
Thë Rëturn Öf The Sïckly Bëäuty

Skyler had everything. But she took everything away from him and made them hers. Skyler could never go back to the past, it could never be the same again. Or could it?

LovelyXOX · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

A goddess..?

{ Skyler POV }

It's freezing.. I feel so suffocated. Agh why is it so cold. I should be dead. I want to open my eyes but my eyelids feels so heavy. Come on! I need to go back and get justice for Diana!

I felt my eyelashes flutter slightly as I finally opened my eyes. Everything was so blurry.. Once everything started focusing again and I could actually see, I realised that I wasn't back in the cell. All I could see was white.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

"I see that you have finally woken up from your slumber." A voice curtly said.

I turned towards where the voice came from only to see a beautiful woman with blonde hair which reached her waist and almond eyes that were green like lush grass. She wore a white dress that reached her knees and wore no shoes, only a thin golden anklet.

I stared in awe momentarily forgetting about everything.

"You've gone through a lot" she said her voice growing slightly softer.

I just shook my head as tears started to form.

"But worry not as the Creator has decided to give you another chance at life but not without a consequence. He shall take away your good health, which means you will be sick throughout your next life. So the question is do you want to go back before everything happened? After all it is still you choice."

I looked at her and suddenly thought of Diana and all that she went through for me.

"Yes. I do. I want to meet my friend again and to prevent her death. I want to live a happy life."

She nodded her head and said "Okay, let's go."

She began walking and I hurriedly followed her. We walked in silence until I decided to ask "What is your name?"

She paused for a second and then said "Azraelle. The goddess of reincarnation."

"Woah that is amazing! You must be a major god then."

She chuckled and said "I'm not as amazing as you may think but thank you. You are the first human to ever say that about me. Everyone else usually thinks that reincarnation is useless. They'd rather just go to Heaven."

"Well that's not true because reincarnating means that you can experience something different during each lifetime."

She laughed and we continued walking. We finally stopped walking when we reached a mirror like portal. Azraelle turned to me and touched my forehead which kind of confused me. I looked at her questionably.

"Haha. Don't worry, I just blessed your soul."

"Thank you."

I sincerely meant it. She would help me meet Diana again and I'm absolutely thankful for it.

"This is goodbye then." I said as I waved and proceeded to walk into the portal. I felt warmth rush over my body and-

Everything went black.

{ Azraelle POV }

I hope he lives this life better than the last one. He seemed like a sweet person. Ah it's time to go back to my duties again.