
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Celestial Chronicles

when an a god from outside of the tensura verse reincarnates in it with an unknown body and two unique skills watch the type of trouble he and Rimuru gets themselves into

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter: 1


a massive explosion ruptured in space destroying a large planet inside a solar system. followed by multiple more explosions inside the massive galaxy were five beings that can't be described any less than gods. one was a male with silver hair with multicolored specks in it, a large halo above his head, nebula-colored eyes a face that could be considered beautiful beyond belief wearing a robe that seemed to shimmer the color of a galaxy. This is Nova the god of celestial bodies, time, space, and gravity. Across from him were the four beings he was fighting. There were two males and two females. one of the males had azure blue hair, silver eyes, and a handsome face, he was wearing a dark suit and holding a black and red scythe. the other male had white hair and golden eyes a similarly handsome face and was wearing a pure white outfit befitting his divine status and was holding a gold and silver sword. the first female had dark red hair crimson eyes beautiful face and was wearing a black dress and the other had pure green hair green eyes a similarly beautiful face wearing a blue dress. they were the god of the sky and stars Albus, the god of light and order Enver, the goddess of chaos and death Delilah, and the goddess of nature and healing Elethea respectively. 

"What do you four think you're doing?" Nova asked with a small frown on his face.

"I have done nothing to solicit such violence from you four explain yourselves." he continued 

"There is no true reason really we just want to get rid of you nothing more," Albus said 

Nova stood floating thinking for a while then something clicked to him. "I see, I understand now you four have sided with the evil gods haven't you." Nova's frown became more noticeable on his face.

"so you have figured it out this is more of a reason for us to kill you Nova but knowing our long-standing history we will give you a choice join us or die," Enver said calmly while pointing his sword at Nova.

"Enver you know the answer to that as well as I," Nova said tone neutral

"I see then you leave us no choice."

"You four don't have to do this you know there will be consequences to this," Nova said trying to make them see reason.

"I'm sorry Nova but this has to happen," Elethea said 

"Elethea I thought you of all people would know better than this," 

"It matters not Nova we are here to complete our mission no hard feelings," Delilah said.

"sigh, very well but you will come to find out my death isn't easy to come by," Nova said as he started to release a nebula-colored aura.

"yes we are quite aware and we came prepared."

"yes, the god-killing weapons you brought with you but a question what good are they if you can't land a hit." 

"let us find out," Enver said while he and the rest started to release their auras.

"yes let's," Nova said as he created a sword from dark matter preparing for the fight ahead.

Nova then vanished from his spot and appeared in front of Elethea and before she could react he held two fingers to her from the hand that wasn't holding the sword as a small black hole appeared above it Nova had an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry. he said to her. "Black Nova." he continued

as he said that the black hole detonated in a massive explosion of black wiping out a large chunk of the galaxy behind her leaving nothing but a black spot in that area devoid of starscompletely destroying her body and leaving nothing left. Nova turned to look at the rest of them Enver and Albus rushed at him attacking with their respective weapons but Nova having more experience than the two of them started to counter their attacks with practiced precision Nova mid-counter grabbed Albus by the arm then flung him into Enver then he held his palm to the two of them then a small sun appeared in front of his palm.

"gamma-ray burst: single point," he stated

the sun exploded outwards like a beam or laser hitting Enver and Albus and causing an explosion that sent them flying giving Nova enough time to jump away from a wave of black mist.

'Call of the Inferno, huh.' Nova thought as he looked in the direction of Delilah who was releasing the black mist.

he vanished and reappeared above her and Axe kicked her away capitalizing on the fact she hadn't stabilized herself yet he rushed her with his sword intending to end her but was stopped when Enver appeared before him intercepting him and pulling him into a sword clash away from Delilah. Albus joined in soon after putting Nova back into a two vs one situation once more.

Delilah during this time managed to stabilize herself and jumped into the fray as she created a sword out of death and chaos energy forcing Nova into complete defense. Nova realizing this decided to get some distance from them as his body started to glow blue as blue flames engulfed his body.

"Grand Blue Nova," Nova stated.

A massive blue explosion akin to that of a blue hypernova was released from his body destroying a lot of the planets still around him as it engulfed the three gods fighting him. when the attack died down it revealed the gods had varying stages of damage on their bodies. Albus had lost an arm and had burns on his face with his suit damaged, Enver had severe burns on his chest, leg, and face, and Delilah had managed to coat herself in magic last second and had burns on her hand but nowhere as severe as Enver.

Nova nodded seeing that his original plan worked which was to take out the healer of the four of the group. while gods can heal from injuries they heal much slower from injuries from other gods of course some gods are exceptions to this rule Like gods of health and healing for instance. and since they can also help other gods heal faster it was best to get rid of her first as much as it pained him to do so. Nova then took advantage of Albus's distraction from his pain to kill him quickly, noting that he had not used his domain over stars, which was a mistake since he was the most likely the one to have the most advantage of the three of them out here. Nova not pondering the reason why rushed him intending to use an attack he did not like to use.

Nova nodded seeing that his original plan worked which was to take out the healer of the four of the group. while gods can heal from injuries they heal much slower from injuries from other gods of course some gods are exceptions to this rule Like gods of health and healing for instance. and since they can also help other gods heal faster it was best to get rid of her first as much as it pained him to do so. Nova then took advantage of Albus's distraction from his pain to kill him quickly, noting that he had not used his domain over stars, which was a mistake since he was the most likely the one to have the most advantage of the three of them out here. Nova not pondering the reason why rushed him intending to use an attack he did not like to use since it was one of his least favorite domains. appearing before Albus he casted his technique.

"Time Magic: Severing Soul Erasure.

Nova's dark matter sword seemed to simmer green as he slashed Albus down the middle. the attack didn't land physically however it cut his soul in two and erased it from this current timeline.

"I'm sorry Albus." pulling back his sword and letting Albus's lifeless body float in the void of space.

The remaining two gods, Enver and Delilah, were now the only ones left standing against Nova. Enver, despite his injuries, stood firm with determination in his eyes, while Delilah looked more cautious, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Enver, Delilah, this doesn't have to end in further bloodshed. Surrender now, please" Nova said, pleading once more.

"no, not when they have promised and given me so much," Enver said pulling out a dark crystal priming with dark divine energy with Delilah doing the same.

"Enver, Delilah, no what have you done you can't have possibly fallen that far have to become evil gods you can't be serious. Nova asked not believing his eyes. 

"We did say we were prepared for you did we not?" Delilah asked

without warning both of them at the same time shattered the crystals and they unleashed a mass of dark energy that engulfed them. Nova stared in subsequent shock and sadness that they went through with what they were planning. As the energy dispelled it revealed Enver and Delilah's new forms. Enver now had pitch-black hair, his eyes were now dull yellow and his sclera was now as black as his hair, the dark energy turned the remainder of his attire black. all of his wounds are now healed and he has a dark smile on his face. Delilah went through a similar transformation her hair was now blood red instead of there regular hue, her eyes now matched her hair her sclera was now pitch black and her dress became midnight black.

"this power hahaha... It's marvelous." Enver said laughing maniacally. 

"you know it's quite sad when the god of light and order being corrupted by darkness. It is a sad sight to see." Nova said with a heavy heart.

"matters not Nova, shall we continue," Enver said pointing his sword back at Nova.

"very well Enver, Delilah but be mindful I will no longer hold back," Nova said 

Nova vanished from his spot reappearing in between the now-evil gods swinging his sword in a circular motion creating a circular slash of pure solar energy. Delilah and Enver both jumped away from the attack Nova then turned and targeted Delilah vanishing in a blitz of speed and reappearing before slashing her with a series of high-speed slashes before she could move away he bounded her with chains made of black holes not allowing her to move then he attacked once more vanishing once again then reappearing behind her.

"Celestial Body Art: Collapsing Slashes."

after Nova reappeared a large number of slashes appeared on her body then as soon as they appeared they started to collapse in on themselves like the wounds were being sucked into something then after her entire body started to be pulled into itself and she started to scream in pain as this continues to happen until her body was completely sucked into what was pulling her in and it was revealed to be a black hole the size of a small ball. The black hole then collapsed in on itself, leaving nothing but a void where Delilah once stood. Nova, with a heavy heart, knew that he had just eradicated a former ally turned enemy. Enver, witnessing Delilah's demise, clenched his teeth in anger and charged at Nova with renewed determination.

"I did not want to do this you know," Nova said sadly.

Enver ignored him and swung his sword at Nova who blocked the attack with his sword. The two gods continued to fight exchanging blows with neither one backing down from the fight. After what felt like hours the two of them jumped away from each other Nova was barely panting while Enver was kneeling covered in cuts and bruises panting heavily. 

"Enver this is ending now this has gone on long enough."

"Indeed it has."

Nova blitzed over to Enver preparing to end him.

"Do you have any final words, old friend?"

"Indeed, you should be more wary of the space around you."


Nova's confused question was cut off when a black and red blade was stabbed through his chest causing him to cough up blood looking behind him to see who stabbed him. looking behind him Nova couldn't see his face or what the person looked like all he saw was its red eyes and the dark aura surrounding it. Nova didn't need to be told what it was.

"An evil god."

Nova looked at the weapon and recognized it as Albus's scythe looking over to where he left Albus's body and saw it still floating there. Nova then realized that the person was intending for this to happen.

"Damn it."

"Nova you have been a thorn in the Evil god's side for too long with you gone things will be much easier for us."

"Do you truly believe that this will kill me?"

"this? alone? no...but."

then without warning Nova was through the heart by Enver.

"that will."

"Indeed it just might, however."

chains made of black holes appeared binding down Enver and the unknown evil god.

"If I'm dying I don't see it better fitting for the both of you to live," Nova said coldly, as his body started to glow a divine gold.

"Wha- what are you doing." both Enver and the evil god asked shocked Nova still had this much strength left.

"Ending this permanently."

"Now, Divine Nova."

Nova said using the rest of his strength to attack unleashing a massive explosion. The galaxy they were in exploded sending tremors throughout the universe and killing both Enver and the evil god. Nova as he was dying started to think about a few things as his body floated through space. 


'You know without any energy left I have really noticed how cold space truly is.'

<<Confirmed. Establishing cold resistance. Success.>>

'Or the extreme heat suns and some planets have.'

<<Confirmed. Establishing heat resistance. Success. Additionally, heat resistance has successfully evolved into thermal fluctuation resistance EX>>

'But if anything is for sure I did enjoy using celestial body magic I would like to have it again.'

< <Confirmed. Unique skill Celestial Art has been created.> >

< < Confirmed. Establishing a connection to a soulless body that can handle your soul.>>

< < …Confirmed. A suitable body has been found. A unique skill tied to the body has been given. Unique skill: skill creator has been given. > >

'Huh that voice is quite odd.'

And with that, the God of Celestial bodies Nova had died.

Chapter 1: end