
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Chapter 28 Princess of Eternal Flame

"Please, protect this forest and it's tribes from this danger. If you do, me and mine sisters and brothers will pledge ourselves to you. Just like we pledge ourselves to your brother. I beg you, Shiva Rajin. Protect this forest like your brother, our master, Veldora did."

Silence filled the room as dryad spoke. Three young ogres looked towards Shiva, their eyes wide from shock.

"S-Shiva...what is she saying? You are....Lord Veldora's brother?"

One of them asked as he took a step closer to him. Shiva's eyes were hidden by his thick mane of white hair. Shion looked at Shiva in concern as she heard her beloved's secret surface, she placed hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

'How...How? HOW?! HOW DOES SHE KNOW?!'

Panic. This was the only emotion that settled in Shiva's mine. He heard stories about dryads from Hakurou and Ryujin. They are the protectors of this forest and Velodra's servants, they struck down anyone who is a treat to the forest or their master. So how do they know about Shiva's and Veldora's packt? Did Veldora informed them somehow?


Young Ogre took another step towards him but was immediately stopped by Shiva's glare. His orange eyes swirled with aura inside them, making them glow a dangerous shade of orange.

"If you move another step forward....I'll kill you."

Young Ogre shook in fear as Shiva's words settled inside him. Benimaru's and Souei's eyes widen as they saw that glare only once, when their village burned down. Shiva then looked back at Treyni his hair casting shadow over his face.


"Excuse me?"

"How do you know that Veldora and I became brothers?"

He growled out towards clueless dryad who looked at him for few seconds and then smiled slightly, her azure eyes piercing his orange ones.

"I can feel his magicules on you. He was the one who gave you your name, am I right? I don't know specifics but I know the most crucial parts of your relationship. I also know...what happen that day..."

Blue aura sapped out from her eyes, knowledge of Shiva's sin present in her eyes making him gasp. His eyes widen as he heard that, his muscles flexed ready to fight. But then before anything could happen, her aura stopped pouring out and she smiled.

"But I did not come here to...quarrel with you. I am sure that mine lord had a plan forged when such thing happen. And I am here to ask you for your help..."

Shiva released a sigh of relieve when she said that, he also relaxed more when he felt Shion's hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and smiled while putting his own hand over hers. Shiva then looked back at Treyni.

"So you want me to defeat the Orc Lord?"

"Yes. I beg of you that you destroy him and his army. If his army reaches mine tribe, we will be decimated....Only you can do it, you have part Lord Veldora's power and you can lead three tribes to a fight. Maybe even four if Lizardmen and Ogres set their history to the side."

Shiva placed hand on his face and sighed.

"I may have a speck of his power...But I do not order any of the tribes besides the Tempest Wolves and Blood Hounds. Every other has their own leaders, like Benimaru and the Goblin Council."

"This may be true. But they trust you and know your strength. You can convince them and lead them to victory."

Shiva took his hand away and his gaze wandered to Benimaru. His friend had a steel gaze full of confidence. Benimaru nodded his had as if answering Shiva's internal question. Shiva then looked at Shion who's smile made him waver. He looked back at the dryad and sighed.

"Fine. WE will help...we planned to fight them either way."

Treyni smiled wide and stood up, she bowed her head towards Shiva.

"I am grateful! After all is done and Orc Lord is no more. Me and mine family will serve you just like we served your brother. You can contact me anytime you want by letting mine name be carried by the wind..."

Dryad disappeared in a green light making tent silent again. And before anything could be said, Shiva turned to three young ogres and growled at them.

"This cannot leave this tent, do you understand me?"

Three ogres nodded quickly before leaving the tent. Shiva sighed and he slipped his finger though his hair. He looked back at other four kijins in the tent.

"So...things got interesting."

"That is certain."

Commented Souei who looked though the massage for the Lizardmen Chief. Hakurou took few steps forward and nodded.

"You did a good thing, Shiva. We wanted to fight them either way."

"Yeah but now we have a pesky dryad watching us....Can I go home? I am tired, we can talk more about it tomorrow."

"Yes. It's a good idea, we all should get rest."

Kijins nodded to each other and all left then tent. Shion and Shiva went back to their house, a content silence between them. As they were half way back, Shiva decided to break this silence and ask Shion a question.

"So...How is Princess's training going?"

"Huh? Oh! Well she is getting quite good! She is getting much stronger. But she isn't training her magic which-! UGH!"

Shion froze in place and slowly looked up at Shiva, sweat trailing down her face.

"Y-Y-You know?"

Shiva rolled his eyes and nodded.

"It is not hard to find out if you think about it. Princess being tired almost every every evening, you also being somewhere at that time, definite change in Princess apperance. Oh! And I have eyes everywhere, such as Rudra!"

He said it in a slightly sarcastic tone making Shion show him her tongue. She then sighed and looked to the ground.

"You...are not mad?"

Shiva sighed and shook his head sideways.

"To be honest....I can't be mad. Her training was something certain and besides this will do more good for her."

Shion smiled and jumped at Shiva's back making him lean forward slightly, she lean her head on his shoulder.

"Sooo~ Does that mean you will teach her how to control her magic?"

"Ugh. Sure why not. This will be the only promise I break but this is for her own good..."

Shion chuckled happily and gave him a big kiss, happy that he finally gave in.

"But...what made you give in?"

Shiva sighed again and looked to the stars.

"To be honest...I am not really sure. Maybe threats of the orcs made me rethink mine decision. Or I don't want her to be mad at me anymore."

Shion's eyebrow rose.

"She? Mad at you? Impossible. She loves you too much..."

Shiva stopped in place while Shion continued heading home. She finally turned around and looked at him confused. His eyes widen slightly and his cheeks redden slightly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"So you know about her...love towards me?"

Shion approached him and looked at him deadpanned.

"It's very obvious...Well, I didn't notice at first but when we had a little talk, ma and Princess, I began to see it."

"When did you talked about this?"

"When you, Benimaru and Souei went to deal with those Dire Wolves."

Shiva nodded and looked down at the ground.

"So...what do you think about all of this? Everyone tells me that I should give it a shot but...I feel like I wouldn't be unfaithful towards you."

Shion chuckled slightly and turned around, continuing her walk.

"I don't really mind as long as it's Princess. Me and her are the best friends since we were little ogres. The only real conflict we had was over you...."

Shiva looked back up at Shion, confusion and slight shock on his face.

"So you...don't mind?"

"No. As long as you love both of us equally. Oh! And no other ladies, only we two."

She glared at him slightly at the last condition knowing it wouldn't be hard for him to acquire more wives. But she smiled then and head towards her home. Shiva looked at the place she stood at for few seconds before shaking his head and following her.

"I don't understand women..."


"Okay. This will be you last day of physical training."

Shion said it to sitting Princess in front of her. Pink hair ogre raised eyebrow at this.

"What do you mean by that? You will teach me how to control your magic? But...you are bad at it..."

Shion huffed slightly and hit Princess with a long stick before continuing.

"As I said. This is the last day. From today you will learn about you magic. And someone else will teach you...but don't freak out."

"O...kay? Who did you-! AH!"

Princess looked into the forest on her left wondering who it might be. But when she saw Shiva's pale skin, white hair and his red horn she immediately began to scream internally.


Shiva left forest's shade and came closer to her. He was only in his pants, leaving his wolf cape back at his home. Princess crawled back slightly, scared of how he or her brother will lecture him. She put her hands together and begged.

"Shiva! Please, don't tell mine brother! He would lock me up if he finds out!"

Shiva rolled his eyes and placed his lower hands on his hips while his upper arms crossed over his chest.

"Princess. Please stop begging. I am not here to punish you. As Shion said I...will help you with your magic."

Princess stopped begging and sat down, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"You...want to teach me? But...what about your and Benimaru's promise?"

Shiva sighed and looked to the side.

"This is...the only promise that I will ever brake. I will train you because I don't want anything happen to you."

Princess smiled and blushed slightly but shook her head.

"Then how did you found out?"

"I have mine ways. Besides, it was not hard to figure this out. I bet Benimaru already suspects something."

"You 'have ways'? What do you-! It's you!"

Princess glared and pointed at the Blood Hound that just showed itself and sat down next to Shiva, Rudra.

"You sold me out!"

"I am sorry, Princess. But Master told me to report anything that I would consider dangerous to you."

"And how come training is dangerous?"

"There is many ways you could harm yourself. But the biggest reason is that Master forbid you from training."

Princess sighed not wanting to waste anymore energy on the wolf. She looked back at Shiva who sit in front of her and smiled.

"So what will we start with?"

"Well...I will first give you an name."

Princess eyes widen as she heard that, she jumped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck making his eyes widen and making Shion chuckle.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Training me was enough but naming me is just...! Thank you!"

Shiva chuckled lightly and hugged her back slightly before moving her back to her place. He looked at her, his orange-black eyes locking onto her pink ones.

"I will name you...Shuna."

Princess, now Shuna, sends a giant smile Shiva's ways and awaits her transformation. After a minute she looks at Shiva confused.

"Is everything alright?"

Shiva frowned, not knowing is anything going to happen.

"Uhm...I am not sure. I passed out after naming others so..."

Shion chuckled as she watched them.

"Don't worry. Evolution will kick in, in few minutes"

"Oh, I see."

Shuna nodded and smiled before looking back at Shiva. Their gazes locked on each other again as both slightly blushed. After few minutes of constant staring, Shuna began to glow.

"It's happening!"

She exclaimed excited as her body began to change. She grew few inches, her body getting thicker in mules mass and general getting more mature. While it was not much she became much more better suited for combat. Her white horns became thinner and smoother. Her pink tear marks disappear, unlike her brother's marks. While her face became much more mature, a face of a woman in her twenties, she still kept her cute looks. And wile her eye color and hair color didn't change, her skin tone changed from pinkish to much more human like.

After her evolution, Shuna looked at her hands and touched herself all around. Because of her growth her clothes were a little too small in few places making her sigh. She then looked at Shiva and smiled striking him with wave of warmth spreading inside him. He blushed slightly at beautiful woman in front of him and smiled back.

"You look amazing Shuna."

"Thank you, Shiva."

Shion chuckled at they cheesy talk and sat down, wanting to watch them train. Shiva cleared his throat and mentioned her to sit down. Shuna complied and sat down in front of him, few feet away. He placed all of his four arms on his lap, intertwining fingers. He closed his eyes as he was about to meditate. Shuna and even Shion followed his moves.

"Now, reach down inside you...Reach your core."