
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

SlyOW · Anime et bandes dessinées
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139 Chs


To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


[Sarah's POV]

Removing my hands from Alexander's back, I sighed and apologized, "I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

Of course, he did not answer me, as he was in meditation, and didn't want to waste any time. I had just tried to heal him and help him recover some energy with my Healing spell, but I'm far from skilled enough.

The Spell was, to begin with, only meant to be used to heal oneself, it was the most basic Spell in the Restoration Tree in Skyrim. It worked slightly differently in the real world, as it wasn't completely useless in healing others, but the effects were lackluster, to say the least.

It has already been a day since the mission started, and Alexander has already been standing guard for more than twelve hours.

Just as Asher had feared, Hanzo's men did fight us with guerrilla tactics, sending men every 5 to 60 minutes, at irregular and random intervals to always keep on our toes. Or rather, to keep Alexander on his toes.

The Ame Orphans did not understand why Alexander insisted on being the only one to guard the group, but I did. Our entire team did.

And seeing him sitting there, using every free second he had on meditation, it made me feel bad.

It was because of our uselessness that he had to shoulder everything on his own. Of course, when the fighting started, we would come out and fight too, those that were awake at least.

For now, it had only been twelve hours, and Alexander did not seem to be too tired, probably thanks to his Super Soldier Physique and his Force Meditation, but every man has a limit, one he will surely reach before the end of these seven days.

But as I sighed once again, Alexander suddenly moved, yanking me roughly. I did not say anything though as I heard immediately crouched, using more than half of the Magicka I had left to summon my familiar.

As the spectral wolf stepped out of the portal, Alexander was already gone, sword in hand as he slashed through the incoming clones. All he needed was a scratch for each of them, but there were many of them.

Hearing the commotion, the people still awake quickly got out, among which was Chris, who started shooting the clones, while my familiar attacked the ninjas.

It only managed to take out two clones before disappearing, but that was as useful as I would get.

Thankfully, this time, we lost no one as the clones were quickly all dispatched. Seeing Alexander going back to his spot, about to return to his meditation, I hesitated for a moment, before saying, "You can let someone else take a shift you know…"

His eyes, which had turned red from the fatigue, bore into mine as he replied calmly, "I'm fine."

You don't, I wanted to reply. But I couldn't really say that, could I? He wasn't doing this for himself after all, he was doing it for us. Of course, I'm sure the Points of saving the Ame Orphans were a good incentive, but he didn't need to do this.

So, as he sat down, I decided to hug him from the shoulder, giving a tight squeeze, before letting go. He didn't react, but I needed to do it.


[Asher's POV]

I woke up with a start as the images of what I did still plagued my nightmares. My eyes wide open as I looked around the room, I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders, lowering me back on the thighs I had been sleeping on.

I looked back, and saw Ezra, who looked at me with a smile. My body naturally softened as I allowed myself to lay back on her thighs, releasing the breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

She asked, "Are you okay?"

I faintly nodded, replying, "Just a nightmare. What time is it?"

Ezra replied without even looking at her watch, "We are on the third day, the sun just set."

Third day already… only four left. I looked across the room, and saw Chris, leaning against the wall, at the ready with his shotgun.

He saw me looking over, and nodded, which I returned as he walked over. The two of us had come to an agreement in the past few days.

As the only ones capable of efficiently handling the shotgun, we had decided that one of us had to always be awake, so that whenever the enemy attacked, one of us would be able to go out and help Alexander defend against the enemy.

Speaking of Alexander, I had to say, I was impressed with the man. I had talked with the veterans, and from them learned he wasn't from any military background, but used to be a civilian.

Yet, the man was relentless. He made for a good team leader, enhancements aside. We might actually have a shot at surviving with a guy like him.

Chris reached me, and handed me the shotgun, saying, "It has already been forty minutes since the last attack, be ready."

I nodded, getting up as Ezra did the same. She had a knife in hand, which I must say, she was surprisingly adept with.

We walked over to the door, and I said, "You don't have to come, you know. I'll be enough."

Ezra snorted, playing with her knife as she replied, "You need someone to watch your back, while you watch Alexander's."

I smiled, and said nothing. She was a good friend to have, an unexpected find in this hellish game.

As expected, we didn't have to wait for long before I heard shouts outside. Nodding at Ezra, I opened the door, intent on rushing outside, when I was suddenly faced with a giant fist made of rock.

I tried to raise my gun, but I was too slow as I saw the fist widen as it got closer. But then, the rock construct suddenly slowed, as I saw Alexander extending his hand over it, no doubt slowing it down with the force.

I suddenly felt something in myself unlock itself, I couldn't exactly tell what it was, but I felt all my senses sharpen as I felt in control.

My mind holding complete dominion over my body, I immediately jumped away, just in time for the rock fist to miss me.

I felt like everything I had learned in my life surged back to me all at once as for some reason, I remembered the gym training I had as a girl, and moved with a grace I didn't know I had as I rolled on the ground, landing against a nearby wall as I started shooting.

With Chris, we generally avoided shooting at the rushing clones, as they moved too fast most of the time for us to aim accurately, so we only shot when Alexander seemed to need help, and the clones weren't moving too fast.

Moreover, with the noise the shotgun made, it always woke everyone up, so we used it as sparsely as possible.

But now, was an opportunity I couldn't let go of. I wasn't shooting the clones, but instead the Shinobis inside the forest. I didn't know what was happening to me, but my senses had been sharpened to the point I could now feel the presences in the woods, and I started shooting them.

I managed to take five of them, before they realized what was happening and started fleeing, the clones dissolving as they lost concentration.

I managed to shoot another two, blowing their chest apart before they could escape.

As the others managed to escape, I was left there, panting as I grinned without even fully realizing it. I was feeling good, better than I ever had, in this strange state.

But as I looked at Alexander, I felt myself cool down. He was looking at me with a severe, but appreciative look. As for me, for the first time I realized how strong he was.

My instincts were telling me to drop the gun, and play dead. It wasn't that he wanted to harm me, but simply my body realizing it was in front of an apex predator.

It was disturbing, yet at the same time… it was weirdly exciting.

He stepped in front of me, sheathing his sword as he looked down at me. After a moment, he suddenly patted my shoulder, and said, "Sorry for your loss, and grit your teeth through the pain."

I was confused by his words, until I turned around.

There, I saw the entrance to the room we had been crashing in had been destroyed, but I could see bits of flesh and blood on the ground. Slightly further, was the deformed corpse of Ezra, frozen in an expression of horror.