind of explosion that doesn't kill any person? NONE! "My parents died in explosion, so it's natural for them to die in explosion too!. Those damn mortals! Can't they just appreciate how perfect my plan is?! How well and precise my planned went according to the script. "Kukukuku"

"Pueh!" She spat. Well enough of my past!

Three years! Right! Three years! I've been here for three freaking years! Well it's not bad! I got to eat 3 meals a day, but it taste like shit! Yeah, those gruesome hard porridge ! "Uwek" thinking about it making me throw up. But I endure and persevere, for this might be just a test of my resolve! With meals, I got to continue my training without a hitch! I grew strong and I can fight anyone that got in my way! This is the best! Also, with a stolen phone from my fellow inmates, I could watched my favourite anime! This is the life! Ah what else I could wish for!

But, it's starting to get boring. Yeah, it's getting lame! Train! Eat! Sleep! Anime! And to Repeat things again over and over again. Lame!

Luckily, I heard that there was a new boy in town, well I mean in prison. They said he is about the same age as me! Yes! "Finally! Someone in my age group". My whole being was revive and I feel alive again. So, a plan was made. I named it operation, "BSM (blow someone's mind!)" to surprise and welcome him with a BANG!

And so, under to my soon to be neighbour cell, all the preparation is complete. You must be wondering how I made a bombs while in prison, right?

Well it's easy for such a genius mind like myself! Well it's just positive vs negative. Mix this a little and that a little bit would get a reaction. Reaction means explosion Remember the gummy bears too!

So, checking if the time was right. I then begun chanting my favourite catchy skill.

"My ultimate skill..... EXPLO-SION!", I hurriedly then throw the homemade bomb toward the edge of the tunnel. As soon I throw it, I hide under a cover.


As I can't feel the tremor anymore, I slowly rise up from my hiding spot. The dust was subsiding. I then, went up the hole and "buala" what greeted me a gruesome sight! Well, indeed it blow someone's mind!

I turned the radio on and played a horror music. To scare this newbie! "Hehehe"

"Dun-dun-dun" sounded and I slowly turned my head. But what greeted me is a ghost! Right a ghost! A curly hair, arms stretch towards me with blood all over him. What else it could be, a GHOST! it's a freaking ghost! A killer ghost!

My face contorted into a terrified expression. Well who would not be terrified! I could not help screaming at the top of my lungs.


I fainted! Those moments was engrave in my mind. This might give me nightmares. But I could not help but compare the ghost to sunako before I completely black out!

What are your options of Chucnut? Do you think she is right or she is wrong? Hmmmm?

Also a girl! A wifey spotted maybe??

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