
Terror Infinity: Beyond

An adrenaline junkie finally does everything he wanted to do...only to feel nothing. No accomplishment, no happiness...only sorrow that there was nothing to get his blood pumping anymore. But when he was looking over a few ads on the internet - looking for something new to take him away from his sorrow with how boring life is - he comes across an odd ad... "Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live... A real life?" How could Taylor not click something that seemed to resonate with him so deeply? It was only when he woke up in a dark room that he realized he'd read a book with a similar premise. "Oh well," was all he said. After all, why would he regret something fun happening with his life? Would he be proven wrong and be shown how terrifying this new existence was, or would he show God a true maniac who is purely driven by his own hedonistic desires?

Mr_Terror · Autres
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3 Chs

First Arc - FNAF (2)

Getting back to my original place, I saw the office to my right and smiling even wider, I entered and sat on the swivel chair, spinning around like a child on some kind of sugar rush.

There was a pad that looked suspiciously like an iPad, and I picked it up, switching it on. What I saw was exactly like what you'd see in the game; a small map in the corner and a live feed of the room you had currently activated. Pressing my finger against one of the symbols on the mini-map, I saw a close-up of the animatronics that would be trying to kill me in the next few seconds, and I smiled, my thoughts going at a hundred miles an hour.

But putting down the device, I kept it in few on the animatronics before turning to the speaker that was right next to it. It looked like the device you'd see in a principals office when they spoke to the entire school. Curiosity got the best of me and I picked it up before pressing my thumb down on the activation button and speaking.

"Hellooo~?" I said into the mic, which I then heard being blasted throughout the halls of the pizzeria. Raising an eyebrow, it was exactly at this point that I realized this wasn't like the game, so th e same tactics I used in it won't work now. Though that didn't instill any fear in me:

If I could cheat my way to a win, wouldn't that be way too easy? Wouldn't it take the fun out of this new existence?

Another idea came to me as I held the mic in one hand and flicked through the cameras with another. Within a few switches, I found 3 people huddled together in the restroom, they were rapidly looking around. Despite there not being any sound, I could tell they were asking aloud about who I was.

"I'm the guy who's in the office and not in the restroom. If you exit the restroom, you'll find yourself in a big room - ignore the big, creepy animatronics and stick to the left side of the room. When you get to a long, dark corridor, go down it. When I know you're there, I'll shine a flashlight to show you the way. But you better hurry," I said, switching to the stage cameras. The animatronics were looking around, their eyes lighting up when they saw the camera, "...Because Freddy and the gang are waking up."

I switched back to the restroom cameras and I saw the three people now arguing. Preemptively, I closed both the doors on both sides. I could see that it was wasting power but not nearly as quickly as it did in the game - which means we were gonna be in here for a genuine 6 hours. Gotta take the good with the bad, huh?

Anyway, the group of three...Well let's get to looking at them and seeing if they look like bad eggs.

The most noticeable of the three were the obvious siblings - two blond kids who barely looked 18. Though I couldn't say much as I'd only just turned 21 myself. Though I guess my mature outcome comes from having traveled the world with my inheritance.

Anyway, how could I tell they were siblings? Because apart from the curves and tits on the girl, they were the same height, same-ish facial features, so, I concluded that they seemed to be twins.

...Bad luck for the guy, his sister doesn't look masculine, he just looks feminine.

The third person kinda just blended in, honestly. She seemed to be in her mid-twenties and she was taller than the two twins - probably about 6ft - and she had a definite toned body. She had raven black hair and a pair of light brown eyes. She blended in, not because she wasn't pretty or anything but because she just seemed to actually blend into the darkness of the restroom. From her tank-top and military trousers...I could probably guess that she's from the military. That with how toned and athletic her body is, and with how she holds herself.

If it weren't for how panicked and angry she looked, I'd have guessed that she was a veteran player for our team.

As I was looking at my three new teammates, I heard a few rapid knocks on the door, followed by a muffled voice shouting for me to open the door. I got up and looked through the little window and saw a guy looking skittish as hell and looking down the corridor.

Pressing the button to the left of me, the door slid open with a release of air, and the guy rushed in, shouting, "Close the damn door!" I ignored him and leaned out of the door, only to see the yellow chicken animatronic only a few meters away. It was Chica.

Smiling, I remembered my idea earlier and gave the animatronic a wave, "How you doing, Susie?" I asked and the robot froze, it's outer shell trembling subtly. But it only froze for a little while before it began to rush at me. Calmly, I got back into the room and closed the door before rapid and heavy banging rang throughout the small-ish office.

Turning to the person behind me, I put out a hand, "Hey, how's it going? The name's Taylor," I said, giving the guy a once over.

He was taller than me, but unlike me, he was thin, slender and looked a bit too much like a pretty boy. I was handsome, sure, but this guy was like a model or something. He seemed to be in some kind of shock and he just absentmindedly shook my hand, mumbling the name, "Harry," before collapsing into the swivel seat.

Seeing he wasn't gonna be anymore sociable for a while, I turned to the little window, only to see Chica/Susie looking in at me. Now, you might be wondering, why does 'it' have two names?

Because Chica is what the animatronic is called and Susie is the child ghost who's possessing it.

...Yeah, it's pretty weird, huh?

Well, FNAF is weird. Really dark when you look into it as well. Long story short, every animatronic in this building is possessed by the soul/ghost of a child who was murdered and then stuffed into the animatronics casing to hide the evidence. Each of these kids obviously has a name and what I did just now was to test if they reacted to them - and it seems they did.

Looking at the purple eyes of the animatronic, all I had was pity.

I'm an adrenaline junkie, and I'm not a particularly nice person either...but even I felt pity when I thought about how a kid had been stuck in an animatronic after being murdered before she could even live her life.

No child, and I mean NO child, should have to experience that. All that hatred, all that pain...it must be a living hell.

After a few seconds of tense eye contact, Chica began to back up and soon left. I looked back to the monitor and clicked over to the restroom. All I saw was Bonnie, the bunny animatronic looking up at the camera but looking behind him, I could see a little bit of blood. Though before I could look closer, rapid banging came from the other side of the door to the right - the opposite one to where Chica had been.

Looking through the small window, I saw the three people from earlier. One of them was injured. Raising an eyebrow, I opened the door and they piled in, the small office space suddenly becoming quite cramped.

Before I could even do anything, the military woman grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against the window, her face morphed into a scowl, "Where are we? Why did you bring us here?"

Her voice was cold and gruff but I didn't feel very threatened, honestly. She stank of fear.

No one fears a scared person, you know? Especially someone like me who's possibly not right in the head.

"I wasn't the one who brought you here," I stated, looking into her fierce amber eyes, "This is like some kind of nightmare realm. You saw the screen, right? It's from a book called Terror Infinity. If we survive this 'mission' we'll get sent to a room where 'God' is," I shrugged before prying her hands off my uniform.

Even if she was part of the military, I'd honed my body to the best it could be. Extreme sports take a strong body, you know.

"Bullshit," she spat before pointing a finger at my face, "You're fine and dandy in a room with locked doors, camera monitors, and access to the speakers throughout this whole place...and you expect me to think you weren't the one who brought us here?!" she shouted but I ignored it for the most part and closed the door before something else got in.

Turning back to her, I nodded with a wry smile, "Hey, I didn't ask to be brought into this place. Plus, if I really were the big bad villain, would I have let you come into the office? Probably not. I can see how this all looks - especially with me wearing this uniform - but please try and look past that and at the situation at hand. We're all in this shit together," I paused before thinking of something, "Let me guess; before all this happened, you were browsing the internet on your computer or your phone, or really anything with internet access...then a mysterious ad appeared," her face paled a little and she took a step back but I carried on, "It asked you if you wanted to live a real life or some shit, and you clicked yes for your own reasons. That's when you blacked out and found yourself in that restroom. How do I know? The same thing happened to me, and I didn't actually wake up in this room," I laughed before pointing out of the glass window and into the hallway where they came from, "I woke up on that floor."

"Enough!" a shout came from behind the military woman. It was shrill and sounded like it came from a kid. Looking behind the woman, I saw the girl twin, her blond hair tied in a tight ponytail. Her earlier cute appearance was flushed away and replacing it was unkempt hair, a red face and tears pouring down her cheeks.

She seemed to be having some kind of anxiety attack from all the arguing, so I held my hands up, signaling my 'surrender' before looking to her brother who was being propped up by her.

More specifically I was looking at his arm which was hanging limply at his side. It looked slightly mangled and it was dripping with blood. Ah, so that's where the blood was from

Looks like it hurts pretty bad from how pale his face is. Or is that from the blood loss?

Moving past the military woman, I walked to the twins before looking to the girl, "How did this happen to your brother? That bunny animatronic?" her head bobbed up and down rapidly as she looked down at her brother's mangled arm, her expression grimacing. I put a supporting hand on her shoulder and spoke, "Don't worry about his injuries too much. As long as we survive this he can get it healed. Right now we need to do something about that bleeding," I said before taking off the belt that was a part of the uniform.

The boy's forearm was the part that was mainly mangled, so I wrapped the belt around his arm, just above the elbow and made so it was tight enough to limit the blood flow. Then I closed my eyes and tried to remember the layout of the FNAF 1 map, trying to think if there was any place that would have first aid.

It didn't take long and I clicked my finger before pointing at the military woman, "You, I need you to go out there," I pointed to the door they'd just came through before carrying on, "and make a distraction so I can run to the supply closet that just up the hallway on the other side," I pointed to the door where Harry, the pretty boy, came in through, "I could have medical supplies for the kid's arm."

The military woman's eyes narrowed for a second, going over my face and seemingly looking for any deception but she didn't find any, so she just nodded. I returned the nod before looking to the girl twin, "Close the door after me and don't open it until I knock 4 times. Two rapid knocks right after one another, and two slower knocks. Even then, look through the window to make sure that it's me, okay?" she nodded and I opened the door for the military lady, while she walked out and started shouting obscenities that echoed along the halls.

I put my head through the door and saw Bonnie, Chica, and even Freddie coming this way, so I quickly brought myself back in and quickly looked at the camera that was focused on where Foxy, the fourth animatronic was.

Seeing he was still in his usual place and wasn't moving, I called the lady back in before opening the door and rushing to the supply closet.

The blood-rushing feeling I got under the threat of being killed...well, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't one of the main reasons for why I volunteered for this excursion for medical supplies. But oh well, the others don't need to know that yet, right?