
Main Interest

Next morning, Sam woke early and he talked to the secret detective organization which given the command by him about the search operations. He was talking to the special investigator who was head of this task.

"Sir, the details you gave were just limited we are giving ate best. Even I have increased the number of investigators for your special task".

" It's already been six months I gave you the task even I am doing it personally", Sam complained to the special investigator.

"Sorry Sir, the task is like finding a black color dot from a black sheet".

" I earn money you have to be hardworking". Sam said and ended the call.

"Whatever you say but the investigator is completely right?" Marco said as he heard their complete conversation.

"Shut up", scolded Sam.

'Sam Till forget to breathe you aren't going forget but someday you will reclaim even I am waiting for that day', Marco whispered within himself while grazing Sam.

'Marco What should I do I had to forget those images but I still believe when I will see those place I will remember them', Sam was filled with hope and determination, he was watching the sky as he was challenging the maker that he is a hunter and will get there. Although he knew the future is a blur but someday he will find the treasure.

Marco went back to sleep within a blink of an eye as he just only woke a mock Sam.

And meanwhile, At the Celestial Palace where Arana and Christa both were staying with the royal family. Arana was in her room waiting for a message to get. It was taking to long now she was quite desperate for the reply.

She has many secrets and she never bothered to tell them to others but she had shared some of her problems to her friends. The one who was every time helping her was Christa.

Through profession, she was the doctor with high degrees of success in the presence of Marco who use to get sick easily was now getting stronger in her care. But being a doctor was not enough for her when she was young she always loved to learn about the history of the World. And she was also a golden member of 'True History Learner' society which was host by the biggest Library of the country Ares is known as 'Knowledge Bureau'.

And this time both of them were having different plans for their future, they chasing their dream to make it come true at cost.

Arana finally got her message she has been told the message through a detective."Mrs. Sunday has told nothing had happened and the enemy may find clues".

She got annoyed but within a blink of an eye, she gave a happy smile as she just doesn't have any reason to get frustrated and angry. Then she ordered in I serious and smart way but her cold aura was scaring the investigator.

" Take a big step Inform to apply Plan D"

And as soon as the words came out of her mouth the investigator disappear from Arana's room. Arana's order was the line drawn on the rock for her force no one can dare to advise or argue her.

The kind and gentle last she was but her generosity was not only her quality. She has never show magnanimity towards her enemies or bad guys. She believes in absolute Justice and to prevail justice she can do anything.

And after an hour Marco called her soon she receives the call.

"Hello, Marco you were missing from me".

" Hello, Sis everything is going good".

"Yeah running smoothly. Tell me about your situation now any help you need?".

"Actually, Yes I need help due to our secrecy we are not able to do much".

" Why don't you told me? Now my Secretary will call you just tell her the orders".

"Thanks, Sis your husband doesn't care to himself neither let me take care of him".

" Oh! Right".

"Sis Christa is not attending my calls from last night. Do you know why?".

Before she replied, she thought about the Christa even she has not spoken to her from last night. She didn't know that Christa has told everything to Marco about her main interest.

" Marco I don't know much but she is now attending a meeting so don't worry. And when it will be over she will call me then I will inform her about you".


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