
Test of the Divine

In a world filled with uncaring Gods and oblivious mortals, Damon is on a quest for revenge. After his entire life was upended by a callous God, he has been searching for the power he needs to save his friends. Will his new godly powers be able to help him resist the tides of fate, or will he be swept away? Thanks for taking the time to read the synopsis. I’m a new writer and so I’d like to hear any feedback from you guys. My upload schedule also might be spotty since I have exams and AP tests coming up but I will do my best to keep it to around one chapter a day. I hope you enjoy. I do not own this cover art. If the owner wishes for me to take it down, please contact me. I plan to upload chapters at 21:00 UTC. I’m still trying to work with the weird time zone conversion so it may vary.

ExamPL3 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


Damon was soon awakened from his shock by a much more immediate threat.

He was rapidly descending through the atmosphere and towards the planet itself.

The only thing keeping him from burning to ash and dust was the aforementioned golden sphere. It had also likely protected him on his journey towards this planet.

"That Almighty One really killed Varian? Does that mean he killed the rest of my friends too?"

Anger blazed within Damon's heart as he thought of the possibilities.

"If I get out of this, I swear that I will get revenge." Damon promised.

Just as Damon focused back on the planet below him, his eyes went wide in shock.


Damon saw the golden sphere cut through the earth like a hot knife through butter. The problem, however, was that the golden shield was flickering dangerously.

'Is it going to break?' Damon momentarily panicked.

'But it brought me all the way here without issue. Could it be that it is out of energy?'

He immediately focused on how he could keep it up. But the shield was nearly gone as it's golden light flashed auspiciously.

Damon began sweeping through his memories in order to find a solution.

'What did the emissary say? Creation? Destruction? Balance? How the hell does that help me out here!' He asked with panic and frustration filling his mind.

Suddenly, Damon heard a faint sound echo.


Putting his hand to his chest, Damon felt a second heartbeat.

As he listened to hear more, Damon suddenly felt a strange urge. Like there was something in his heart that needed to be pulled out.

It was as if the heart wanted him to do something.

'If I'm going to die anyway, I might as well give it a try.' He thought as he made a pulling motion.


Immediately, a stream of golden energy surged from his chest. Damon's jaw dropped as he saw it rush towards the golden shield.

Upon reaching the shield, the energy began filling in the various holes that had been torn. After about a minute, the energy was gone and the shield looked better than ever. Its color was brighter and it was thick enough to distort his vision.

Unfortunately, however, a much bigger problem had surfaced.

Damon noticed that he had entered the mantle, an area filled with heaps of lava and horrifying heat.

'But doesn't that mean...that I'm going to hit the core of the planet soon?' Damon thought worriedly.

Almost as if upon command, Damon saw a shift in the composition of the earth. Molten metal appeared on all sides.

'There's not much I can do. I just need to try and reinforce the shield as much as possible in order to prepare for impact.' Damon thought to himself.

This time, he directly took control of the golden energy once it flowed out of him. He directed it so that he could thicken the shield and hopefully, survive the impact.

Just as Damon finished his work...


Damon was tossed backwards as he collided with the inside of the golden sphere.

As Damon opened his eyes, he was expecting a heavenly welcome. Complete with beautiful trumpets and angels singing heavenly melodies.

"Huh." He said. "I really thought I'd be flattened into a divine pancake."

Observing his surroundings, Damon saw that his golden shield was sunken into the core of the world. Silver metal covered half of his view but Damon was still able to see the rivers of lava that flowed down from above.

In the middle of his observations, however, a sudden pain assaulted him.

'Ahhhh. My back and neck must have taken the brunt of the impact.' Damon thought as he felt a thumping pain spread across his body.

Eyes shining with determination, Damon stood back up and prepared to escape. 'I need to find somewhere safe! Who knows how long this shield will hold up?'

Damon immediately focused on creating two forces. One force would push him upwards while the other would disperse the lava that would inevitably close in.

He imagined the first force to be a blue fire. The second force, however, would be a thick spear that would disperse the lava before it could gather and weigh him down.

With the completion of these visualizations, Damon saw an immense wave of golden energy flow out of him.

Below his feet, two jets of blue fire appeared and he started boosting upward. While above him, a silver spear rose, as if challenging the heavens themselves.

While he was rising, Damon saw torrents of lava flow past him and fall into the abyss.

'This shouldn't do too much damage to the environment but I should eventually come back and make sure. No point taking the risk of it blowing up in my face in the future.'

Soon, Damon saw a transition. The seemingly endless ocean of lava gave way to walls of rock and stone. Unfortunately enough, these rocks weren't sitting still.

In the middle of Damon's observation, rocks from far above began flying down.

Damon felt his heart seize. "There's no way the rocks could break the barrier. Right?" Not willing to bet on the strength of his imagination, he quickly conjured up a new idea. 'I guess it's time to test out just how far I can push creation.' He decided.

Funneling that strange energy from his heart, Damon began thinking of a thick golden lightning bolt.

That strange, seemingly divine force, was waning and so he had to be careful and meticulous in his expenditure. He focused his mind in order to create a full picture; Instead of letting the energy fill in the gaps.

A powerful bolt of lightning, filled with immense heat and speed, would incinerate the stones.

Damon focused on the energy and siphoned just enough to have extra in case of emergencies. He then channeled the energy through his body and released it into the spear above him.

The silver spear was covered by golden snakes of lightning that slowly thickened and charged. Once the concentration of snakes reached a certain level, they gathered into a giant golden bolt.


The golden bolt thrummed in excitement until...


Damon watched from the barrier as all of the rocks were vaporized into ash. The golden bolt, however, continued on until...


A massive floating island was struck and entirely vaporized.

"At least that plan worked out." He thought.

Soon, Damon saw natural light replace the golden ambience created by the golden barrier.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "I'm finally free from this hellhole.." Damon celebrated. As he flew out of the earth, Damon observed the surroundings.

He frowned as he saw that the land surrounding the hole was completely fine besides some minor burns.

'At least some of the ground must have caved in or been damaged. I descended at the speed of an asteroid at least. Perhaps this world is much sturdier than earth.' He theorized.

Putting aside these thoughts, Damon focused on the environment itself. The area looked like a gigantified earth.

He was surrounded by towering trees, comparable to even the tallest skyscrapers. For even with their size, they seemed to stand stout and sturdy above the undergrowth. They were also paired with animals that seemed even more horrifying in comparison.

"What the hell?" He screamed.

Giant squirrels the size of people climbed the trees and bears the size of buildings wandered the ground. The entirety of the environment seemed to mutated and twisted beyond comprehension.

"Nope!" Damon said as he dedicated all of the divine energy he could to his blue fire.


He was launched into the air and passed the canopy of trees within a second.

The surprise, however, wasn't over. Gigantic mountains that seemed to rival the size of the Earth itself rose around him. Their jagged peaks cut the sky asunder as they reached towards the heavens.


Damon heard as he continued ascending. He looked below and saw a massive bird that resembled a dinosaur swooping down.

"I should probably find somewhere safe to rest before I end up running out of energy." He sighed.

Locking onto a nearby collection of trees, Damon leaned forward. The blue fire flared as he zoomed towards the trees.

Finally focusing on the flames, Damon slowly reduced the energy that they held. This continued until he led a slow descent onto one of the large tree branches.

To keep himself safe, Damon was going to hide in the tree branch. He first used the power of destruction in order to generate a small but infinitely sharp blade. Using this, he cut a small hole in the branch and jumped in.

'Let's see if the tree reacts.' He thought as he waited.

After a few minutes, Damon felt safe and thus used the power of creation to replace the top of the lost branch.

'Finally a place to rest.' He thought as he laid down and went to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed today’s chapter. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

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