
That time I got reincarnated as a Fenrir (Restarted on AO3, hiatus)

In this world there are seven Virtue series skills Sariel Raguel Uriel Gabriel Raphael Michael Metaton And seven Sin series skills Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satanael Belphegor Beelzebub Asmodeus But there are four Ultimate Skills that do not belong to any specific side, but are a complete third party to this world, the Apocalypse series skills, the ones that possess these skills are harbingers of change, to welcome a new world, skills made just in case that the world is going to disappear, to bring about a "Reset" upon the space and time before there is nothing left... I appreciate criticism, but that doesn't mean I will change stuff, and if you don't like it, then just go read something else, don't make hate comments just because you don't have anything better to do ps: I do not own Tensura and this is a non profit fanfic, please support the official release, such as buying/donating to the manga and/or anime and/or light/web novel pps: credit to Dark_Light and his "That time I got reincarnated as an Abyssal Phoenix" for inspiration to make this fanfic, it's a great fanfic go check it out, I took a great amount of inspiration from it https://www.pinterest.de/pin/132645151509661091/ this is the link for my cover, if the author isn't ôk with me using it I will take it down

nameless_author · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
45 Chs

Chapter No.4 Ogres

"Master I'm sorry, even though I'm here it became like this"

Said a horned wolf

Then ignoring him the masked person said

"Oi you guys, even though I don't understand the situation we are lacking in manners! You guys have any decision to talk nicely?"

Then the girl behind the leader whispered

"Brother that person's mask ..."

And then out of nowhere the leader yelled

"Show your Original Form! Demon!

Then flustered the masked person said

Hey wait a minute, What did you just call me!?

"To equip on a Demon item is something a normal person would not dare to do!"

The leader continued

"Hump, the answer goes without saying, you've been exposed by the mask you're wearing"

He said drawing his sword

"Please wait, there's a mistake here, this mask is a woman's momento-

The leader cut him of saying

"Even if it's small, we'll take your head to make up for our tribes regret!"

Then ignoring them the masked boy asked his wolf

"Ranga which on uses the magic"

his answer was

"It's the one they call the Princess, the pink haired one"

"Okay good I'll leave it to you to restrain her"

"But that means you'll be fighting five of them at the same time"

The wolf tried to protest but got rejected

"No problem, I won't lose"

To answer that as if underestimating the other party the leader responded

"Is that courage or just fake bravery? Let me applaud you for your guts, this fight I will not bail"

"You better not regret it!"

as soon as he finished the large man with a hammer attacked him from behind as such the masked boy dodged releasing some kind of mist paralysing the man

"You should go to sleep"

Then the woman swung her mace at his head and as he dodged, he took a moment to admire her size, and tripped her and as she was falling she was caught by some silk, restraining her

"Miss, it'll fall easily" He said joking

Then he was sneak attacked by the assassin, but it was blocked by some kind of body armour, and counter attacked sending him flying to the leader, suddenly the old man started talking as if listening his skills

"Sinister Centipede Paralysis Breath, Black Spider Sticky Steel Thread, Crust Lizard Body Armour, From how he reaches to sneak attacks he should have magic perception, He might have many more skills of different monsters, Young Master, do not underestimate your enemy"

"How about stopping now? I wish for you to hear me out aswell"

"Shut up you evil demon"

The leader said ignoring his words

"That ... that so?"

"Yes you are strong, but that makes it more sure that you are that guys comrade ... we, the oger tribe, losing to the orc tribe is a great embarrassment"

"Hey what are you saying now?"


"Please wait there must be a mistake-"

Keeping his calm said the accused boy before he got cut of and cut

The old man sneaked by his detection and defences cut of his right arm

"Hmm, looks like I have gotten old and rusty, I was sure I had cut of your head, the next time I won't miss"

"Seems to be fake bravery, though you did not panic even when your arm got cut of, that I respect. To fight us with only one person, that arrogance is the reason you will lose! Go to hell and regret your actions"

Said the leader as he slashed at him from the top of his head

Then the blue haired boy dodged and grabbed his arm that was on the ground reabsobing it

"You are correct, I do tend to overestimate myself, your warning I will remember by heart, if I was the smallest bit less careful, I would be losing my mind right now, because of how painful it is, But only if it wasn't for pain nullification and high-speed regeneration"

shocked the read haired oger started frantically yelling

"You- You Monster, Demon, Demonic Demon Lord"

as he said he set him and the area around him on fire probably using some kind of magic

"Is it gone?"

He questioned

"I'm sorry but flame like this doesn't work on me, let me show you real flame, watch well"

He said as he walked out of the fire and put his hand up into the air, and suddenly a large mass of black flame was in the air

Then the oger Princess joined into the conversation

"That... that flame is created with his own magicules and not that of the surrounding! To create such a big flame with his own power!"

The Princess was shocked (AN - okay peanut gallery)

Then the slime said

"How's this, still want to continue?"

"Please take the Princess and run away, leave this place to this old man-"

but he was cut of by the leader

"Shut up old man, I am shouldering the hatred of my dead tribe members and you want me to run away when we found the enemy? I still have the dignity of being the next leader! Rather then living in humiliation, I'd rather die avenging my people"

then as if to answer his call the old man said

"Since it's like this let this old man follow you"

then the Princess moved in the way

"Please wait brother!"

"Move away!"

"No, this person most likely not our enemy

"Then why was he wearing the same mask as the demon that attacked our village?"

"That's true but the two hobgoblins that resisted my sleeping magic is because they believe in this person, and the wolf responsible for restricting me is the same, he feels different from the demon leading the orc tribe!"

"Well who do you think the girl is protecting? Young Master"

Then the leader responded with a nod

"well then won't be needing this"

The boy said eating it away

Immediately the oger leader asked

"What just happened to that?"

"Eaten it away, it's dangerous to anyhow throw such a thing"

"In the end of the day, just what are you"

"Me? I'm just a slime, a slime named Rimuru"

"Impossible, no matter what a slime should not be that powerful"

And the leader and the Princess were shocked as he transformed into a slime

"This mask is the momento of a woman I received it just this morning, if you don't believe it you can check if it's the same mask as the one of the demon, Make sure not to dirty it"

"The Mask looks very similar to the ones of the demon"

"It has an extra ability to suppress monstrous auras"

"But that time the demons didn't hide their monsters aura"


" " "..." " "

"We're sorry, it is our fault that we mistook you guys, please forgive our mistake"

The leader kneeled

"I don't mind it"

the slime answered siting on the wolf

"oh you guys are awake, the ogers are alright too?"

"It's all thanks to your recovery potions"

The Princess said

"I'm here aswell!"

I said

"Yes you are, now let's go back to town"

"Wait who is that?!"

The oger leader questioned but got no answer as Rimuru continued to go back into town as well and just shook it of and followed


Name: Feru Tempest

Race: Tempest Fenrir

Title: The last Fenrir

Disaster rank human form: A rank

Disaster rank true form: S rank

Class: None

Blessing: Tempest blessing


White shirt

Denim pants

Throwing sword

Healing potions (Regeneration class)

Special Skills:

Plague Control


Intention reading


Transform (race intrinsic skill)

Bite (race intrinsic skill)

Slash (race intrinsic skill)

Long Ranged Slash (Lerned Skill)

Wind Magic (race intrinsic skill)

Lighting Magic (race intrinsic skill) (Evolution gained skill)

Thought Acceleration

Unique Skills:

Multilayered Barrier (Evolution gained skill)

Shadow Movement (Evolution gained skill)

Black Lightning (Evolution gained skill)

Magic eyes

Impenetrable Skin

Unbreakable Bones

Ultimate Skills: NONE


(AN - What kind of bagel can fly? a plain bagel)