
Terra Tower

Story of a Young Man completing his journey of clearing the tower. WILL HE BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE TOWER? Will he clear tower from its misery? What more mysteries will unlock as he moves up the towers. Author- I just wanna say some things 》This is a little bit slow progrssing manga but still it is enjoyable l. 》If you like op mc to fight op villains at his own level 》i will produce 14 chapters per week.So cheer up and support me and my team

Anubhav_Thakur_6869 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


Shin felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him as he caught his breath. He had never used his full power before, but he knew that he had to in order to win.

Kaito grinned at him, clapping him on the back. "That was amazing, Shin! I've never seen anything like it."

Shin smiled, feeling a sense of pride fill him. He had always been a bit of an underdog, but now he felt like he was truly a force to be reckoned with.

As the rest of the players watched in awe, the Manager stepped forward, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Congratulations, Shin and Kaito. You have proven yourselves to be true warriors," he said, his voice echoing throughout the arena. "But this is just the beginning. There are many more challenges to come, and only the strongest and most skilled players will survive."

Shin nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. He was ready for whatever lay in next test.

"As 3 tests has been completed.As a reward each player will be given enough Exp for level up."

As the announcement ended,Shin leveled up with all the other players left.Also,He got 3 options to choose from.His new ability.


1.Golden Armour-A Armour which provideits users with 5 minutes of Invincibility.(Requires 10 Lifeforce).

2.Bow mastery-Will know all about bows.(passive)

3.Yorukami—It is a sword infused with ????.It posses its host and make their swordsplay that of a swords master's.

Shin knew that choosing his new ability was a crucial decision. He thought carefully, weighing each option in his mind.

The Golden Armour sounded tempting, but he knew that it would require a lot of Lifeforce, which he didn't have much of.

Bow mastery sounded interesting, but Shin had always been more of a sword fighter.

That's when he remembered the Yorukami. He had heard stories about a legendary sword that was infused with a mysterious power, giving its wielder unparalleled strength in battle. It was said that the sword could only be wielded by the most skilled of swordsmen.

Without hesitation, Shin chose the Yorukami.

As soon as he made his choice, a golden light enveloped him, and he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. He closed his eyes, feeling the energy flow through him.

When he opened them again, he was holding a beautiful sword with a white hilt and a blade that shimmered like silver.

"Now you have gotten new abilities lets start the forth game" Manger said while looking down on all the participants.

Shin tightened his grip on the Yorukami, feeling a newfound sense of confidence. He was ready for whatever challenge awaited him in the fourth game.

As the Manager led them to the next challenge, Shin couldn't help but wonder what kind of test they would face this time. He had already faced battles and physical challenges, but what else was there?

They arrived at a large, dark room with only a single light in the center. The Manager gestured for them to enter, and Shin stepped forward, holding the Yorukami at the ready.

As he moved towards the light, he could hear whispers and murmurs coming from the darkness. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he knew that something was amiss.

Suddenly, figures appeared out of the shadows, surrounding him on all sides. They were shadowy creatures, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws.

Shin gritted his teeth, readying himself for battle. He charged forward, the Yorukami glowing with power.

The shadow creatures leapt at him, but Shin was too quick for them. He dodged and weaved through their attacks, striking back with the Yorukami.

With every blow, the shadow creatures began to dissipate, their forms flickering and fading away.

But there were more of them, always more.

Shin fought on, his movements becoming more fluid and graceful with every strike. He was in sync with the Yorukami, his swordplay becoming effortless and instinctual.

As the last of the shadow creatures fell, Shin stood in the center of the room, panting and covered in sweat. He had never faced anything like that before, but he had emerged victorious.

The Manager stepped forward, his eyes shining with approval. "Well done, Shin. You've proven yourself once again, But why didnt you used the power of yorukami?".

"Well, I think i used Yorukami to its fullest, mr manger" Shin said while he sat down on ground.

"TO ITS FULLEST,huh, do you even know how much power yorukami holds you used nothing in previous battle" manger said as he geustured Shin to stand up.

"Listen how to use Yorukami, i will tell you whqt you will have to do me a favour, Just delevier something to the manger of 2nd floor, Deal?".

"DEAL" Shin said with excitement.

Aftet some time, Both manger and Shin came out from the black room.Shin was full of excitement.

As test was carried on for other Shin was resting in the rest are.

"Shin, I passed the forth test"

Kaito shouted with excitement.

"That's great, Kaito!" Shin shouted back, happy for his friend.

Kaito walked over to Shin, sitting down beside him. "What did you think about that last test? Those shadow creatures were insane!"

"Yeah, they were tough," Shin said, still feeling a bit winded from the battle. "But it was a good challenge."

Kaito nodded in agreement. "Hey, what did the Manager want you to deliver to the second floor?"

Shin grinned, remembering the favor that the Manager had asked of him. "It's a package for the Manager of the second floor. He wouldn't tell me what was inside, but he said it was important."

Kaito raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. Do you think it has something to do with the next test?"

Shin shrugged. "Who knows? But I'm excited to find out."

As the rest of the participants finished their tests, the Manager gathered them together once again.

"Congratulations to all of you. You have proven yourselves to be worthy challengers," the Manager said, his voice echoing throughout the arena. "But the next test will be the most difficult yet. You will face not only physical challenges, but mental ones as well. Only the strongest will survive."

Shin felt a sense of trepidation wash over him. He had faced physical challenges before, but mental ones? That was a different story.

As they were led to the next challenge, Shin couldn't help but wonder what kind of mental challenge awaited him. He had always been good at puzzles and strategy games, but what if it was something completely different?

They arrived at a large room with a single table in the center. The Manager gestured for them to sit down, and they did.

On the table was a small box, wrapped in brown paper and tied with a red ribbon.

"This box contains a key to the final challenge. But in order to get it, you must answer a riddle," the Manager said, a sly smile on his face. "Are you ready?"

Shin nodded, feeling his heart rate increase with anticipation.

The Manager cleared his throat, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?"

Shin felt his mind race, trying to solve the riddle. He thought of many things that could fit the description, but none of them seemed quite right.

As the other challengers began to whisper their answers, Shin closed his eyes, focusing all his attention on the riddle.

After what seemed like an eternity, he felt a flash of insight. "A fire!" he shouted, his eyes flying open.

The Manager's smile widened. "Correct! Well done, Shin. You have proven yourself to be not only a skilled swordsman, but a clever one as well."

With that You are now eligible to

Take the final test.