
That Time I Reincarnated with Multiverse Chat Group

This is story about Zero Vermilion a rich second-generation young master who is a big delusion boy or also known as chunnibyo and one of the hero who save his world and get reincarnated to another world as phoenix with a chat system when he was about die (I only update when I want and to tell you guys this is my first time writing story after my first novel have problem before I can update it.English is not my main language and you can comment about my mistake but please don't toxic and use abusive word here)

ZERO_Liner · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

——————After Zero died—————

Where is this place if I not wrong I have died because I lost too much blood but this place certainly don't look like hell.Here look like a cave.

For now I just try to move body around.Why is my body so hard to move around.It make me walk like a chicken.I feel something wrong here.I must look at my appearance first.

There a river there also there must be a water reflection.I take a peek at the river and shock at what I find.There was no longer a human.

I REINCARNATED AS A BABY PHOENIX.My body look like a fire chicken but I know this is phoenix Just call it my instinct and who want to reincarnated as chicken although it can control flames it still a chicken.

I walked around in the cave eat a grass that lying here and absorb the mineral to my body.You want to ask how I store a mineral the answer is I don't know I only know that I can store things inside my body.What my purpose doing it?because I so bored here.

I walked and walked until I realized something.That strange notification or called chat group was with me or not.To answer that I must check it out.I try to shouted inside my mind and it appear before I shouted.Look like I only need to think about it to make it appear.



Shinomiya Doll:+1

Shorty Hashira:I don't know what it mean but


Lucky Pervert:WHO ARE YOU?wait a minute,Zero you not die yet?😇

Zero:What are you saying?😕

Phoenix Wannabe:This chat announcement said that you already died but how are alive now?

Zero:That thing not important now but I don't know that you guys liked that given nicknames and do not want to change it.

Shinomiya Doll:Wait a minute,you say I can change my nickname?

Zero:Yes if not how can I change mine.

Shorty Hashira:but we still not found changing name settings.

Lucky Pervert:It not that we not found but we don't have a changed name tag.

Zero:Why are not saying that early.Here.

[Admin have give a free name tag change card]





Rito:still how are alive?If I not wrong yay should already died because you body loss too much blood?

[Zero send a picture]

Marco:You transformed into phoenix and get rebirth?

Kaguya:I think the right adverb to say is reincarnated right?

Rito:You have been reincarnated in your death bed like a light novel main character? but if what the notice said is true you have a qualified as main character.

Shinobu:What this qualified you talking about?

Zero:I think he talking about my awesomeness😎. It's so hard to be popular 😚

Marco:I don't know what you guys talking about but I have an urge to punch someone now.

Kaguya:I also think about that for a moment but I more curious about this reincarnated phenomenon and how this happen?

[Multiverse Chat System have issued a side quest to everyone here.Please complete the mission within a time frame]

Shinobu:side quest what this mean?and where is main quest?

Zero:I think side quest is about a mission that we must do in our world.

Kaguya:And main quest a mission we do in other world right?


Rito:A dragon one of strongest being in fastasy world and a slime one of weakest monster in there and you must befriended them both in the same time my condolence.Where can you find both slime and dragon at the same time.

Shinobu:At least my mission is not that hard only train a disciple till they become a demon slayer candidate and make they succeed in it.

Kaguya:My mission is to make 3 friend in highschool.Is this system mocking me?Is it think I antisocial.

Rito:At least you two don't get a hard mission like me and Zero. My mission is to protect an alien princess from its attacker or assassin? Fighting a normal human already hard for me and now you want me to protect alien princess from alien.What a bummer.

Marco:Ohh my task is to save Thatch from being killed.WHAT WHO DARE TO KILL ONE OF WHITEBEARD DIVISION CAPTAIN?IF I KNOW WHO HE IS?

Zero:Now you talking about that make me forget to ask you guys to search about this story Kimetsu no yaiba,one piece,to love Ru,Kaguya-sama love is war at net and please send it here.


In a room orange hair boy is searching hardly about anime story in net till night.That boy is Yuuki Rito a protagonist from To Love Ru and one of the member of Multiverse Chat Group.

"At least I find two story that he asked.It is One Piece and Kaguya-sama love is war.Even now I don't believe right now I'm chatting with an anime futhermore,this guys anime characters look same like in picture if look carefully."muttered Rito to himself after he find what Zero asked him.

"Now I only need to send this to group chat and I can finally relax around.I hope alien I can find that alien princess without any difficulty"

"Rito dinner is ready"said a cute middle-school student.This girl is Yuuki Mikan the little sister of Yuuki Rito.

"Haii,I be there now"

"Rito,What are you searching around the net from afternoon till night?"asked Mikan with eyes full of curiousity.

"Nothing just some anime story."said Rito while scratching his head.

"Are you sure?It is not something pervert?"asked Mikan seriously.

"Really it just normal anime story."answered Rito quickly.

"Are really really sure?"replied Mikan not trusted Rito words.

"It's true and I will go take bath first.See you later."said Rito to quickly run away from Mikan.

When Rito was enjoying a warm bath suddenly a portal appeared above him and something popped out of there releasing a water in the bath.

Rito was shocked and grabbed something soft.(What is this?so soft like a melon bread) thought Rito in his mind and shouted when he know what he grabbed now.

Suddenly a pink haired nude girl with beautiful figure who Rito grabbed a her breast said.

"Look like my escape plan is a success but I miscalculated the coordinate.Sorry for inconvenience.Teehee."said her to Rito.

"WHO ARE YOU?"shout Rito

"I am Lala.An alien I now being chased away by some assassin.By the way who are you?"asked Lala with confused face.

"My name is Rito.Yuuki Rito and why are naked?"asked Rito while trying to not look at Lala body.

"Ohh that's because my teleportation gadjet cannot transport clothes."answered Lala with innocent face.

"Here you are Lala-sama.I already found you"said a white short robot.

"There are here don't let them run away"

"Hurry up catch them"

"Peke how many them I already said to you to not bring enemies to me.Hope we meet next time Rito.Bye"said Lala and quickly run awatly from here

"I am sorry Lala-sama"replied Peke with apologies face

(Wait a minute an alien,being chased away and -sama she must be a noble.It not my quest to protect alien princess from her assassin.What I am waiting for.)after think about it for a moment Rito decided to chase after Lala to protect her.