
Terra Tower

Story of a Young Man completing his journey of clearing the tower. WILL HE BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE TOWER? Will he clear tower from its misery? What more mysteries will unlock as he moves up the towers. Author- I just wanna say some things 》This is a little bit slow progrssing manga but still it is enjoyable l. 》If you like op mc to fight op villains at his own level 》i will produce 14 chapters per week.So cheer up and support me and my team

Anubhav_Thakur_6869 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


As shin was going to resting area. Shin just got teleported to a Black space with nothing inside.

Suddenly a very big eye just opened in fronted of Shin.

"So,You are the One with the potential as large as of an administrator. I am Administrator of the first floor".

"So...Umm...Why did you call me here administrator, I thought you were a very important.....Creature" Shin said as he was devastated by the look of an administrator.

"Yes, I am a very important creature, Shin," the Administrator replied with a chuckle. "And I called you here because I see great potential in you. You have already shown great skill and ability in the first two tests, and I believe you have what it takes to climb the tower and become a true warrior."

Shin was taken aback by the Administrator's words. He had never thought of himself as anything special, let alone someone with the potential to become a warrior.

"I...I don't know what to say," Shin stammered. "I mean, I just started this game, and there are so many other players who are much stronger than me."

The Administrator nodded. "Yes, that is true. But strength is not the only thing that matters in this game. To climb the tower, you need determination, cunning, and above all, a strong will. And I believe you possess all of those qualities."

Shin felt a surge of confidence and determination wash over him. He looked up at the Administrator with newfound respect.

"I will do my best, Administrator. I will climb this tower and become a warrior," Shin said, his voice filled with determination.

The Administrator smiled, pleased with Shin's response.

"Good. I look forward to seeing your progress, Shin. Remember, the tower is full of challenges and obstacles. You will face many enemies and make many allies along the way. But as long as you stay true to yourself and your goals, you will make it to the top."

With those words, the Administrator disappeared, leaving Shin back to the resting area.

Shin took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, and to continue his ascent of the tower.

"Shin, where were you i was looking for you everywhere" Kaito said as he was running towards Shin.

"I was just invite—"Shin said but was intervened by Manger.

"Now, I think you have all gotten enough time for rest,Shall we start with our 3rd game, Which is


Shin's heart raced with excitement at the mention of a Battle Royale. He had always loved a good fight, and the thought of going up against other skilled players filled him with adrenaline.

"Bring it on," Shin said, cracking his knuckles.

Kaito grinned, his eyes shining with anticipation. "I'm ready for anything."

The Manger led them to the arena, which was huge and filled with various obstacles and weapons scattered throughout. Shin and Kaito looked around, sizing up the competition.

There were players from all over the world, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Shin noticed that some of them were already forming alliances, while others were working alone.

"Alright, everyone, the rules are simple," the Manger announced. "You fight until there's only 100 person remaining. Use whatever skills and weapons you have at your disposal. No holds barred."

Shin and Kaito nodded, ready to jump into the fray.

As soon as the Manager gave the signal, Shin and Kaito sprang into action. They split up, each taking on opponents on opposite ends of the arena.

Shin used his Elemental God ability, creating powerful blasts of energy that knocked his enemies off their feet. Kaito, on the other hand, used his Mist Movement to dodge attacks and strike quickly from behind.

As the battle raged on, Shin and Kaito began to take out opponent after opponent, rising to the top of the leaderboard. They worked seamlessly together, their skills and abilities complementing each other perfectly.

But as the number of remaining players dwindled, Shin and Kaito found themselves facing tougher opponents. They were pushed to their limits, using every trick in their arsenal to stay alive.

Finally, it came down to just Shin and Kaito, and one other player - a tall, muscular man with fierce looking eyes.

The three of them circled each other, each waiting for the other to make a move.

Shin could feel the tension in the air, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew that this was it - the final showdown.

Without warning, the muscular man charged at them, his fists clenched. Kaito sprang into action, using his Mist Movement to dodge the attack and strike the man from behind. Shin followed suit, using his Elemental God to blast the man with a barrage of energy.

The man stumbled back, but quickly regained his footing. He let out a roar, his muscles bulging with rage.

Shin and Kaito exchanged a look, both knowing that they had to work together if they wanted to win. They charged at the man from opposite sides, using their abilities to overwhelm him.

It was a fierce battle, with each of them trading blows and using every trick in their arsenal to gain the upper hand. But in the end

"I Think its enough" Shin said while looking down towards his feet.

"Elemental God-Form Fire-1st technique-Crimson Flame" as Shin said this his eyes become full of fire and glow orange now .He shouted and place his both hand across his waist and suddenly a very red flame generated in form of ball.

Shin aimed the ball at the man and shot it.As the crimson fire moved towards opponent it destroyed everything in its path. Even the arena's Floor was cracked .

As the flame hit the man there a very large explosion and half of the arena was gone. Everyone was amazed by what just happened.Somehow that man survived but

was unconsious and was given aid at first.

Manger looked at Shin with exicted look on his face.

"This will be fun" Manager smirked.