
Terra Tower

Story of a Young Man completing his journey of clearing the tower. WILL HE BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE TOWER? Will he clear tower from its misery? What more mysteries will unlock as he moves up the towers. Author- I just wanna say some things 》This is a little bit slow progrssing manga but still it is enjoyable l. 》If you like op mc to fight op villains at his own level 》i will produce 14 chapters per week.So cheer up and support me and my team

Anubhav_Thakur_6869 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The First Ability.

As shin was moving deep into the forest. He then encountered a group of 12 goblins.

"Oh my, its a large group. Large group means more exp"-Shin said as he placed his sword on his shoulder.

"Lets Just Get On Killing, Shall we".

He started running towards the golblins.The goblins noticed Shin and raised their weapons, ready to attack. Shin charged towards them, his wooden sword glowing with power. He swung his sword in a wide arc, hitting three goblins at once. They fell to the ground, defeated.

The rest of the goblins circled around Shin, trying to confuse him. But Shin was too quick for them. He dodged their attacks and struck back with his sword, taking down goblin after goblin.

As Shin fought, he felt a surge of power coursing through him. His System was working, and he could feel his abilities increasing. He was able to move faster, dodge more easily, and strike with greater force.

Finally, after several minutes of fighting, Shin stood victorious. He had defeated all 12 goblins and gained a significant amount of experience points.

"Alright, that was a good start," Shin said to himself, looking around for more monsters to hunt. He knew that he needed to gather as many points.


As Shin just started moving forward. He received the notification on his status window.

"Shin's status Window"








As shin saw his stats he thought.

"What the hell are these absurd stats, 10 strength, Its just too op from the start. But why there are question mark in my potential.I think it shows how OP i am."

"Congratulation!! SHIN you leveled up"-Redwing stated.

"You are now given 3 options,Choose one wisely".


"Slash-With help of slash you can release a slash from your sword to some distance based on your strength.

"Elemental God-You will receive all of the knowledge of all 7 elememts.You will be able to command all of them upon learning how to use lifeforce.

"Berserker-You strength will increase 10 times for 5 min.

But you will become unconscious after using the berserker.

As Shin thought that Berserker would be good fro orc boss. But Elemental God is just too op.So he choose Elemental God as his first ability.

{Elemental God ability received}

"Use elemental God".

{Using elemental god ability}.

Suddenly Shin's head starts to hurt. He get on his knees holding his head as so much information was going through his head. He falls unconscious.

When Shin woke up, he was lying on the ground, his body aching and his head pounding. He sat up slowly and looked around, trying to get his bearings. He remembered the test and the goblins he had fought, but everything after that was a blur.

Shin checked his status window and saw that his stats had increased even more. His Lifeforce had doubled, and his Potential was still a question mark.

"Well thats that"-Shin in sarcasm.

"Shin's status Window"








Shin smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He knew that he was getting stronger with every passing moment.

"Redwing, what happened to me?" Shin asked, looking at his System.

"You used the Elemental God ability. It grants you knowledge of all the elements.You can also command those elements upon learning how to use lifeforce".

"Oii You finally woke up. Now stand up you bastard".Shin heard as he saw a boy fighting skeletons in front of him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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