
87 -=Lotus second blooming=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Tsunade walked through the hospital of Konoha, she had a really tight schedule by having her Hokage lessons with Hiruzen, managing the village, and running the hospital all by herself

If it wasn't for Shizune, she would have lost it already... speaking of her

"Tsunade-sama, the next surgery is scheduled for the next five minutes" Shizune said

"...okaaaaaay" Tsunade answered from below a pile of paperwork

I think she will try to find someone to teach to at least manage the hospital for her, or she will go crazy

"His name is Rock Lee, apparently he knows some sort of power-boosting jutsu and overused it, causing severe damage to his chakra coils and body, it should be a simple fix"

Tsunade nodded as she began to prepare herself to the operation

It was a simple operation as Shizune said, the chances of failing this were as low as 1%, and if she managed to finish this quickly, she could have some extra time to rest


"...Impossible..." Lee looked at Tsunade with widened eyes

"T-That can't be true! no... it can't be..."

Tsunade looked at the boy who was about to break down in tears with a guilty expression

as low as 1% is... it isn't 0, and life remembered ger of that today the hard way

"I'm sorry... but your chakra coils received permanent damage..." She started

"...it can't be true..."

"... and as such..."

"No... please, please!"

"... you can no longer be a ninja..." Tsunade finished in a guilty tone


Lee's mind went blank, his heart skipped a beat

those words are worst than anything for him, his dream, everything he had just... taken from him

"..." Tsunade saw Lee not responding and left the room to give him some time to think

and think he did, Lee thought back to the time he was bullied for not being able to use ninjutsu or genjutsu

the heavy training regiment he made for himself

the uncountable times he wanted to give up but pushed the thought

all the times people said he couldn't do it

the words of Guy, who accepted him as a student, told him to not listen to what the others say

told him beautiful stories about how someone like him could win against geniuses, and only needed to want

'...I wanted! I wanted more than anyone Guy-Sensei...

then why? why...

even with all my training, I lost to Gaara...

even with all my training... what is the point of it now?

the results of all my hard work are not like those beautiful stories you told me...

the result of it is... that I can't be... a-a... ninja... anymore' He thought as tears gathered below his eyes

"So... you are going to give up now?" Lee hears a voice behind him and quickly turned in that direction

"K-Kaede-chan?" He asked in surprise

"W-What are you doing here?"

"That doesn't matter now, just answer me, are you going to give up?,

"I...What is the point anymore? I can't do anything... I *Sniff* I..."

"You are an idiot"


"Say, Lee, do you remember how people treated you when they discovered you couldn't use nin and gen jutsu?"

"I-I do... wh"

"Then, do you think the village would spend resources healing someone like you? when they can use these same resources to help their 'Geniuses' instead?'

Lee widened his eyes as Kaede said that, but he quickly shook his head

"That isn't true! Tsunade-sama tried her best to help me... it... it just didn't work..."

"Tsk tsk tsk

Lee Lee Lee... you are so naive

Let me ask you, do you think the very best medical ninja of the world, couldn't help you with such a meager injury?"


"Don't answer, I know you think she tried but...

she didn't and I can prove it to you"

"H-Haa? how?"

"By healing you"

Lee's mind short-circuited

'I...I can be healed?' He didn't want to believe it but

any hope is better than none

"Do you accept it?" Kaede asked

"I..." Lee thought a lot about it, but

what did he have to lose now anyway?

"...I do..." He decided

"Then it's a deal" Kaede said as she extended her hand to Lee

as Lee shook it he immediately felt insane pain course through his entire body

[Ammutseba] - [Sentinels] 2/3 (From devourer of gods)

Uchiha Sasuke

Rock Lee

Weak-willed people would either have passed out by now, or be screaming as loud as they could

But Lee... he endured

It wasn't the first time he felt such kind of pain, the gates weren't exactly nice to open at first

"Huuff huff huuuff" Lee's heavy breathing was everything you could hear in the room, Kaede had isolated the sounds with a barrier

"Done" Kaede said with a smile

"I... I don't feel different" Lee said

"Of course not, dumbass, you didn't suddenly transform or something.

but now, you are healed, and even better

Do you remember how they taught you to move chakra?"

"...I remember, but why?"

"Try it"

"...Kaede-chan, this won't wor-"



"... okay"

Lee quickly made a hand seal sequence



With a cloud of smoke, a near-perfect copy of Lee stood beside him

Lee was looking at his clone with an O shaped mouth, and to be honest you can't blame him

"You see Lee, your condition wasn't that hard to fix, they just didn't want to. They never saw any reason to, after all, you aren't one of those geniuses, no?"


"You see, no one in this world does anything for free, so I expect you to help me in the future, okay?"

"With what?"

"Secret" Kaede said as she put a finger in front of her mouth

"But beware, don't go showing people you can now use chakra"

"Why?" Lee asked confused

"Simple, as soon as Tsunade sees you recovered, she will say that is a medical miracle and will tell you to stop training since they don't want you to surpass the geniuses

Imagine what they would do if they know you don't have the disadvantages of not using ninjutsu and genjutsu anymore?"

"...How can you be so certain that is what she is going to say?"

Kaede smirked

"Wanna bet?

if she says what I said, you will do what I said and won't question it

if she doesn't, then you can ask me anything, deal?"

Lee looked at Kaede's stretched hand for a second

"...deal" he agreed

"Okay, she's coming, I need to go" Kaede said as she merged into her shadow

*Knock knock*

Tsunade knocked on the door to tell Lee she was entering the room


"T-That! this is impossible!" Tsunade exclaimed as she saw the new results of Lee's test

"This is a miracle, a medical miracle!" She exclaimed in surprise, And you can't blame her, Lee's previous state was as good as crippled

She asked some questions to Lee, wrote some stuff down, etc

"Can I go?" Lee asked excited to finally try to learn some ninjutsu he always dreamed of

"Well... the results of your test say you are fully healed, so I guess there is no need to keep you here anymore..." Tsunade started and Lee was already in front of the door, barely containing himself from running away to train

"...But I advise you to stop using that technique, since the next time you cannit count on another miracle, also avoid training for 1 week and avoid heavy training for at least a month

we don't know how you healed so fast, but it may be unstable"

As soon as Lee heard 'avoid training' Kaede's words echoed through his head

"Okay" He nodded solemnly as he exited, but Tsunade took that as him being sad about not being able to train

"How can he have healed so quickly? and from such an injury..." She mused


'Muahaha, I am such a genius' Rimuru laughed evilly as he saw Lee exiting the hospital with a gloomy face


to think you would use [Hagoromo]'s probability manipulation to this... Color me impressed>

'I know, I know

but now we need to go back to the land of wind, I went to the future as soon as I received a skill from my clone but I need to see if Sasori has already dealt with that guy in Roran or not'