
Tensura: VelZoid

Fallenknight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 [I am Scáthach, The Queen Of Land Of Shadows]

"I Am Scáthach, The Queen Of Land Of Shadows" Said Scáthach to VelZoid while examining him (hmm what is this divine beast the Aura itself is making my senses a little vigilant). While she was examining him, he was also scanning her while being surprised (huh! Looks like My Guess was correct, although I thought I might be wrong as she might be another person with some similarities. But still it's surprising to know that she is Scáthach) "My name Is VelZoid, The Void Dragon One of the only two true dragon" said VelZoid to her while using Dragon Spirit Haki and Releasing All the Magicules he was holding back. Her eyes went wide facing such a pressure as he was comparable to some mid tier gods she killed, and the mana he had was extremely high even higher than normal mid tier god and reaching the high tier gods. "Nice to meet you VelZoid, for your other question I was trapped in a place called land of shadows where dead people used come and I was given the duty to guard it but overtime my loneliness started growing and a desire to die was birthed And when I noticed this desire I thought about breaking through this place to get rid of it but while doing so I got caught up in a Space Strom, I luckily survived it and came to this world." when she was replying him, a sound was heard –{Individual Scáthach has been detected, and has evolved from a Saint Of Darkness to Immortal Apostle Of Death , Racial Skill —Superhuman Strength— has been given, Racial Skill —Thought Acceleration— has been given, Racial Skill —Immortal has been given, Racial Skill —Prefect Memory—has been given, —Clairvoyance— has been given, The Blessing Of Death, Shadow, Cause and Effect,has been given, Extra Skill —Gate Of Skye— has been given, Unique Skill —GodSlayer— has been given, —Universal Perception— has been given, —Physical Attack Immunity— has been given, —Spiritual Attack Resistance— has been given, —Death Element Immunity— has been given,—Death Manipulation— has been given,—Shadow Manipulation— has been given, Unique Skill —Warrior— Has Been Given, Unique Skill —Weapon Master— has been Given, Unique Skill —Rune Master— has been given, Unique Skills —Warrior— —Weapon Master— —Rune Master— And Extra skill —Death Manipulation— Have been fused into Ultimate Skill —Azarel, Angel Of Death— }–

While the announcement was being told Scáthach was covered with an egg that was attracting large amount of death and shadow elements and magicules. After 1 whole day a *crack* sound was heard and cracks started appearing on the surface of the egg and a hand came out and slowly a whole person came out of it and the shell made of magicules and death and shodow elements merged into her body.

"Looks like you have evolved into an Immortal or what you would called a God in your world I suppose" said VelZoid to Scáthach. "But how and why did I get evolve?" asked Scáthach. "Well I think that you were on edge of becoming a goddess but you lacked something, and when you got stuck in the space storm, it triggered something that was missing and when you came here the 'World Systemʼ saw you had all conditions already met, so it helped you in your breakthrough" replied VelZoid. "thank you world system you have my gratitude" said Scáthach. "Well what are gonna do that? Now that your free and also have enough strength, Do you wanna come with me I am going around the world to see what has changed" He said and invited Scáthach. "Well Although I don't know you, but given the fact that you didn't attack me when I was vulnerable while evolving i will follow you, I wanna warn do anything weird and I am gonna leave you or kill you" She replied with wary and cold eyes.


Pov. Scáthach

(huh!? what are those voices that I am hearing, show yourself!!! if you have any pride than fight me hea–....d-on 😔 why am I feeling sleepy all of a sudden??) *falls asleep* while she was sleeping an egg formed around made of death and shadow elements and mana. While she was evolving it also attracted many beasts as the elements that are gathered here means something rare was being formed and if they were able to consume it, that would be very beneficial for them unlike humans that have weak body and are able to get mana poisoning easily, monsters need the mana to be very pure to get poisoned and as monsters emit mana if they eat mana rich substances they are able to increase strength easily or in some times evolve but they have a downside as they are not intelligent in early stages they get easily killed by either humans (by forming groups and strategies) or other beasts. The only reason none of were able get close to her was because of VelZoid as a True Dragon and The mana and Aura he was emmiting was making them afraid specialy the beasts with dragon bloodline. <after one day> Cracks started appearing on the surface of the egg and slowly a beautiful silhouette was visible slowly an hourglass figure with long purple hair and blood red eyes with a temperament of a monarch as if she was a born to rule over others, after the evolution was over her mind was trying to understand the situation campy (Hmm, What happened and what was that voice and it looks like I have the information of many abilities of my self) when she was thinking of this a voice interrupted her, "Looks like u evolved from an Immortal or What you called God in your world I suppose" Said The Dragon. "But How and Why Did I get evolved?" asked the Lancer. "Well I think that you were on edge of becoming an Immortal but you lacked something, and when you got stuck in the space storm, it triggered something that was missing and when you came here the 'World Systemʼ saw you had all conditions already met, so it helped you in your breakthrough" he replied. (so that's what happened altough I don't know if everything he said is true or not it's an reasonable explanation) "thank you world system you have my gratitude" thanked the Lancer. "Well what are gonna do that? Now that your free and also have enough strength, Do you wanna come with me I am going around the world to see what has changed" he said and invited her. (should I go with him or not well since he didn't try to anything during my evolution and now I also have the strength to fight him on equal ground I see no reason to fear him) "Well Although I don't know you, but given the fact that you didn't attack me when I was vulnerable while evolving i will follow you, I wanna warn do anything weird and I am gonna leave you or kill you" she replied while calculating his character with cold eyes.

And thus the journey of Void Dragon and The Queen Of Land Of Shadows or Later Know as Queen Of Calamity started.

(Now the reason Scáthach does not have a wish to die is because she is only 2000 years old and has not met cu chulainn so she also has no love drama, and she is also calculative person described in the original series so no Chinese novel type where two people meet and became instantly friends and she became immortal after arriving in Tensura was because was since she is younger she has not killed enough gods for becoming immortal and the last step was missing and world system is like kinda cheat I mean rimuru became demon lord in 2 years mainly because world system granted him all skills instead of him training, and as Scáthach had all conditions met so it was reasonable for her to evolve unlike rimuru who had all skills given like Chinese cabbage. And Now u might ask why Mc is not granted skills then is because when u urself acquire those skills u have better understanding of them and when u wanna became a strong person it requires u to know urself, like a —swordmaster— skill might give a person sword skills but if he wants to became a sword God level person he is gonna stagnate as he has never tried to explore by himself swordsmanship and will fall in despair because of not having setbacks, and give up. So rimuru will never become strong person as if let's say veldanava who created world system which gave him skills can easily take them back, where as if you acquire them he does not need system and will never lose them.)