
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A God!

That Time I Got Reincarnated As A God! MC: Krain Krain was an ordinary person... well pretty ordinary at least. Krain always sought after ways and different methods to entertain himself Krain would always go to school he always thought that school was boring and pointless because it wasn't really fun. Krain is 16 years old he has always been lazy for a decent chunk of his life. The reason Krain is so lazy is because he has always tried and tried to talk to people and make friends but nobody ever gets him no body just understands why Krain never cares about anything other than fun but Krain used to be bullied in school since he was 11 years old everything he did he would always be picked on he used to sit in his room alone for hours at a time and think 'WHY! WHY DOES NO ONE EVER UNDERSTAND ME I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY AND TO BE NORMAL!' the reason Krain always had these thoughts is because the kids at school would call him names and always treat him like a outcast every friend he ever had betrayed him and joined the group of bullies so eventually Krain just learned to deal with all the hatred that people kept showing him. That is how the Krain that is now 16 years old developed his personality to isolate and have fun because Krain believes 'Why must I contribute to society why must I do anything I people already told me I was a waste so why do I need to help Human Civilization grow. what have they done for me? NOTHING HUMANS ARE NOTHING BUT GREEDY PEOPLE WHO WILL ALWAYS DO OR SAY ANYTHING TO GET WHAT THEY WANT!' and so Krain lived out his years till he was 26 years old and all he ever did was play video games, watch different TV shows, and watch Anime and work at the convenience store across the street of his apartment. When he was 26 on the last day of his life Krain was about to close up the shop to the convenience store when two masked men with guns walked in demanding money he gave them all the money and they ran away from the convenience store. As soon as Krain saw that the coast was clear he called the cops and told them what happened the cops found them and caught them and it was the end of the story. Or so Krain thought but then as he was about to walk through his door truck-kun came then you know the rest. Now Krain is in a white room and as Krain wakes up he sees a man in a black suit and he thinks 'Why does he look like a FBI agent' as Krain thinks of the possibility that the FBI searched his computer history. The man in the black suit speaks "Krain I know that you have lived a rough life and that you just want to have fun so I've decided since I am too lazy and that there is a new world right now I am going to make you the god of that world and let you do or make whatever you wish. do you accept?" Krain says "HELL YES!" (I am a new writer so please take it easy on me. I will try my best to improve my writing ability and to make a wonderful story for viewers. I hope that Viewers will share their ideas and help me expand the story a bit because I am one person and more ideas from different perspectives would help I also hope that Viewers will point out things that I do wrong and help guide me in writing so I can make better products from you all to read) I ill try to add chapters as much as I can as soon as possible Average words per chapter so far are (700-1100)

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11 Chs

The cute Elf leader and the upgrade to the stronghold

As Krain was praising Fiona, Fiona had her nose up looking proud and with a smile she said "YES! I knew I did well I just knew it who knew those Ugly bastards would just run straight up to the spike wall like that and not be more carefully."

Fiona looked at Krain with a puppy face and said "Lord if I do well can you give me more rewards like you did early my head feels so nice now I feel blessed be touched by my Lord."

Krain looks into her eyes and can't resist rubbing the top of her head and says "Of course how can I deny such a beautiful woman."

Fiona starts jumping up and down yelling "YES!" And then gives Krain a hug, Krain finds it awkward at first then starts feeling a little warm inside because he never really had anyone to hold him before everyone just kinda stayed away.

As Krain was reminiscing on the past Fiona was actually also very awkward as she was hiding her blushing cherry red cheeks in Krains chest as she was thinking 'My Lord is a very generous and most handsome man'

Sometime later they finally let go and Fiona started to get back to checking on her people and she started construction watchtower and more spike walls in the outer perimeter.

when everything was done Fiona looked at Krain expecting praise and she did get it but what she didn't expect is how

When Krain saw how Fiona was trying to get everything done and upgraded and how well she was treating her people he felt warm inside just like how he felt when ever Fiona hugged him then a bit later he saw Fiona put down everything and Fiona look at him with a expectant look.

When Krain saw this he couldn't help but walk up to he and pull her into his embrace and as she was there he rested his chin on her shoulder and hugged her warmly. Krains only thought as he did this was 'Is this how it feels to love.'

After Krain and Fiona's embrace was done Krain decided to bid her and the Elves fairwell and went to the pond and thought about creating something new and thats when he thought of adding a Creature that would serve as his assistant so he thought of something cool to make it look like and decided of a female fallen angel because... why not.

After he made the Fallen angel he named her Asla

After he named her Asla turned to him and ask "Lord how many I serve you" and Krain just thought 'Oh her wings look so cool' then he decided to pet them.

As soon as Krain touch them Asla started twitching and panting. After that happened Krain realized how sensitive Asla is on her wings and decided he would tease her a lot the he proceeded to stroke her wings while caressing her face making her blush heavily while panting then after a minute or two he stopped and said "Well Asla your my new assistant and your fun to play with so I guess you can serve me by always being reliable and keep your wings fluffy and in good shape. besides if you do as I say I may just reward you."

Asla straightened up immediately as soon as she heard reward and she started thinking about the way he petted her and strokes her wings and couldn't help but blush and say "I hope Lord rewards me well I'll always do my best to please the Lord."

Krain hugged her and said "Your already doing good just by looking so cute." after that Krain went toward the Elves cave with Asla following behind her and introduced Asla to the Elves all the Elves liked Asla besides one and that was Fiona, Fiona was currently staring daggers into Asla as I was Introducing Asla to the other Elves and the only thing that was going through Fiona's mind was 'How dare this bitch steal my lord's affection hugs from me!'

after that Fiona started secretly trying to figure out how to make the Lord look at her more and how to also get rid of that "bitch Asla".