
Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Everything started when Luo Xi was forcibly installed by an unscrupulous game company with a so-called daily text game called "Dawn". But he quickly discovered that this was far from a normal, everyday text game. Like this message - [Traveler, you can't be lewd!] And what the hell is this? Luo Xi fell into deep thought as he looked at the big brick pulled out from his bag. It was only when the adorable little loli with beast ears appeared in front of him, Luo Xi realised things were spiraling out of control.

Fox In The Box · Romance
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370 Chs

Chapter 3 Can this Character be any Weaker?_1

Translator: 549690339

Of course, he should go around... No way!

The damn old witch killed him for no reason; he had to get his revenge.

Luo Xi figured that since the other party was an old woman, her combat power might not be very high, so he needed to find a weapon first.

[You wandered around the house]

[You found a green brick and added it to your Dream Bag, and now you can take out a weapon from the bag]

[Ding! Dream Bag has been unlocked]

[Dream Bag]

[Quality: Purple Color (Epic)]

[Category: Exclusive Item]

[Properties: Contains 1 cubic meter of space, cannot be dropped, cannot be gifted, can be upgraded]

[Description: Every Traveler in an Otherworld starts with a Dream Bag measuring 1mx1mx1m. The Dream Bag cannot be dropped and is bound to the Traveler, but the items inside can be stolen, watch out for pickpockets!]

[Current items as follows]

[A green brick]

[Quality: White Color (Common)]

[Category: Weapon (Tentative)]

[Properties: Damage +1—10 (receives different damage bonuses depending on the part of the body hit)]

[Description: This is just an ordinary brick, and it might not even be as hard as a stone, but in the Otherworld you find yourself in, isn't there a saying that no matter how high your martial arts, you can be brought down by a brick?]

Luo Xi didn't expect to find any swords or blades by the roadside, so a brick would have to do.

[You equipped the green brick, and with the 'weapon' in hand, you confidently approached the cabin again, knocking on the door and then hiding beside it]

[After a long period of time, the old woman finally opened the door]

[This time, you didn't fight fair and chose to strike first. You suddenly sprang from the side, raised the green brick, and smacked it hard on the old woman's head]

[A dull 'thud' was heard]

[Your Happiness Level +3]

[Was your surprise attack successful?]

[Sadly, it was not]

[The old woman's head only shook. Your attack had no effect, but the old woman became furiously angry. After so many years, you were the first person who dared to hit her head]

[The old woman's Anger Value +100]

[The old woman took a knife, still stained with your blood, out of her pocket and then got a clear view of your face]

[The old woman was surprised to see you again. She was sure she had dissolved your body into alchemical material, not leaving even a single hair behind]

[Sensing danger, you attempted to backtrack but the old woman, swift as the wind, caught up with you from behind]

[You are now in a standoff with the old woman...]

[You are no match for her. You were knocked unconscious with a single hand and dragged into the basement, where you were injected with an anesthetic and laid on a blood-stained experimentation table, losing consciousness of your body]

[In a hazy state of awareness, you experienced the agony of having your organs removed, your Happiness Level -10, your Fear Value +20]

[You died]

"Fxxk, could this character be any weaker?"

[Death Summary]

[Poor Traveler, you were killed by the wicked Skill Practitioner again, who decided to dissect you bit by bit to understand the mysteries of your body, using your organs for her research]

[You may choose to Resurrect at the last event point]

[Talent: Moonflow·Zero Point has been triggered]

Luo Xi chose to Resurrect.

He had died three times; this was his last life.

[You have been Resurrected]

[You have retrieved the green brick]

[Detected that this item can be removed to the current Traveler's actual location]

[Would you like to take out the item?]


Luo Xi didn't quite understand, but still nodded yes.

A moment later, Luo Xi felt his right hand suddenly weighed down.

What is this?

With just one glance, his breathing quickly became labored, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

In his hand was a heavy, large green brick, still bearing traces of soil and moss.

Is this the brick from the game?

How could something from the game appear in reality?

This completely defies the laws of physics...

Luo Xi sat up in bed, holding his breath, his heart pounding, and widened his eyes to continue looking at the phone screen.

"[Poor Traveler, after dying twice, you realize you're no match for that evil old lady. What's your choice this time?]"

"[① Knock on the door]"

"[② Walk around]"

Luo Xi was silent for a long time, glancing at the brick in his hand, gritted his teeth, and chose to knock on the door.

At worst, I'll just die another time.

"[Brave Otherworld Traveler, you once again went over and knocked on the door]"

"[This time the old lady opened the door very quickly]"

"[Different from before, the old lady looked at you in panic, questioning who you are and why you were still alive and not dead, since there were already two of you inside her little cottage]"

"[The old lady felt fear, she began to suspect that someone was messing with her in secret]"

"[She didn't kill you again but instead shut the door forcefully, refusing to open it no matter how much you knocked]"

"[Minutes later, you heard rustling sounds of grass and shrubs coming from behind the cottage, and by the moonlight, you saw a figure sprinting up the mountain]"

"[It turned out that the old lady had packed some things and left the cottage]"

"[Lucky Otherworld Traveler, your ignorance and lack of fear have caused the old lady to be afraid. In this game of wits, you've won the final victory]"

"[Traveler, now you can rest well. Before the old lady realizes, this cottage is yours]"


"[Suddenly, you feel a surge of heat wash over you]"

"[It was the old lady who set fire before she left]"

"[The flames quickly ignited the cottage]"

"[Poor Traveler, you've just lost the cottage you gained, your luck is really bad~]"

Luo Xi: "..."

Is this damn text gloating over my misfortune?


Standing atop the mountain, Cerisia looked down at the roaring fire below, her wrinkled old face casting a sinister glow in the light of the flames.

Before leaving, she set the fire as usual, and although she felt a pang of regret, she couldn't give her precious materials to the enemy for free. Better to burn them all.

"What the hell was that thing?"

Cerisia prided herself as the most talented Skill Master in the past century.

She was well-traveled and had seen all kinds of scenes.

Those who knew her deeds were aware that she indeed had talent in various skills, only that she strayed onto the wrong path.

Of course, she didn't see it that way.

Today, Cerisia began to suspect she had seen a ghost.

She had never witnessed such a scene.

Why did that person wearing ragged clothes keep resurrecting in front of her, time after time?

She had personally eviscerated him, dismembering his body into six parts! She was one hundred percent sure he was as dead as one could get!

Not even those lunatics from the Church of Truth had such bizarre powers, right?

No matter, it was best to leave. She had other arrangements outside this place, and there was no need to stubbornly confront this anomalous fellow here.