
Tensura: Reincarnated As A Larva

In the heart of a dark and unforgiving city, a young woman finds herself abandoned and alone in a cruel world. Haunted by the dreams of heroes from the stories she loves, she longs for someone to notice her, to save her from the shadows that threaten to consume her soul. But fate has other plans... As her consciousness began to wane, a mysterious voice pierced through the darkness, capturing her attention. Despite the dire circumstances, she couldn't help but find the strange voice oddly amusing, its familiarity reminiscent of the countless novels and anime she had immersed herself in... [NOTICE! Processing requirements...] ___________________________________ Note: This is a straight ship. Other Tags: #NO HAREM #NO YURI #OVERPOWERED #FEMALE LEAD #ISEKAI #R-18 #SMUT #DASH OF DEPRAVITY #ISEKAI #Slice of Life #NON-HUMAN MC PPS. English is my third language, so be lenient and give constructive criticisms so I can edit any errors. However, it should be readable... I give ALL credit to the referenced pics since it is the art that inspired me to continue the story, and I can't draw for the life of me. If you own the pictures and art referenced, please notify me if it bothers you, and I shall take it down. Thank you!

JuicyGrape · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

The Cycle... {Side Story Part 2} {Short}

Note: Kinda dramatic? Idk how to write drama, so this is my attempt at one...


||Short Recap||


||2 Weeks Later...||


For the past two weeks, my sisters and I have been working hard on our physical and mental development. We have been consuming the "jelly" that was left behind for us to feed on.

This nutritious substance has allowed us to grow and mature at an incredible rate. From our early stages as vulnerable larvae, we have undergone a complete metamorphosis and emerged as fully formed adults. Our transformation has been nothing short of remarkable.

My sisters and I crawled out of our eggs in all our glory...


*Skriee!* *Skree!* *Shriek!* *Schree!*

"Greatings, Sisters!" [x4]


Then, we stood there quietly, looking around..., for something... -someone?


'Mother isn't here...' they thought at the same time.

"..." [4x]


"Hmm... It seems rather inconvenient to stand in awkward silence and idleness no less. Why don't we introduce ourselves to each other first~," a large "ant" said, breaking the silence.

With the assent of her sisters, the large {Ant} stepped forward to begin the introductions. She spoke clearly and confidently, stating her name with pride.


"My {Name} is Guerra! [Queen of Ants]!" I announced proudly to my fellow sisters.

The others gave their nods of approval as they too announced their names...

"Likewise, My {Name} is Shouri... [Queen of Termites]!"

"Mn, {Name} is Muerte... [Queen of Wasps]!"

Then, as we were about to move on, a loud buzzing voice interrupted us...

"Hi everyone! Nice to meet you hehe~ as you can see I am a bee, can you BEElieve it?! eh? eh? ey!~ wink wink nudge nud-"

The sisters let out a collective sigh.

*SIGHS~* [3x]

"... just get on with it..." [3x]

"Ah-... Hmph... my {Name} is Uria... [Queen of Bees]..."


[??? POV]


That... was the first time we introduced ourselves to each other...

My sisters and I waited in that cave; a nest, a small haven built for us by our Mother...

We waited... and waited... and waited... hoping that "she" would come back...

...But she never did...


A gentle wind blew over the valley, the leaves of trees creating a soft rustling sound... The clouds moved gracefully across the vast expanse of blue as if it had had a life of its own, its colors and shape ever-changing...

The valley is a place of constant change, where time moves forward, and the land undergoes subtle transformations with each passing day. A "person" was standing at the edge of the valley, waiting patiently for something or someone to come "home".

She stood tall and imposing, exuding an aura of confidence and authority, but looking closely there was also -longing...?

If one were to observe closely other than standing upright and bipedal, she was not such a being to be mistaken as "Human"... her skin was a reddish-brown hue, she had 2 pairs of slender arms, and behind her was a red abdomen; It was Guerra...

[Img here]

Their eyes scanned the horizon as if hoping that "she" would pop up out of nowhere...

*chiff~* *chiff~*

The sound of grass being stepped on sounded rhythmically as it came closer and closer to the Guerra...

Then, it stopped...


"Sister... It seems you are here again..." the woman said.

Oddly enough, she looked human, adorned in a black and yellow striped dress that heavily accentuated her beautiful features... that is, if you ignore the sharp claws and wings that draped behind her, exuding a lethal aura.

[Img here]


The woman in the yellow and black dress spoke with a hint of weariness in her voice. "... Do you not get tired of this..., Guerra?" she asked.

Guerra, who seemed to be lost in thought, replied slowly, "Of what...?"

"... of waiting...," the woman responded. "...It's been thousands of years alrea-."

Guerra's expression changed, and her eyes narrowed as she glared at the woman; Muerte. "NO! NEVER!" she yelled, her fists clenching.

"She is the reason we are here!" Guerra continued, her voice rising in anger. "She gave us purpose! She gave us names! She is the reason we have what we do! How dare you!!!" Her eyes were red with fury as she faced Muerte.

"She!... is our... -Mother..." 


Suddenly, like a deflated balloon, Guerra's anger vanished, and in its place... tears...


*sniffle~* *sniffle~*

"I... -I have experienced much more... her sweet lullabies and soothing caress... and even saw her visage..." Guerra mumbled dazedly as she looked Muerta's way, reminiscing of the years that had long passed...

Muerta exhaled a deep sigh...


"... I too... want to see her..., but is there any use to having such anger? Such sadness? Such... frustrations? ...You and Shouri are just so... infatuated..." Muerte said.



AN: Sorry for the very short chapter had pre-med from 7am-5pm and had to do and go places, got home at 9 pm... So tired! But I wanted to dish out a chapter even if it was short... Okay, so this side story may become 3 or 4 parts...

Although I say side stories, it is still part of the main story so do read them lol, anyways good news, it's Sunday tomorrow so I have a day off uni, I'll make tomorrow's chapter longer and maybe even finalize the story in part 3...

Love ya'll! <3< p>

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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