
That specific scent

Alex Collymore is a cold devilishly handsome man. ava Ortiz is a very beautiful gorgeous woman. what happens when these meet up at a night which was never meant to.

kimyunie · Sports, voyage et activités
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olive and Leah had been teasing me about Alex for the past few days and I am fed up. later the evening we were going to leave me olive Leah and john are in one car the others in Alex's car. I looked out of the window as trees are moving due to the cold breeze it's going to be winter soon. we had a lot of fun in the car, I was surprised Alex could go out cause of his family but he said that he had a better relationship with the police, and he wasn't a mafia yet and that he won't be. his parents lived in a whole different country and they usually came to meet them once a year or so, he wasn't a mafia yet maybe I have a chance of dating him. shit, what am I thinking?

after many conclusions, we made up our mind to stay in rooms with whom, I, however, ended up with Alex. I'm trying to not let Alex het in my heart but he is certainly not allowing that. Alex had once told me he even owned a company, what all can a mafia do really.

after I got freshen up I opened the washroom door to find Alex on the phone. it seemed like an important call because of his unreadable expression. he ended the call and laid on the bed beside me.

"Are you okay," I asked quietly but got no reply from the hot creature beside me.

"stop being rude Alex" I frown cuz he had made an abbot of ignoring my words. I guess I annoyed him a bit too much for him to through some harsh words at me. (for example: did your parents raise you to be such a bitch)

he quickly realized what he said and his eyes turned soft while mine was becoming cloudy before he could say a word I ended up leaving the room. I went to the room where olive and Leah was at.

"it's alright maybe he was had tension built up" olive tried to calm, we were going to leave for brunch I was still in my nightdress. I had to change into some actual clothes so I had to go back to our room.

gosh, talk about awkwardness.

I slowly opened the room to find no one but I could hear the shower running. "safe" I sigh and get in to take up my clothes, not even a minute the bathroom door opened and Alex came only wearing a towel around his waist, I tried to ignore him as much as I can.

once I finished getting into the room I went in front of the mirror to take my necklace, I felt a pair of hands around my waist and ahead on my shoulder.

"sorry" he whispered and I didn't bother to respond.


thank you guys

love you