
Uchiha Giyu

[Naruto] × [Demon Slayer] fanfiction. Two years after the elimination of Kibutsuji Muzan, Tomioka Giyu died. He thought he would be reunited with his family and comrades in the afterlife. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he became a newborn in the ninja world and the twin brother of Uchiha Sasuke. . With no enemies or goals, Giyuu slowly grew up. He had no intention of becoming a ninja, and he didn’t like fighting. He decided to take care of Itachi and Sasuke as his responsibility in this life, and lived his life peacefully. Until his fifth birthday, a voice came into his mind and changed everything. [1 hour of close contact with Itachi Uchiha, Flame Breathing +0.02%. ] [After the Flame Breathing reaches the normal level, you can resurrect Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. ] Ever since, in order to resurrect his former comrades, Giyu forced himself to embark on the road of making friends. In short, this is the story of the sacrificed Hashira's who started a new life after being resurrected in the ninja world. [Note 1] This book practices daily essays and makes writing fun. [Note 2] Single female protagonist Insect Hashira. Cancel the setting of Tomioka Giyu having descendants in the original work. [Note 3] Shinazugawa Sanemi and Kochō Kanae are important supporting characters in the author’s previous book, so they will not be resurrected. [Note 4] The author states that the breathing method can directly mobilize natural energy in the ninja world, which is senjutsu, so it is very powerful. Readers who cannot accept the above points should not read. ------- This fanfiction doesn't belong to me I am just translating it. real name ↓ I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated! _______ If you want to read join my Patreon ↓ https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 123 Wood Style (End)

Chapter 123 Wood Style (End)

The land in the forest became muddy and rocked like the sea.

The No. 1 Jonin of the Gen clan who was going to Kirigakure village looked slightly solemn. He pulled the chain in his hand tightly and quickly retreated while dragging the four captives who were unable to use chakra and were staggering around.

The five of them walked back twenty meters together before breaking away from the shaking surface.

The eldest among the prisoners said dissatisfiedly: "An earthquake scared you? At this rate, when will we get to Kirigakure Village? We are all going to die of thirst and starvation."

It seems that in order to make them unable to regain their strength, these mist ninjas have not even been given them a sip of water since yesterday.

The other two black-haired Kaguya clan members showed the same indignation. Only the white-haired Kimimaro looked like he was traveling, looking at the outside world curiously - if a person has been locked in a separate cage since he was three or four years old, then everything outside will seem strange to him.

"It's not an earthquake, you idiots."

The No. 1 Jonin of the Gen clan spoke impatiently, but there was some inexplicable pride in his tone.

"This is the unique ninjutsu of our Gen clan. It can be used by combining earth release and water release. It can easily transform the environment. Making the earth undulate is just the first step. Just watch it."

He just finished speaking, the soil in front of everyone flowed, forming a huge dark brown vortex under each thick tree trunk - then, the soil that the tree roots clung to was blown away by the muddy water, and the tree itself was no longer stable, and was completely sucked in In the whirlpool, even the branches on the crown of the tree that were connected to other parts of the banyan tree were torn apart!

At first, sunlight only filtered in through the cracks in the canopy. The swaying shadow of the banyan tree is reflected in the mud that is full of whirlpools, like a drunkard walking on the road, who may collapse at any time.

But as these tree trunks were swallowed into the vortex one by one, more and more "skylights" were opened on the green roof, and even connected together, until the originally dim banyan forest was completely illuminated.

At this time, the muddy water dried up and the earth returned to its original solid appearance.

In the dense green, a large circular open space with a radius of fifty meters appeared. Only part of the tree crown remained on the surface, looking like clumps of low shrubs.

If you look down from the sky, this banyan forest looks like a head full of green hair with a bald spot picked out by a barber; or, more appropriately, it looks like a piece of broccoli with a small piece broken off.

"Those are with you, right? Why are there only a few left?"

the eldest of the Kaguya boys asked.

Hearing this, the pride on the No. 1 Jonin's face disappeared.

[Yes, this is a technique that can only be used during war. Who does Shinichi want to deal with that makes it necessary to create a battlefield that is beneficial to him? Could it be that Zabuza Momochi gave up the election and came to save people himself? ]

Looking along his worried gaze, there should be nine people in the middle of the open space fifty meters away, but at this time there are only five people left - the only genin in the team is lying on the ground, receiving medical treatment from the Special Jonin.

The remaining three people - Gen Shinichi, Jonin no.2 and Chunin with two-handed swords - all had gloomy expressions on their faces. They stood in front of the injured genin with a prepared look, facing the direction of the sun.

Then they saw a girl walking out of the woods on the northeast edge of the clearing.

Her body was visibly thin, and she was wearing a large butterfly-patterned haori. She looked two or three years younger than Kimimaro.

She had two locks of black hair hanging beside her bright and smooth forehead, gently blowing with the long-lost breeze in this green land, and her purple eyes full of friendly smiles were overflowing from the gaps in the hair.

If it weren't for the cold ice spike protruding from her sleeves and the obvious ninja sword hanging on her waist, they would even think that this girl was an ally.

"You are so young that I can't believe it."

Gen Shinichi sighed unexpectedly, his wide eyes revealing deep shock.

It's not like he has never seen ninjas with outstanding talents.

There are many geniuses in Kirigakure who can easily defeat Chunin at the age of eight or nine.

For example, Hozuki Mangetsu, whose entire clan died except for his younger brother, completely learned Hydrification Technique when he was nine years old, and most of the Jonin in the village could not beat him.

And the underachieving ninja Ringo Ameyuri, who has always been aiming at the Thunder Sword: Kiba, mastered no less than ten powerful Thunder Release Ninjutsu before she was twelve years old, and even independently killed the Jonin assassin sent by the Fourth Mizukage.

Kirigakure Village has never been a place lacking in geniuses. But the problem is, these geniuses know how to use chakra and can use ninjutsu to enhance themselves!

But the girl in front of her, relying solely on the improvised weapon made of ice in her hand that seemed to be able to break at the touch, killed more than half of their team and left the living uneasy!

Look at the chunin next to him with a two-handed sword!

The collar under the ninja vest was almost wet with cold sweat. What kind of fear must he have in his heart to show such cowardice?

There is also his fellow Jonin. Because of a series of previous events, he is gnashing his teeth and his face turned red at the moment. He has even forgotten that staying calm is the most important thing when facing the enemy.

If all of this was the result of the girl's deliberate actions, then she would be really terrible. But if it was unintentional, then I don't know how to describe it.

[She is simply a born ninja. ]

Gen Shinichi said with emotion in his heart.

"Now that he is conscious, don't waste chakra on treating him. What's the use of treating a loser who can't even use his own ninja sword?" At this time, the Jonin turned his back to Seigi and ordered: " Now that the terrain is open and there is no interference, if you check again, does she really have no chakra?"

Seigi tried to sense it again, and the answer was undoubtedly yes.

Kocho Shinobu also took advantage of this time, "holding the sword" and walked slowly to a place less than ten meters away from them, looking at them as if no one else was watching.

Her posture was as relaxed as if she was wandering around in her own home, as if she was with the four people (not counting the injured).

"I thought that after seeing the power of this technique, you would run away directly. I was even prepared to pursue you."

Gen Shinichi spoke first, "I didn't expect that you would lose your hiding place. Since you still dare Showing up on your own initiative... I don't know whether I should call you ignorant or arrogant."

"After all, I can't just go back on what I've said."

Kocho Shinobu narrowed her eyes, "Although you didn't reply to my previous proposal, the technique just now was so powerful that I almost got sucked into the mud and soiled my favorite feather fabric."

She said in a regretful tone while rubbing the brown mud on the soles of her shoes back and forth on the ground.

"So, I guess you mean to refuse. But in this case, I can't let you leave here alive. What you said must count." Kocho Shinobu's voice was soft, as if she was slowly removing everything from The spring breeze awakened from hibernation, but all the people present and outside were ninjas, and they heard what she said clearly.

"Hey, did I hear wrongly?"

The leading boy of the Kaguya clan wanted to prick his ears, but his hands were bound by iron chains and he could only endure it.

Kimimaro calmly shook his head: "You heard it right, what she meant was to kill everyone."

"We also said this yesterday, but we still didn't kill anyone."

Another Kaguya clan boy curled his lips and said, "It seems that one more person will join us soon. If such a beautiful little girl was nailed to the ribs like us, she would definitely cry very loudly..."

Kimimaro shook his head: "She is different. Didn't you notice? The rest of the people haven't appeared for a long time. Where have they gone?"

"That's right..."

In the audience, Gen Shinichi shook his head speechlessly: "It's because of you. For the sake of your talent, I wanted to give you one last chance to join the Kirigakure Village, but your arrogance has exceeded the range that most ninjas can tolerate. You have already seen what ninjutsu can do, but you still want to try it. It would be too childish to use a mantis' arm as a cart."

Saying this means that the possibility of final negotiation has been shattered.

"But since you escaped the earth's current whirlpool I created, I can't help but to become a little curious... Where did you learn your assassination skills? How many people like you are there? Maybe I will visit your companions and maybe recruit them to join the Mist Ninja."

"No need to ask, of course learn it's on the operating table in the hospital."

Kocho Shinobu winked mischievously and said, "Why are you acting like this? Asking questions knowingly" expression.

"Hospital?" Gen Shinichi and the Jonin's eyes met, and they immediately thought of the underground black clinic opened by the gold exchange. The precise wounds that Kocho Shinobu had previously caused on those chunin seemed to have been explained.

But Kocho Shinobu's next words brought the already tense situation to a point where it had to break out.

"Besides the operating table, where else can I go to learn the techniques to clean up bleeding hemorrhoid-like scum like you?"

The second Jonin suddenly changed his expression.

"You sharp-tongued brat! I've had enough of you!"

He furiously formed seals quickly and pressed his palms on the ground facing Kocho Shinobu - this was a common action unique to Earth Release Ninjutsu.

The Gen clan is a ninja clan famous for its Earth Style in the land of water.

"Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot"

Kocho Shinobu lowered her head and found that the ground under her feet began to crack, and small bumps of earth were raised.

She immediately stepped aside alertly.

She had just left, and the place where she was originally standing was broken open by four sharp stone thorns, intersecting each other and squeezing together.

The Ninjutsu of Jonin has not ended yet. New dirtbags followed Kocho Shinobu to her feet. One after another, the thorns rose up one after another. Kocho Shinobu seemed to be forced to keep dodging. .

"Sure enough, she is as flexible as an insect!" As soon as Gen Shinichi saw this scene, he waved his right hand and threw out a few kunai, blocking Kocho Shinobu's path so she couldn't continue dodging.

Shinobu noticed this scene, and her movements suddenly stagnated, but the four new sharp stone thorns had already been raised. Just when it was about to nail Kocho Shinobu to the spot, she jumped up slightly, her broad sleeves like butterflies. Moving like butterfly wings, she moved left and right to easily avoid every deadly sharp thorn, and even moved through the gaps in the row of sharp stone thorns!

"The movements were so smooth, I almost couldn't see clearly..."

Gen Shinichi understood a little bit why those chunin were killed so easily.

[Since the Stone Shoots can't hit her...]

Glancing at the two-handed sword chunin who was frozen in place and not daring to move, Gen Shinichi escaped into the ground with a pair of hand seals, and then instantly emerged from the ground in front of Kocho Shinobu. He turned around and waved the kunai in his hand to sweep towards the opponent's waist and abdomen.

However, Kocho Shinobu's eyes were only staring at the sharp thorns in front of her. She never gave up observing the strongest character among the enemies.

She took a step back, dodging Gen Shinichi's attack, and at the same time, two stone spears stretched out from the ground in front of her to separate her from Gen Shinichi. The latter was a little annoyed because he couldn't hit anyone, but Kocho Shinobu raised the ice spike in her hand, the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

A narrow place is the best place for her to perform.

"Insect Breathing:Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon!"

Six phantom-like attacks emerged from the gaps of the stone spears, and were completed within one second.

Under the interference of obstacles, Gen Shinichi had no idea that Kocho Shinobu could launch an attack under such circumstances. He was inevitably hit, and six lines of blood burst out from his left hand and chest, like blooming scarlet flowers.


The second Jonin quickly stopped the technique he was doing, for fear of accidentally injuring one of his own.

"It doesn't matter to me, it's just a few shallow wounds."

After Gen Shinichi replied, he quickly shouted: "Be careful, she is heading towards you!"

Needless to say, the second Jonin also noticed it, and Kocho Shinobu's body emerged from the gap in the stone spears and headed straight towards where he was.

"Are you looking for death!"

[Do you think I am an easy target? ]

Veins popped up on the forehead of the second Jonin, he formed the seal again, and slapped his hands on the ground - the ground in front of him suddenly shattered, turning into pieces of stone the size of a human head, and they were densely smashed towards Kocho Shinobu.

But what he didn't expect was that Kocho Shinobu made a big jump and reached the top of the dense flying rocks. It actually used these high-speed flying rocks as a road and stepped on them to get closer!

"Insect's Breathing·Dragonfly's Dance·Water Flow."

She used the stones that were thrown at her as a focus to keep approaching the target, her body seemed to have no weight at all.

This Form of Insect Breathing is similar to the Water Breathing:Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow. It can take advantage of all unstable footings, and the dragonfly's dance·water flow is lighter and faster than Splashing Water Flow!

In the blink of an eye, Kocho Shinobu was above the head of the second Jonin.

She stepped on the last flying stone and dived down with the ice spike in hand. The second Jonin had just finished the technique and had no time to get up; the two-handed sword chunin subconsciously raised his sword to block her; the special jonin, who was not good at fighting, had a deathly expression on his face, and he expected that the target of Kocho Shinobu was himself.

After all, in his opinion, it is common sense in the ninja world to kill the medical ninja first.

However, at this moment, Gen Shinichi, who had sneaked over, appeared from the land again and stood in front of Seigi. He felt lucky that he had seen through Kocho Shinobu's plan.

But in the next moment, he and Kocho Shinobu, who fell from the sky, looked at each other. He noticed that Kocho Shinobu's lips twisted into a stern smile.

Her goal from the beginning was not Seigi.

The ice spikes went straight down like an onion, directly piercing the body of the second Jonin who was still kneeling on the spot, penetrating through his back.

The latter suddenly let out a miserable howl, Gen Shinichi's face changed with shock, and he rushed forward with a kunai and cut off the ice thorn in the hand of Kocho Shinobu. At the same time, he flew up and kicked Kocho Shinobu's waist in mid-air.

"Thank you for your help."

Kocho Shinobu gave a mocking thank you. She gathered her body and used the soles of her shoes to receive Gen Shinichi's attack. Her whole body flew out for more than ten meters like a cannonball. After landing on the ground, she spun around like a top several times. Then she slowly stopped and seemed to be fine.

"How are you?"

Gen Shinichi helped the Jonin of his clan and found that the front end of the ice spike had penetrated into the latter's waist, probably piercing his kidney.

He quickly turned to the frightened Seigi: "Come and take a look!"

Seigi quickly came to the side of the second jonin, the sweat on his head dripping down drop by drop, reflecting the dazzling light of the sun.

Gen shinichi stared at Kocho Shinobu, fearing that she would suddenly attack. This girl was so fast that even he couldn't catch the opponent's attack.

But She stood there, looking at them jokingly like a biologist observing wild animals, still holding the broken ice spike in her hand.

[She won't attack anymore? ]

The next moment, Gen Shinichi's train of thought was interrupted: "Captain, his left kidney should have been punctured. The problem is not big. I can cure it with the Mystic Palm technique."

After he formed the seal,green light emitted from his right hand, and his left hand slowly pulled out the ice spike that had sunk into the No. 2 Jonin's body. The latter almost had his teeth broken before he could scream.

"It's okay."

Gen Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief. In Kirigakure's current situation, every Jonin is a precious treasure, and he really can't afford the loss.

He put down the Jonin of his clan whose face was distorted by pain, stood up again, and looked at the Kocho Shinobu who was thirteen or fourteen meters away.

"Hey, why is Mr. Lion lying down? It's not sunset yet."

Kocho Shinobu covered her forehead with her right hand and stood on tiptoes, looking like a curious baby looking into the distance. "It can't be because of a little mosquito like me?"

"Don't worry, he will be able to fight again in five minutes."

Gen Shinichi shook his head expressionlessly, "If you are a ninja, you should know that if there is a medical ninja in the enemy team. You have to deal with the medical ninja first."

"I'm also a doctor, so I'm embarrassed to do something harsh."

Kocho Shinobu covered her mouth and laughed softly, "But, I remember this is Mr. Doctor, Did you say that you wanted to use me for experiments? Oh, it seems that I made a mistake. The injection just now should have been inserted into his body..."

At this point, she changed her posture and turned backhand. Hold the severed ice spike upside down.

Gen Shinichi noticed that there were a few drops of liquid dripping from the ice spikes.

But it wasn't clear water from melted ice, but something that looked green in the sunlight.

"Poisonous?!" He suddenly turned his head and reminded Seigi: "Her weapon is hollow and poisonous inside!"

"Impossible, he has no reaction to being poisoned..." Seigi said halfway, looking at Gen Shinichi with wide eyes, "Be careful!"

Gen Shinichi turned around and blocked the thrust of Kocho Shinobu's sword with a hasty strike.

"Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eyes Hexagon."

Kocho Shinobu took a small step back without any surprise, followed by six attacks that were too fast to be seen clearly, but the Ninja Sword was much heavier than that piece of ice after all, so it was not one sided like the last time.

This time, he blocked two attacks with his kunai, and after sustaining four minor injuries, he quickly retreated.

The wounds caused by Kocho Shinobu's quick attack were very shallow and did not go deep into the muscles, but they also cut open the main blood vessels of the human body, making Gen Shinichi look like he was covered in blood, giving him the feeling of being seriously injured.

"You are still very calm."

Kocho Shinobu stretched out her hand and slowly stroked the back of the Ninja Sword, "I will apply all the remaining contents of the ice spike on this."

At this point, she said After a pause, "But don't worry too much. What's inside is the cells of a person who has been dead for many years. It's the closest thing to poison I can find for now. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make it work."

Kocho Shinobu raised her eyebrows and said half as a suggestion and half as a provocation: "Maybe you can use some special ninjutsu to stimulate his toxicity. How about trying more techniques with other attributes?"


Gen Shinichi glanced at a wound on his arm and still couldn't see the symptoms of poisoning. Thinking of Kocho Shinobu's previous style of teasing and scaring them, he couldn't help but have a guess in his mind.

"Are you expecting to use this little trick to make me upset and unable to fight seriously?"

Gen Shinichi grinned and said: "A person's cells? You might as well say it's juice made from herbs soaked in water. I think it's a little more believable. ——"

But his words were interrupted by the scream of the medical ninja: "Hey! What's the matter with you?"

It was Seigi's voice.

Gen Shinichi turned his eyes away and found that his fellow Jonin was kneeling on the ground like a wild beast, his back arched and his body was trembling.

Seigi held his shoulders, his face as white as if he had seen a ghost, and kept explaining: "It was fine just now! It was fine just now!"

Apparently he had never seen such a situation before.

The second Jonin's face was purple and ferocious, and his eyes suddenly protruded like a lizard, as if something was squeezing his brain.

After a terrible, vomiting growl, he opened his mouth until the upper and lower jaws separated completely, like a snake trying to swallow a watermelon.

Seigi stood up and backed away, while the two-handed sword ninja was so frightened that he sat on the ground, supporting his body with his hands and moving away. He stared closely at the open mouth of the second Jonin, trying to see what he wanted to spit out.

The answer came quickly and was incredible.

A section of green tree trunk came out of his mouth, and quickly expanded and branched outwards, and soon grew small branches and buds!

"What on earth is this..."

Gen Shinichi looked at this scene in disbelief. He had never seen anything like a tree growing out of a human body.

[A human cell...]

He turned to Kocho Shinobu with eyes wide open: "What on earth is that green thing?"

"I told you, it's just a cell of a dead person."

Kocho Shinobu stood in the distance, her eyes wide. She stared closely at the changes in the second Jonin.

She knew there were three Jonin among her enemies, how could she not prepare anything before coming?

But as she said, the only thing Giyu carried that was close to poison was the contents of the white square box placed with the books, which Haku took out yesterday.

There were more than a dozen test tubes in the box.

Kocho Shinobu could clearly see that it was the genetic material carrier that Giyu used to resurrect her, which was the Hashirama Cells. Orochimaru once used this thing to conduct experiments and created those half-tree, half-human monsters in the laboratory.

Previously, Kocho Shinobu asked a chunin who had been injected with hashirama cells to release ninjutsu, just to know how this substance that could remain active after death was activated.

Now, she finally found some possible answers.

"So, the key to triggering this thing is medical ninjutsu, which is what ninjas call 'yang attribute' chakra?"

The changes continued.

The Jonin who vomited out the tree was obviously in extreme pain. He looked at Seigi with pleading eyes, even pleading eyes, wanting an end. He had already felt it - the branch was not the only which grows outside his mouth, but inside his body is where the tree takes root.

"I, I understand."

Seigi mustered up the courage, took out the kunai and approached the second Jonin.

Suddenly, a plume of red mist formed by tiny blood droplets shot out from the center of the Jonin's back, making it seem like a straight red pipe appeared in the middle of his back from top to bottom.

Blood droplets drew an arc in the air, falling like red raindrops on Seigi's face and the nearby ground.

Two blue-white wooden thorns suddenly emerged from the shoulder blades of the second Jonin, and then several more thrones broke through his back, twisting around one by one, opening his ribs, and opening his body from behind!

The No. 2 Jonin stopped breathing completely, but his open body "sprayed" blood around like a fountain!

In particular, the Special Jonin who was standing closest was directly stabbed through his body by more than a dozen canes, and died suddenly on the spot. Gen Shinichi backed away with a kunai in both hands, cutting branches along the way that were enough to support a campfire all night long.

And he had just escaped from the spread of the branches, and before he had time to breathe, a deep malice suddenly came from behind.

"Insect Breathing:Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter

Facing the only sword form among the breathing techniques that is faster than Water Breathing:Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust, Gen Shinichi seemed unable to do anything, as if he could only be slaughtered by Kocho Shinobu.

However, the reason why elite Jonin are elite is because they have trump cards that they are proud of.

"Steel Release!"

The moment the blade touched Gen Shinichi, his skin was suddenly covered by a layer of black cuticle, which shone with a metallic luster.

"It's the one from yesterday!" The young man from the Kaguya clan who was watching the battle exclaimed.

Yesterday, they were exhausted by Gen Shinichi's move and fell into the siege of Earth Release.

Gen Shinichi's body, covered in black substance, was harder than steel, comparable to the bones they used to fight.

However, can a "body harder than steel" be able to block the Demon Slayer's Hashiras?

It is known that the body of a demon is harder than steel.

The hardest part of the human body is the skull.

As for Insect Hashira, Kocho Shinobu, she once used "Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter" to penetrate the eyeballs and skull of Doma the Upper-moon No. 2.

So the answer can be imagined.

This so-called steel shield cannot stop Kocho Shinobu's fastest and most powerful thrust in the world.

The metallic skin stopped cracking, and Gen Shinichi felt an unbelievable, biting pain in his chest!

[How can it be? ]

[She broke through my Steel Release! ]

In order to save his life, Gen Shinichi suddenly increased the transmission of chakra, making the muscles in the chest become harder and more solid, and squeezed desperately. This made Kocho Shinobu's sword blade finally stop one centimeter in front of the heart. .

"Good control." Before he could counterattack, Kocho Shinobu drew her sword and then smiled, "What about the next one?"

Kocho Shinobu repeated her old trick and used it again in less than 0.1 seconds. The sword pierced Gen Shinichi's abdomen, and the latter could only hurriedly gather chakra there, but the result was no different.

He can block Kocho Shinobu's sword so that the other party cannot hurt his internal organs.

But a wound was a wound, and he was bleeding more and more, and he was worried that his body would be occupied by the terrible trees like the jonins of his clan.

However, Kocho Shinobu was so fast that he couldn't even make a seal! He had no choice but to hold on in a short time.

When Kocho Shinobu launched the "Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter" for the fifteenth time, Gen Shinichi, who was already soaked in blood, finally gritted his teeth and folded his dark arms in front of him to block the attack. With a chance to breathe, he jumped back and created some distance.

He looked towards where his fellow humans had turned into tree people. The branches have stopped spreading, and the entire person has turned into a tree, with Seigi hanging on the treetops like fruits. The injured genin had already woken up. Because he was lying on the ground in a low position, he was not attacked by the vines.

As for the chunin holding a two-handed sword, Gen Shinichi saw him running back at the edge of the woods and A black crow following him from behind.

[That bastard... actually took the opportunity to escape? ]

"Alas, is another lion shrinking in front of a mosquito?"

Kocho Shinobu did not catch up, but stood five meters away from Gen Shinichi.

Seeing that Gen Shinichi seemed to be about to put his hands together, Kocho Shinobu waved her sword and reminded him kindly: "Don't think about using ninjutsu. At this distance, I can reach you in an instant, and you can't run away."

She wiped the front of her body with her left hand from top to bottom, "Except for your jutsu that turns the whole body dark without using any seals...or the Bloodline limit, you can't use any ninjutsu. You will die from exhaustion of chakra, or you will die from excessive blood loss..."

Then she stabbed six swords in the air: "But I am not tired at all, and I can do this all day long."

Gen Shinichi knew that what Kocho Shinobu said was not a lie.

He couldn't form a seal, and his physical skills couldn't keep up with the speed at all. He, an elite Jonin, was already a lion and tiger whose claws had been removed.

"Could it be that,"

He covered the wound, stared at Kocho Shinobu's eyes with bloodshot eyes, and asked angrily, "did you do all this just to retaliate against us for torturing that brat?"

Needless to say, those chunin who were originally used as cannon fodder, these Jonin, who were the real wealth of the ninja village, were killed for that reason?

"You still don't understand."

Kocho Shinobu smoothed her hair that was messed up by the wind, "Then I will explain it to you."

"I would like to hear the details." Gen Shinichi knew that there was another Jonin on his side. but that guy is younger than the second Jonin, so he may not be able to count on him.

I hope he can find out what's going on here and go back to inform the village. Maybe Gen Shinichi can survive until more people arrive.

"I originally didn't want to get involved in the affairs between you ninjas. If you just hurt my friends, I would just secretly retaliate against you and break a few arms as a lesson." Kocho Shinobu said. Instead of smiling, She explained very seriously.

"But when you figured out that Haku was taking care of two ordinary people, you decided to torture these two 'ordinary people' to force him to speak without even thinking, as if we were a piece of meat in your bowl, and we didn't behave like that. It was the first time I had done something like this."

"I knew then that you are a group of scum that must be cleaned up. Not to mention you were so enthusiastic and came up with so many stomach-churning ideas..."

"I see. "

Gen Shinichi suddenly understood, "No wonder they died the way they died..."

[It corresponds to their proposal at that time.]

His fellow jonin also said that they would take out their intestines and wrap them around a tree to see. His current fate is that his intestines have turned into rattan.

"The reason why you left this alive,"

Gen Shinichi covered the wound and weakly moved to the side of the young genin who had his eyes open and didn't understand, "Yes, Because he didn't have any ideas."

"It's really ridiculous. Because of what I said, I was punished by a brat who doesn't know how to be humble."

Gen Shinichi laughed ferociously, "But you know, even if you kill me, let this guy go back and tell the information to Kirigakure Village. There will be countless enemies chasing you."

"You are countless people."

Kocho Shinobu also glanced at him, "Wait until I teach my swordsmanship that can deal with Jonin to those who don't have the strength. Only ordinary people will understand what 'countless' enemies are."

"What did you say?"

As if he was frightened by Kocho Shinobu's words, Gen Shinichi's face covered with black matter turned gray for a moment.

If ordinary people who had been at the mercy of ninjas could learn this kind of swordsmanship that could subdue chunin or even Jonin without using chakra...

Just thinking about it made his scalp numb.

[no! I must return to the village in person and tell them about this...]

Gen Shinichi, who had already thought that he was certain to die, suddenly gained some strength.

He glanced at the young ninja at his feet and squatted down pretending to give up.

But the next moment, he grabbed the boy's body with one hand and threw the latter towards Kocho Shinobu like a bag of garbage!

"You are really, constantly refreshing the lower limits of human beings..."

Kocho Shinobu frowned, and when she was about to pick up the boy and catch up, the latter suddenly pushed her arm as he approached.

In mid-air, the young ninja burst into tears for some unknown reason. All the strength in his weak body was condensed and she shouted: "Run!"

The belt area covered by his ninja vest suddenly touched the corner of the explosive tag and exploded.

Kocho Shinobu's eyes suddenly opened wide, and she understood everything immediately, so she clenched her teeth and turned around and ran away.

But Gen Shinichi activates the explosive tags faster.

The huge explosion affected Kocho Shinobu, and the surging shock wave threw her smoking body out.

Gen Shinichi knew that there was a high probability that Kocho Shinobu would not be killed by the explosion. He was about to form a seal and use the Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique to leave, but he saw stone thorns appearing right where Kocho Shinobu landed!


Kocho Shinobu swung her sword and cut off the tip of the stone thorns, but her body still hit the broken surface hard, and she fell down again with a groan. The ninja sword also fell to the ground.

At this time, the No. 1 Jonin who was responsible for guarding the prisoners suddenly jumped out of the forest, picked up the ninja sword on the ground, and quickly penetrated Kocho Shinobu's shoulder, nailing her body to the stone thorns.

Gen Shinichi emerged from the earth and nodded happily to the No. 1 Jonin: "Not bad."

He originally planned to withdraw, but he didn't expect to get such a bargain. The new Jonin in this clan will indeed seize the opportunity.

But maybe because he forgot or for some reason, the steel-release coating on his body still hasn't faded.

Kocho Shinobu's petite body was hung there, looking at the two men with gloomy eyes, while the captives slowly walked out of the woods and looked at this scene with disappointment.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy."

As soon as Gen Shinichi walked in front of Kocho Shinobu, the previous depression seemed to be swept away, "Do you regret letting that guy go?"

"What I didn't expect was that, as a human being, someone would actually be so despicable."

Kocho Shinobu glanced at the upper half of the ninja boy's body that was blown off not far away, and several small snake-like veins rose up on her forehead.

The kind reminder before death still echoed in her ears.

"He did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the hands of one of his own. No wonder he shed tears before he died..."

"For a real ninja, anything can be a tool for killing. The same goes for his companions."

Gen Shinichi didn't show any guilt.

"Besides, if he can save the life of a Jonin in the village, he is already a hero. After we deal with you, we will reward his family when we return to the village. I remember he has a younger sister who is at the age to go to ninja school."

He didn't pay attention to Kocho Shinobu's even more distorted expression, and continued after a pause.

"The descendants and family members of heroes, in order to continue this honor, are more inclined than ordinary people to sacrifice themselves. I guess it won't be long before they meet in the world after death. You should be happy for him."

Here, Kocho Shinobu lowered her head, and the upper half of her face was completely buried in the shadows.

"Can't you laugh now?"

Gen Shinichi smiled vengefully.

"It seems that your plan to let ordinary people learn swordsmanship is hopeless. Don't worry, this exquisite swordsmanship will not be lost. We will take you back and let the sensory ninjas in the village explore all the secrets in your brain. From now on, all the ninjas in Kirigakure Village will carry forward this kind of swordsmanship..."

After saying this, a sudden change occurred.

White smoke suddenly erupted from the wound where Kocho Shinobu was stabbed by the Ninja Sword, making a hissing sound like cold water being poured on a stove.

"What's going on?"

Gen Shinichi, who had just used the explosive tags to assassinate Kocho Shinobu, immediately retreated, thinking that Kocho Shinobu had some back-up plan.

But just after retreating, Kocho Shinobu seized the opportunity and suddenly pulled out the ninja sword inserted on her shoulder as if she had been injected with blood. The bleeding wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Well, are you one of our own?" The captives of the Kaguya clan exchanged glances. After all, they also had similar abilities.

Only Kimimaro looked at the woods behind him that seemed to be shaken by a strong wind, and said nervously: "I'm afraid it won't stop."

The hanging aerial roots of the trees were all bent towards this side, like ministers worshiping the king.

"What, what's going on?"

Jonin No. 1 was confused.

How terrifying Kocho Shinobu, who was uninjured and had a sword in her hand, was. He had seen it just now. At this distance...

"Don't think about it! Leave quickly!"

Gen Shinichi saw this scene, without saying a word, he formed a seal and hid underground. He had lost too much blood and had little fighting power left. Although the No. 1 Jonin had numerous doubts, he was mostly afraid, so he quickly imitated his example.

At this time, Kocho Shinobu finally raised her gloomy eyes.

"Before you, let this forest land sink into the ground."

The five fingers of her right hand suddenly turned into twisted and winding roots, burrowing into the ground effortlessly like worms burrowing into the ground.

Then, the earth shook, the rock and soil cracked, and the buried banyan tree reappeared. Countless aerial roots stretched and twisted, digging and entangled deeper into the soil, as if chasing some prey.

"Now, let them raise you up."

"Consider this as mine, and repay evil with kindness. "