
That time i got some cheats!

When your average orphan gets him a system that's only goal is to keep him alive in a world that seems the same like his,you know things are gonna get weird... Includes mana,dungeons and monsters.

death_frost2345 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Totally ordianary world,right?

'Welp,here i am floating in total darkness guessing which type of world i go into,well you should be confused as to what we are doing here right well i died,not gonna get into it but i did and got a system of the bat that will compensate for my short life by letting me visit a world that closely mirrors mine while having a little spice of its own.'

'Well that is enough of my monologue. We are gonna arrive soon and don't be excited because the system told me that i have a high probability of dying within 1 year of me entering the world.'

*scene changes*

'I get off the ground while patting the dust on my clothes away,thought i would break a few bones from the landing but the only thing that was broken by my landing was the ground underneath me. It caved in a few inches,kinda impressive if you ask me.'





Str: 10





Demonic energy:0

'Oh yeah i forgot my name...one of few disadvantages of dying from brain damage i presume,even my system thought it was beyond repair because of my brain being chopped and mashed until it was nothing more than blood and organic pulp.'

"Impressive"'I say as i examine my stats,while most of them are basic like str for how much i can lift,end for how many hits i take to buckle down,dex for how swift i am,int for my brain.'

'I don't know much about faith or demonic energy though,I guess I will have to find out later,but first let's explore my system more.'


Ding!You received a tutorial quest,a F rank dungeon crystal,complete the dungeon for a beginner pack and 1 free lvl up

I flabbergasted at the quest think to myself 'will i be,okay?'

Well first chapter done,i have been having this idea for a while thinking of implementing it,well here we have it,welli think i will write 20 chapters before seeing if i am comfortable with this story or should i go back to writing about something else,well do let me know when it reachs a decent chap count.

death_frost2345creators' thoughts