
That Day Change

GeekyGamer · LGBT+
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3 Chs


"Wait Lisa! I can explain" Tiffany said as she chased Lisa down the stairs.

"It's not what you think! I swear I don't understand how she got my number, how she found where I work or how-"

Lisa stopped at the bottom step, her breathing shaky as she stared at the door. She watched as the rain droplets hit the glass trailing down as her tears followed the same path. Lisa quickly turned around, she stared up at Tiffany. She noticed how Tiffany shirt was halfway undone, her pants unbutton and missing her right shoe. She laughed slightly as the tears continued to flow.

"You don't know? You really wanna say you don't know? That's genius coming from you." Her tone was cold.

She walked towards the door as she opened it. The cold breeze struck her tear ridden face hard as she searched for her car on the empty well lit street. Lisa walked out of the apartment building lost in thought as she unlocked her door getting in quickly locking the door behind her.

'Where did it all go wrong? Was it when she started to push me away? Her sister coming over mentioning that girls name? Or…' Lisa sat there watching the rain come down faster as she silently cried.

Lisa shook her head, started the car and began to drive off. She did not know where she was going, but anywhere was better than the place she once called her peace.

Tiffany balled her fist up punching the door. She felt tears flowing slowly down her face. The cold air left the tear marks apparent on her face as she watched Lisa drive off. The moon full, shined brightly down on Tiffany as if she was the main character to a soap opera. She turned to go back inside closing the door behind her.

Tiffany walked back upstairs to the apartment she shares with Lisa. The door was still open from earlier. She walked in and closed the door slowly falling down to the floor as she buried her face in her hands trying to collect her bearings.

Footsteps echoed through the apartment. They inches closer to Tiffany then stopped as they reached her. A soft hand touched her head gently, wiping the tears from her face. Tiffany looked up and looked in the eyes of the woman who caused her life to fall in the deepest parts of despair.