
Tensura: Alter/DEEP-RED

Hello! Readers! Explorers of the realms! I share you my story of baginning of reincarnating weirdly, wish granting, to being one of the most powerful beings of my new world!

Nakamura_Shun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Submission and the blossoming of the village

Akari was proactive in the fight and was the one attacking.

As the fight dragged, the experience Akari had while fighting and using a dire wolve body was increasing.

She, little by little was increasing the number of attacks and was defending or dodging correctly using the increased reaction time she had provided by Artellea.

The DWB swiped his claw at Akari dodged by the width of hair.

Akari took the opportunity and bit the DWB in the back while he was still mid-air.

Akari used the subskill; "pierce" that was specified in piercing attacks on her fangs.

Her teeth dug into the flesh of the dire wolve.

Akari immediately dislodged because she wasn't sure if the DWB could still counterattack in that position.

The DWB was now riddled with wounds.

His blood was dripping freely.

But he was grinning still the pain.

"What a strong opponent! I am glad to fight you!" He spoke. Akari was silent for a few seconds before speaking back. "Likewise. Now, let us finish our battle."

The DWB raced at Akari with adrenaline spiking his body with energy.

Akari did that same and ran towards the DWB

The two raised their fangs at each other.

They clash with all kinds of attacks and tricks.

Akari had physical might working for her.

While the DWB had experience as his best friend.

It was a contest of physical might and experience.

A b*tch fight.

They slashed at each other.

Clawed, bit, kicked.

They used their all in this fight.

They let go of the biting lock and jumped apart from each other.

The two looked at each other for on final moment and prepared their skills for the last clash.

"Artellea, help me with skill selection."

A millisecond later, steel like plates formed and covered over some major parts Akari's body. "Body armour"

Her claws and fangs glowed in a violet-red hue as they were empowered with "Pierce and Cleave".

The dire wolf also prepared himself. His fur thickened and turned like steel. "Tough hide."

His fangs and claws also glowed in a strange and black hue. "Dire Fangs. Dire Claws."

"Let's see who gets defeated first, your claws, or my fangs."

The two stood still for a second before launching themselves at each other.

Akari had her snout wide open, same was with the DWB.

The two bit at each other as their fangs digged into each other's neck. Body armour cracked while tough hide was shred.

The two strained themselves to the limit of their physical strength and teared at each other. Body armour cracked further, and tough hide was thinned further.

After a gruelling few seconds that felt like eternity, Akari won the fight of endurance and bit into the DWB's neck.

The DWB winced at the pain as adrenaline faded. Akari took this momentary weakness and slammed the DWB on the ground with her fangs still on his neck.

Akari growled and spoke through thought communication. "Submit or die!"

The DWB's body slumped as he gave up any more resistance against Akari.

"I-I submit. I swear to serve under you."

Akari let go of the DWB's neck and threw a potion at him.

The DWB's wounds instantly healed as he grovelled after he got rid of his wounds.

The rest of the pack followed his example grovelled as their leader did.

The dire wolves follow the strong.

It was their custom that whosoever beats the alpha of the pack, becomes the new alpha.

Adding this information that Akari asked from Artellea, she chose to lead the dire wolves instead of wiping out.

"I accept your allegiance. From now on you shall be under me, Akari tempest."

The rest of the night was spent healing all of the injured from both sides.

As the sun rose the next morning, Akari and Rimuru had gathered all of the goblins and dire wolves.

And as everyone had quieted down, Akari had the dire-wolves and goblins to be together in pairs.

Akari sorted out the groups by separating the strongest dire wolves in her standards and the normal ones.

The normal ones would pair with the goblins and if there is a goblin that had not a wolf pair, Akari would give one from her group.

"Yoshi! Yesterday's enemy is today's friend!" Rimuru spoke.

"You're all to work together, help each other, and be friends with each other! Got it?" Akari spoke.

"Yes Sir/Ma'am!" the groups energetically answered.

As all of the goblins had wolf pairs, Akari and Rimuru gathered all of them together again and told them the necessities.

"So, um… The three priorities we should focus on is, food, shelter, and clothing." Akari spoke.

"Me and Akari are going to separate you into groups according to the priorities we should focus on." Rimuru continued.

"A team to hunt food for the whole village, a team that would build the housing of residents, and a team that would fortify the village's defences." Akari said.

Rimuru looked at the crowd to pick with who will be entering the hunting team and saw the son of the elder goblin.

"Uh, Akari? What's his name again?" Rimuru asked Akari.

Akari, again, looked at Rimuru like he was some donkey eating the bark of a tree.

"Seriously, Rimuru? You didn't even ask your skill about names? You have a literal cheat device in your brain and you're not using it actively." Akari spoke as imaginary arrows pierce at Rimuru.

Great sage entered the conversation and spoke.

<< Ms. Akari is correct. >>

The final blow dealt severe emotional damage to Rimuru as he slumped down.

Akari regretted her words as she explained the situation to Rimuru.

"A-anyways, monsters don't usually have names by default. Also, when monster is named, they receive a power up in the form of evolution. Or they simply just get strengthened and don't recieve evolution if they are... I don't know?"

"Ahhhhh… Ok…! Let's name all of them!" Rimuru was now back to his previous state and announced.

The elder goblin entered into the conversation asked.

"Is it really ok to name all of us, Rimuru-sama?"

"S-sure?" Rimuru answered.

The goblins and dire wolves cheered in joy of receiving a name.

The goblins and dire wolves waited in separate lines.

The first to be named was the elder goblin.

Rimuru looked at the elder goblin and couldn't decide a name quickly, so he asked him.

"Hey, what was your son's name again?"

"His name was "Rigur" Rimuru-sama."

"Okay, your name will be Rigurd!" Rimuru spoke.

Rigurd shone in golden light as he cried while stepping aside for others to get named. "Thank you, Rimuru-sama!"

The next in line was Rigurd's son.

Akari was the one to name him.

"You shall inherit your older brother's name; Rigur."

Rigur glowed in golden light, and he stepped aside since he received his name.

Rimuru and Akari began to name the goblins and change roles of every goblin name in turn.

As Rimuru and Akari finished with naming the goblins, the dire wolves were the next to get named.

Akari will name the wolves that she had picked from earlier while Rimuru will name the ones that have goblins as pairs.

Rimuru thought about what he wanted to name the son of the dire wolves' former boss.

'How about I give him our family name? Uh, tempest… fang… no, no. Ugh… Ah! Storm fang… Ranga!'

"You will be- Ranga!" Rimuru shouted as he immediately drooped into a gloop.

"Wha-… What? My vision is getting dimmed…"

<< Alert! Magicule levels have dropped to dangerous levels. Forcefully shutting down use of "magic sense" and converting to (battery saving mode) sleep mode. >>

"Rimuru!!!" Akari knew what had happened, and that great sage had saved Rimuru, and he would soon walk up 3 days later after she inquired from Artellea.

Again, this time, equipped with knowledge that naming ceremonies take magicules, Akari restocked her magicules by recycling the magicules from some of the hipokute herb potions.

As the magicules disappeared from the potions, they lost effectivity so Akari dumped them in a hole somewhere safe and took Rimuru to the centre of the village where he would be safe.

Akari postponed the time where she would name the dire wolves, she had picked to be under her.

Akari had to manage and group the goblins and wolves that would take care of the housing, food, and clothing problems.

After the hustle, Akari decided to then name the wolves now that she was free for today.

The ceremony took place in the centre of the village when the sun was setting in the distance.

After Akari's magicules had restocked to full, she named the dire wolves she had handpicked, and that included the former Dire wolves' boss.

He was the first in line to be named.

As the former leader of the dire wolves, all the wolves had come to attend the ceremony in respect.

Some of the goblins had also come to find out what Akari would name the other wolves.

Akari had transformed back into her wolve form to look cool and found that it had evolved.

It was now called "Stellar flare wolf".

Her fur had now bigger streaks of bright and soft red and had additional streaks of orange with the base colour as white.

Akari just sat like how wolves would in a calm manner at the height of 5'9.

The wind was wafting over and fluttered her fur giving a majestic look to her.

"I look so cool!!!!" Akari shouted in her mind as she changed perspective so that she could see herself better.

After the little happy celebration inside Akari's mind, she faked a cough and shifted her attention.

She looked at the scar across his eye, or more precisely, the iris hidden by the scar.

It was burning with new conviction and commitment.

Even though its eyesight quality had gone down, it's quality to express emotion had not gone anywhere.

Together with black fur contrasting the golden eyes, Akari had thought of a fitting name.

"Truly, the eyes are the window to the soul." Akari spoke.

Her words emanated in the minds of those who were present and would forever remain in their minds for the rest of their lives.

"Your name shall be after what your eyes show. The fire that light's up the darkness; "Yuro", which means night."

Just as Akari finished naming Yuro, the sun that was behind Akari went down, and darkness started to take over.

The event and the timing of the naming was completely random, and it made Akari look extra cool in the village's opinion.

'Whoa! Yuro took about 13% of my magicule reserves!' Akari thought.

After Yuro was named, Akari had begun to name the other wolves she had picked.

"Hm…" Akari looked at the wolf in front of her and decided a name. "Kuro."

The wolf glowed in a golden hue and happily skipped over to let others take his former spot and be named.

But Aakri wasn't so happy because she had to make other names, because of the effort it took for her to even think of one good name.

"Ah!" Akari had an idea that entered her mind. 'How about I request help from Artellea?'

And so, with Artellea's help with the naming of the wolves went down much, more, easier for Akari.

After the naming ceremony, Akari transformed back to a slime by cancelling her "Imitate" sub-skill.

The day had past and the next day; all the dire wolves had evolved.

The majority had evolved into storm wolves, while the ones that Akari picked had evolved into flare wolves.

After checking the event, Akari had to properly assign and distribute members in between the teams of the village.

Akari had to first work on the food supply team, because the numbers of mouths to feed increased by a large margin, over double the amount.

Akari had interviewed the goblins and applied their talents on where they could help the most.

The food supply team was split into two branches groups.

One was for the supply of meat, and the second was for the fruits.

Balance in food variety wood keep the residents of the village healthy and fit.

Akari also had to deal with the morale of the residents of the village and patch all the hatred between the 2 monster groups.

Akari had finished assigning those with the correct talents to the correct team in the food supply department by the time the sun was down.

The next morning, Akari had to organize the guards and watchers of the village.

Akari made the goblins build platforms in tall trees in different points of the village.

After the platforms were done, Akari had to assign watchers who had very good eyesight or skills that allowed them to have to the platforms to look out for monsters or any other signs of danger.

Akari also had to set up a chain of command where the watchers would report to, and who the ones reported would send the message so on and so forth.

After the watchers were organized and memorized their part, Akari moved on to the village patrol.

The village squad are the ones responsible to spot out and patrol the area around the village in case the watchers didn't catch the sings, or the signs needed closer attention to detect.

Akari also had to sort out who was experienced in finding out things with close observations and the ones with experience in the field together with their partner wolves to increase the efficiency of the work.

And thus, the village patrol was established by 2 branches: the watchers and the armed squad.

Right after Akari had finished with establishing the village's defence and watchers, she heard that Rimuru had woken up.



For the reason why Akari didn't just use her unique skill to absolutely destroy past Yuro; Because she wanted to restrain the skill because her aim and control with it isn't that great yet.

She could have fired and hit someone with colateral damage due to the amount of destruction it would cause if the strike wouldn't be focused and controled and be shot in a hurry without the proper skills to perfectly hit her opponent.

Think about it. What would she think if she were to actually hit a random wolf and they all decide to; "Screw the duel! You hit someone from our side!" and then swarm her, the chances of her plan successing would absolutely hit rock bottom, she wouldn't take the risk over it.


Heyo, I'm back~!

Creation is hard, cheer me up and help me get motivated!

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