
That Time I Got Killed By A Fart

Truck Kun? Check. Being reborn in a novel? Check. Being a side character? Check. Having a system? Check. Dying by fart? Che- wait what- In a world where the laws of the universe take a coffee break, and the ridiculous knows no bounds, "That Time I Got Killed By a Fart" is a one of a kind Eastern fantasy novel that'll leave you gasping for breath (no, not from the flatulence). Meet Ye Qing, your not-so-average protagonist, who thought her life was as ordinary as they come. That is, until the day she found herself inside the pages of a novel, no less. Talk about a plot twist! She's not even the main character; she's one of those side characters, a classic cannon fodder destined to meet her demise in the most outrageous manner possible—a fatal fart, courtesy of the female lead, who happens to possess a truly "windy" superpower (Gross). But here's the kicker: Ye Qing isn't just another victim of the absurdity that is her newfound existence. No, she's got a secret weapon up her sleeve—or rather, a secret system in her head. With the Heaven System's powers at her disposal, she's ready to turn the tables on destiny, even if it means facing down the dreaded flatulence head-on. Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride through a world where martial arts sects are as serious as they are hilarious, where mythical creatures and bizarre powers are the norm, and where fart reigns supreme. Get ready to laugh, cheer, and gasp (for all the right reasons) as Ye Qing tackles the strangest of fates in "That Time I Got Killed By a Fart."

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Ice Cream Truck

Ye Qing had always considered herself an ordinary girl. She lived a mundane life in a quiet suburban town, where the most exciting thing that happened was the occasional visit from the ice cream truck.

It was a hot summer's day, and the sun bore down mercilessly on the sleepy neighborhood. Ye Qing, her brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, leaned against the fence that bordered her front yard. She watched as the familiar jingle of the ice cream truck grew louder, signaling its approach.

With a wistful smile, she dug into her pocket, retrieving a crumpled dollar bill. It was her last one, but she couldn't resist the allure of a sweet treat on such a sweltering day. As the ice cream truck pulled up to the curb, she joined a small group of children, eagerly waiting their turn.

The cheerful ice cream vendor, Mr. Wu, leaned out of the window with a warm smile. "What'll it be today, Ye Qing?"

"Strawberry swirl, please," she replied, handing over her dollar bill. She watched as Mr. Wu deftly scooped the icy delight into a waffle cone, expertly swirling the pink and white ice cream.

As Mr. Wu handed her the strawberry swirl cone, Ye Qing couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The cold, creamy sweetness offered a brief respite from the scorching sun. She thanked Mr. Wu with a grateful smile and turned to head back toward her front yard, looking forward to savoring her treat in the shade.

As Ye Qing made her way back toward her front yard, the cheerful jingle of the ice cream truck faded behind her. She was just about to take her first blissful bite of the strawberry swirl when, out of nowhere, fate took a bizarre twist.

A deafening screech of tires and a resounding crash tore through the air. Startled, Ye Qing turned toward the source of the commotion, but before she could react, an ice cream truck, not Mr. Wu's familiar vehicle but a different one, careened wildly off the road.

In a surreal blur of chaos, the rogue ice cream truck, affectionately referred to by the neighborhood children as "Ice Cream Truck-kun," collided with Ye Qing. She had no time to dodge or escape. The impact sent her flying, and the strawberry swirl cone she had treasured moments ago now splattered across the pavement.

Ye Qing's world spun in disarray as she collided with the ground, pain radiating through her body. Bystanders rushed to the scene, their voices a cacophony of concern and disbelief.

Amid the chaos, a kind-hearted neighbor dialed 911, urgently requesting an ambulance. Moments later, the wailing sirens grew closer, and the flashing red and blue lights of the ambulance pierced through the summer haze. Paramedics swarmed around Ye Qing, assessing her injuries and preparing to transport her to the hospital.

As they loaded her into the ambulance, Ye Qing couldn't help but feel a surreal sense of disbelief. She had gone from enjoying a simple ice cream cone to being the victim of an unexpected accident involving an ice cream truck. She winced in pain as the paramedics carefully secured her on a stretcher, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and worry.

The ambulance sped through the streets, its blaring siren parting the traffic like a river, rushing Ye Qing toward the hospital. She clung to consciousness, trying to make sense of the bizarre turn her day had taken. How had a seemingly ordinary summer afternoon transformed into this nightmarish ordeal?

Arriving at the hospital, Ye Qing was quickly whisked into the bustling emergency room. Doctors and nurses swarmed around her, their faces a blur of white coats and masks. Machines beeped and monitors displayed her vital signs as they worked to assess the extent of her injuries.

Hours passed in a blur as Ye Qing drifted in and out of consciousness. Pain medication dulled the ache in her body, and she couldn't help but replay the absurd chain of events in her mind.

Finally, as the initial chaos subsided, a doctor approached her with a grave expression. "You've been through quite an ordeal," he said gently. "You have several broken bones, but you're going to be okay. You'll need some time to heal, though."

Ye Qing nodded weakly, her gaze fixed on the sterile hospital room ceiling above. She felt a strange mixture of relief and disbelief. Her ordinary life had been abruptly shattered by the bizarre accident, and now she was confined to a hospital bed, her body a canvas of aches and bandages.

Days turned into weeks as Ye Qing underwent surgeries and grueling physical therapy. The accident had left its mark, both physically and emotionally. She had lost her job due to her extended absence, and the medical bills were piling up. She began to delve into her thoughts, seeking solace in the pages of her favorite online novels, finding comfort in the fictional worlds where the boundaries of reality were far more flexible than in her own life.

As the days stretched into weeks, Ye Qing's hospital room became her sanctuary, and the world of books her refuge. She delved deeper into her favorite online novels, escaping the sterile hospital environment into the realms of fantasy and adventure.