
Orc Disastor

Next day morning I went to hakoru to assign him to train our goblin riders and asked him to took gobta a special care as he seems to have most potential I feel.

He is currently training with me.Well I am using unique skills analytical sage to understand his sword art and now I could play with him as I could optimize the movements with precision and probabilistic calculation kind of like future sight to pary his sword strike evenly. Well I set thought acceleration to 1000 to match his heavenly eye skill.But I could go upto 10000x if I needed since my analytical skills evolved, but my body won't move accordingly, since it has no proper training.

After 2 hrs I could easily overpower Hakorou in pure sword performance. He seemed happy about it and some of the citizens witnessing our sword play also congratuled me.

Well now I am back in the cave and produced a nullity barrier around and operated unique skills soul forge harmony on myself while using swordplay at maximum thought acceleration and within minutes my body seem to adapt to it using body evolution subskill.

Great sage copied parallel processing of predator and increased thought acceleration of analytical sage also to develop herself.

Now she also has more processing than her novel counterpart. What a skill it is!.

Shizue is also having thought acceleration with me seeing the world in slow motion but she need a skill to actually manifest outside parallel existence which she doesn't.She says she is taking notes.

Well I am back again. I assigned shion to form her own corps in the army. She insisted on being secratary. But I am not buying it.

She also made me food, I have pain and poison nullification so I tried to be courageous and act like I don't know her cooking capacity and invited benimaru also in her presence and she seemed very enthusiastic with every ogre having some dreaded expression especially benimaru who looked at me like seeing a ghost.

Well I gained resistance to bad taste while he fell unconscious and later found to obtain poison resistance.

Well I gave it to unsuspecting gobta also.He also seem to acquire poison resistance.

So I ordered without shion hearing to my goblin subordinates that I found shions cooking granted poison resistance to 2 people when they tried and if some brave souls need this skill and don't mind the physical afteraffects to go forth.

On this day, many brave soldiers fell.

But most of them obtained poison resistance somehow.

Shauna found out my doing, and I just gave her a naughty look by winking my eyes and putting my finger on mouth to indicate no talking.

Shion later went to recruit some people to fight and form a team.

I gave benimaru the commanding ability over all forces due to his sacrifice and also since he has some kind of leader skill present to efficiently deploy in times of war.

Kurobee obtained a unique skills to create high quality swords so I introduced him to kaijin and friends who plan to stay here.

Ogres helped the construction team and now we have Japanese oriented housings everywhere and other facilities were easily progressing in just 3 days.

Gelmund might have noticed the anomaly but as per great sage the movement didn't halt and start to target the orcs themselves and lizardmen and goblins they encountered considering souei report.

Now rigurdo informed me the lizardmen has arrived at our entrance.Me,Benimaru, Shion Shauna and gobta and Ranga went to see the commotion.

Lizardmen arrived riding on top of some lizard type monster and did a sliding break on dirt causing small dust to form, followed by chieftains son during a full 360 turn mid air and landing infront of the entrance infront of us and the followers were enthusiastic in showering praises to the supposedly world's strongest warrior.

He then expressed that orc army is swarming the forest and only by being his subordinates can small goblins could obtain salvation.

But then he observed as as none of us appeared weak for example bunch of oni's, ogres, Hobgoblins and aren't weak. Only one he felt weak was myself. Since I appear human.

He then proceed to call direwolves and then challenge me, gobta kicked him on his head on back using shadow motion and mimicking the kick I used on him when he was curious about my breast size. Wow genius.

The meeting started with souei presenting info that 200,000 orcs are present matching what I saw and the ogre village was attacked by only 10000 orcs which was only a single division. I put my hypothesis that since someone is providing battle equipments it must be demonlords have some plan in this.

Souei confirmed absence of corpse in their way and Shauna also supported the claim of being under starved skill.kaijin observed that someone is orcastraiting the orc movement.

Then dryad came confirmed our suspicion and asked me to suppress him because treants and dryads would be in their path sooner or later.

Well I accepted prepare a battle plan to have the battle at lizardmen territory and for that I called souei to act as a messenger for alliance. I also reminded him that gabil guy may do something stupid in these critical times so want the chieftain.

Well coup attack formed battle field went to marshes. We met with chieftains daughter earlier and killed the orcs and saved the lizardmen tribe.

I planned to use the same look otherwise how would milim react?yukki react.it will form chaos.

Now we are at the battle field and Ranga and gobta just saved the lizard men.

Addition to the 100 goblin riders and oni 50ogres also participating.

They were literally massacring the orc army and now only 100000 left. Gelmund came, got attacked by Oni.

Orc lord surprise killed him later and I didn't forgot to look directly at the recording eyes of his even till death. Orc lord evolved to demon lord orc disastor since gelmud guy was able to get him some other monster meat from somewhere inspite, loosing Ogre people.

Our oni attempted only to fail to kill him.

His regenerative capacity and power astounded the attackers. I saw it as time for me to participate.

This time I walked straight towards him. His corruption aura did nothing to my nullify barrier. At a distance of 10 metres I just activated thought acceleration to maximum and went to him cutting his limbs off each coated with black flame entirely controlled by myself. He couldn't follow my movement s and I waited for him to heal himself only for me to finally I cleave him into many parts.This took in less than 10 seconds so.

I just invoked Gluttony.The orc lord is no more. I declared. Treyni appeared and convened a meeting I accepted the orcs without punishments but with valueable workforce for ourselves accepted food from lizardmen and treants. I proposed my dream of species harmonious existence and got approval from them.

I was recognised as chancellor of jura forest alliance.

Great sage comeup with a way to reuse the magicules from oversaturated orcs to name themselves.And it took some days to finish naming all orcs.

I plan to act as king for now but will change decision after Tempest affairs are stabilized.