
The Main Character Summons A Spirit And Then Forgets About It

Now, then...

("It's just a waiting game now... Oh, and I gotta test out the use of some of my abilities.")

For all he knew, the effects of abilities could be drastically different from the game. After all, it's no longer a game.

("Let's just work with those that would have mainly invisible effects.")

To start, he decided to use the Ultimate Spell <Wish Upon A Star>.

(A/N: That is an (un)original spell. Don't think too much.)

It's a spell that can only be used once a day, and has a huge mana cost and casting time.

However, it is (theoretically) capable of granting any wish.

He just had to see what it could do in this world... Also, so long as it's not deliberately intended, it has no visible effects.

So, he decided on a valid wish.

("<Wish Upon A Star> - Upgrade Skill [Summon Greater Spirit (A)]")

One of the uses of <Wish Upon A Star> was to upgrade a Skill.

Though, it had no effect on EX Rank Skills, and hardly any effect on S-Rank and above skills.

It could only be used to reliably upgrade Skills below S-Rank.

Furthermore, even among A-Rank and below Skills, there are certain skills that can't be upgraded in this way. And, the upgrades are less significant if used to further upgrade a Skill that it had already been used on.

Now that the Skill has been upgraded, he decided to use that Skill.

[Summon Greater Spirit (A)]

It was a Skill that could normally be understood through it's name, but BBO had overly complicated rules for all things related to summoning.

There were mainly two types of Summoning: Summoning Magic and Summon-type Skills.

Summoning Magic is the simpler one of the two. You just make a 'Magic Contract' with your summoning target (It's usually random on the first try). You offer a high amount of Mana for their services.

And, if you have made a Contract of a longer duration, you can use Summoning Magic to summon the contracted being through the Magic Contract, just in case you two got separated.

Summon-type Skills are a tad bit more complex.

First of all, there are three ways of using Summon-type Skills: Vassal-type Summon, Servant-type Summon, and Commissioned-type Summon.

The first type, Vassal Summon, is typically a long-lasting type Summon, of which the whole duration may be paid. The payment for this is usually in the In-Game Currency - Copper/Silver/Gold/Platinum Coins and Drachma. Other than that, you also have to pay some money for their necessities.

The second, Servant Summon, is usually a permanent Summon. The beings don't have to be paid a salary, but there are necessary monthly food and maintenance costs for them.

The third, Commissioned-type, is usually a Summon with a short duration. The short duration, if it's lower than a month, doesn't require food and maintenance costs. They typically are paid (in money) at the time of their summoning, and so, they don't require a salary most of the time.

This Skill, [Summon Greater Spirit (A)] can be used in either the first way or the third way.

His title [Spirit Ruler (SSR)] allows him to rule over Spirits, so, no matter his stats, he can choose to summon a spirit as a servant.

And so, he summoned a Servant Spirit.

He could also choose various other things like personality and elements, thanks to [Spirit Ruler], but he decided to leave that to fate, well, except the fact that it should be absolutely loyal and its level and abilities should be maximized. After all, also due to his title, this Skill could be used 100 times a day, so it's okay to waste it one or two times. Besides, this is just a test to check how Servant-type summons works in this world.

The spirit he summoned happened to be a Fire Spirit.

He could easily sense the spirit's existence thanks to their master-servant contract.

("[Message] - Greetings, my summoned Spirit.")

[Message (A)]

One of the only three Skills that a Player started with, up there with [Inventory (A)] and [Status (A)]. All three of these Skills are obtained thanks to the [Player (RRR)] title, which each player gets on logging in to their character for the first time.

You see, in BBO, there were only 2 ways to gain a Skill.

The first is to use the Gacha, which is also the only aspect of the game that requires money. You buy Medals with money (at the rate of about 100 Yen to One Medal) and you use Medals to roll the gacha.

(A/N: 100 Yen is approximately 1 US$.)

The second way is to get them through the corresponding Title. After all, almost every Title gives you a Skill (at least 1) when you acquire it.

UR Grade Titles give EX Grade Skills, SSR and SR Grade Titles give SSS, SS, and S Grade Skills. RRR, RR, R, U, and C respectively give A, B, C, D, and E Grade Skills. Of course, there may be some variations here and there.

The [Message] Skill allows you to telepathically communicate with other sentient things, including NPCs, Players, and Monsters. The [Status] Skill allows you to view your status as well as distribute points. And then, [Inventory] Skill gives you an inventory, the size of which grows with your level.

"Yes, my summoner. I am a Fire Spirit." A voice appeared in his mind.

("Okay, stand by.")


Now, the next skill to use would be...

("Next would be... wait, I can't really check the effect of buffs, so let's skip that.")

After all, buffs don't show up in the status.

("[King's Treasury]")

[King's Treasury (SS)]

This is a rare skill that he got from the title [King of Heroes (SSR)].

It's basically [Inventory], but without any space limit.

But, it's actually quite valuable. After all, there is a small chance that, when you're PKed, the killer would get one of your items from your Inventory. That doesn't apply to King's Treasury, however.

He usually still used his Inventory though. After all, the 2nd Player in the ranking hadn't even reached LV600, so he normally wouldn't be PKed. And besides, he couldn't be caught by surprise since he had an EX-Grade detection skill.

After all, no matter how much of a Pro Gamer he is, he's still a human. He still has some pride.

("Hmm, it seems that the King's Treasury also kept its contents. Well, that's good. After all, most of my Unknown-Grade Items are stored there.")

