
That time I got reincarnated as a slime, that's what I thought atleast

Welcome to bullshit. This is that time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. But in the perspective of an 12 year old guy(Boy?Kid?Child?Nah,he is just a guy) who died bcs of a serial killer mommy. Enjoy. (Harem,Hell yeah baby) (Overpowered? Ofcourse) (WeakToStrong.. That's something that we all love, seeing the character get stronger through his pure potential and determination,just like our favourite anime main characters) Also the plot from That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime is a joke and a full on thought on how i would have wanted to see the story show off.

IMNOBODY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs



"....."=Words/Conversations/Talking Out Loud

'.....'=Thinking/Thought Process/Thoughts.


*.....*=Special/Simple Actions




"So what did you want?Im very occupied right now,so say it fast."

Said a man in a noble like outfit with a rose on the place right below his heart should be in.

This man also had a cocky grin while getting fed some beautiful and tasty grapes by some woman who had animalistic feature,they were those of a racoon.

This fat man...He..

He was sitting on a throne ...On a place most people would call a church,what is this guy doing in this sacred place acting like this?

"W-Well sir..We wanted to tell you ..That five more people died because of the hunger..So can we please finnaly get some actual food...?We have been working for months for you,you know..We should get payed with something atleast."

The one who was talking was an old lizardman that was struggling to be balancing on a wooden cane,he also had some little glasses, further showing his wise and elderly appearance.

"What are you saying Elder?I will give you food!Just wait 4 more days."

Says the fat noble man while getting fed more grapes by the racoon woman,who didn't react not one bit to the conversation beetween the two men.

"..B-But that's too much waiting time sir...We will all die if we don't get something to eat...!."

The old lizardman has a trembling hand on his wooden cane while saying all of this.

"...What are you doing Elder..?Are you trying to say that i can not be trusted...?"

The fat man immediately goes into a more serious mode and puts a hand on his sheat where there was a shining silver sword that has an red draconic ruby eye on it.

The old elder immediately sweatdrops.

"No,no ,no im not trying to say anything like that my handsome sir ..!I'm just thinking of how good you are looking today..!!"

"As I thought.Now come here and wash my feet."

The old lizard got to the fat man and slowly started to clean his feet up with some soap.

"Aren't you a bit too cruel with your villager slaves subordonates guys?"

A little girl that had a clown mask and some attire that somehow fitted the mask on its own came out from behind the throne and chirped at the fat noble.

The clown girl also had two pink twin tails.

"Cruel?Nah,i call it bussines.Make them forcefully loyal then order them to do whatever you want,just like this woman right here,she can't speak nor hear.I made her like that."

Another clown person came out from behind the throne and said.

"That means you want to make her a sacrifice for a demon, don't you?"

The fat clown like guy asked the other fat and now average height man when you compare him to the clown fat guy.


"Yes.That is exactly what I want ."

The final clown person,who looked more normal then the other two came out from behind the throne in a more elegant way.

"So you are really trusting us?"

Said the masked man,who seems to be the leader of this goofy group.

"Ofcourse Laplace.I will summon you three a demon by making a special sacrifice and then make that demon posses this sword."

The fat guy lifts up his shining sword.

"Any particular demon you want to summon?"

Laplace asked the fat man simply.

"A demon that has the power to control every human...A demon which gives this sword the power to manipulate everyone to my likings!"

The fat guy said proudly, flaunting the sword around like a mad man.

The masked group grinned behind their masks.

"Oh so you just want to make a special type of weapon that can manipulate anyone,it's good...but..What about our deal Hemel?"

Hemel,the fat guy who i've described as fat for the 10th time, sweatdrops.

"I forgot..Yeah i will give you three the ruby from my sword,i still don't know why you lot really want it but ok,it's not like I needed it."

Laplace starts clapping and cheering for Hemel.

"Wooo!Then you can do it!You can summon that demon..!!"

The other two clowns started to do the same.

"Yeah!Hemel-Sama is so strong...Im sure he could summon that demon easily and make that demon posses his weapon!"

The pink twintails little girl chirped.

"..Yes! Hemel-Sama can do anything!!"

The fat clown cheered too.

"Thank you,thank you.But it's no need.I will go and do the ritual right now."

Hemel proudly grins while bowing at his little audience of weirdos.

He roughly grabs the wrist of the woman while kicking the old lizardman in the face in the process breaking the glasses of the elder.

"You come with me.Also,you go back to work elder.I don't need you anymore."

The elder rubs where he was kicked in the face and slowly leaves the place.

The racoon woman who doesn't seem to do nothing, but obey the man's words goes with him in some kind of summoning room leaving the 3 clowns alone...And another little person in the room....Who is hiding .


Said a little racoon girl to herself that was hiding behind a wall while looking at how the fat man forcefully took her own mother to a dark room.

She had little tears in her eyes while looking at this.



"So after he does summon the demon and gives us the artifact, what are we even gonna do?"

Says the Loli clown girl.

"We will obviously lea-"

Sense something like 800 meters away from their location.

"Actually no,we will stay a bit more... Actually, you two should incinerate the village while you are here."

Laplace said simply

....Is this guy a pyromaniac?

"Oh,you want to see more suffering Laplace?I thought you didn't like these kinds of things."

Said the fat masked guy with green goofy hair.

"Ofcourse I don't like it.We do it just so this village doesn't exists anymore,we will also do something with the villagers and all of that is just so we can make Clayman a bit more proud of us...And also make *him*...A little proud too"


"Then it's clear to us.We will do as you sayd."

The fat man and the Loli clown goes into the shadows and magically dissapear out of the room.


The Racoon demi human girl takes a peek at the three, horrified at what she just had heard.

Before Laplace immediately took a look in her direction and she hided and runned immediately out of there,not looking back while running on the little hallway.

"Children these days.It doesn't matter if she escapes.Its not like she can do anything to us after she grows up....."

Laplace said, then took a glass of wine out of nowhere and took a sip from it...Then he immediately spew it all out on the floor.

"What the heck is this?Blood?...You two are fricking crazier then I thought...!!!"

Laplace goes in to the shadows too and dissapears.




(With Unseen.)

"How long is there until we get to the village?"

Unseen asked his system, curious about why the heck has he walked for 50 minutes straight and only seen trees.

[We are 800 meters away from the location.But we seem to have some problems master.]

"What is it system?"

Asks Unseen cautiously,this is the first time he heard the fact that he had problems before he got into the problems.

[...The village is destroyed...]


Unseen Immediately goes faster and gets into a clearing where he clearly sees a village ...

This village was also in fire...Incinerated by whoever psycho could have done this..


Unseen walks up to the Incinerated village and looks all around the place,inspecting it with every detail.

'...No villagers...No life.....No dangers...?"

Unseen thinks.

This village doesn't even seem to be populated.

This village either is a dead one...Or all the villagers are shy little flame spirits that live in an incinerated village.

Both of them...Seem bad in their own ways.

[Warning.Something is approaching master.]

Unseen looks Infront and sees a little figure standing in the middle of the path,all around the burned houses and fire..

Also alot of smoke has started to gather up...And the sky seemed to have darkened alot.


Unseen tries to clearly look at the figure and he sees...

A little girl.

A little girl with animalistic features.

Racoon like ones.

She also had beautiful yellow eyes...

Which seemed to be dead inside.


Unseen approaches the girl slowly, looking more and more at her,then he stops Infront of her.

"Hello there...?"

Unseen says kindly,the little girl looked up at him and immediately bursted into tears and grabbed his robe while sobbing..

"...The heck?! What's wrong kiddo?!"

".....P-Please help us....."

The girl says through her sobs and tears.

Unseen kneels to her and smiles.

"I would...I would do not worry..But first."

He pats her head and she has a flushed face..

"You gotta tell me what happened first..."

He smiles at the girl.

The little raccoon girl is trembling while tightening her grip on his robe...The robe being very wet from all the tears from the little cute girl.

"...Fat Man...Mommy...Gone...My friends...Took away from m-me.."

She says... Trembling so much Unseen had to hug the girl a bit just so he can comfort her...She got a bit more calm.

"Don't worry..I will do my best to resolve all your problems!You just gotta tell me where the bad guy is..!"

Unseen says , clearly wanting cheer up the girl.

Her shining yellow eyes glowed in the night burning sky as she simply pointed at a huge church like building that was right ahead of them.

"..A church?"

The little girl nods.

Unseen smiles and pats her head again,now the girl seemed to be more calm.

"..Can you do something for me tho while i go and save your friends?"

Asked Unseen simply.

The girl nodded,not thinking a second time.

"Go into that forest,take this magicules shield Neckless with you and get inside of a house that you will see in the middle of the forest..When you get to it, wait there until I come back with everyone,ok?"

Says Unseen in a serious yet playful tone.

The girl nods rapidly.

"Then go"

Unseen places the neckless on her neck and she runs away in the direction she was pointed to by Unseen .

"Now....Let's go and face the actual problems."

Says Unseen as he takes some steps throughout the path of the burning village and goes into the direction of the still somehow intact church...

Another chapter.

Harleyquinn Alliance already?

Is Unseen really gonna save the whole village from the hands of that guy??

.....Who knows.

(Sorry for not posting for a while.Had some work and problems,but now they are all done for.I can post some more this next week.)

Be prepared for action.

I warn you.

IMNOBODYcreators' thoughts